Examine the costs of turnover within a health services organization such as a hospital or a skilled nursing facility.

Examine the costs of turnover within a health services organization such as a hospital or a skilled nursing facility.

In 1-2 pages, using APA formatting, examine the costs of turnover within a health services organization such as a hospital or a skilled nursing facility. Be sure to examine financial costs as well as costs to quality, morale, etc. How can a manager reduce these costs?


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ocate and read three scholarly research articles on the role of leadership in managing quality and safety initiatives in healthcare in Saudi Arabia.

Personal Leadership Style 

locate and read three scholarly research articles on the role of leadership in managing quality and safety initiatives in healthcare in Saudi Arabia. Select articles that demonstrate three different styles of leadership (e.g., servant, transformational, transactional).
Based on your readings, prepare a power point presentation summarizing the three leadership styles you researched, and their pros and cons as they relate to quality and safety initiatives. Then share which style of leadership more closely aligns with your current leadership style. Then explain the impact leadership styles have on Saudi healthcare quality improvement initiatives.
Your power point should meet the following requirements:

  • · Be 6 slides, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • . Be organized, using professional themes and transitions
  • · Be formatted per APA writing style for PPT
  • . Provide in each slide detailed speakers notes—a minimum of 100 words in length. Notes must draw from, and cite, relevant reference materials
  • · Provide full APA citations for articles selected along with associated in-text citations.
  • · Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.
  • . Add cited and colored images .When reviewing the Healthy People 2020 objectives for Access to Health Services, all of their objectives are legitimate and important.  All of the topics are problems in our healthcare system, however, I feel that increasing the persons with a usual care provider and increase the number of practicing care providers is the most important (Healthy People, 2018).  I do not know if this is just a problem in California, or if it is nationwide, but patients in my area have an extremely difficult time finding a primary care provider, whether it is a Physician, Physicians Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.  There is such a shortage in my area, that patients have to wait months to get established with a provider.  Then when they are ill or have an acute problem their provider is unable to see them within a few days because there is no appointments for weeks.  Most end up going to a prompt care type setting or to the emergency department.  I believe that if we can increase the number of practicing care providers patients will then be able to have a usual care provider that can see them in a timely manner for more acute problems and to adequately manage the patients chronic illness, leading to fewer emergency department visits and hospitalizations.
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Nursing Shortage


Running head: NURSING SHORTAGE 1


Nursing Shortage

Monica Castelao

Grand Canyon University

Nursing Shortage

Demand for improved healthcare services has increased tremendously over the years thereby creating a shortage for nurses to take care of the patients. The primary obstacle facing healthcare industry is constant changes in demography which has in turn pushed for an expansion of the working force and the period required to train new nurses (Bucha, Duffield & Jordan, 2015). Shortage of nurses has also brought up challenging values to the industry making most of the practitioners to ask themselves if they can take care of their patients when they are not enough in number. Perhaps, the primary reason for nurse’s shortage is the inability of schools enrolment of new students because of lack of nursing school faculties (Nardi, & Gyurko, 2013).


In intensive care units (ICUs) most nurses are exposed to a lot of stress. According to Rosseter (2012) primary reason for nurse’s turnover in intensive care units is their inability to counter stress associated with working in the department. On top of that, the long hours and the amount of stress also reduce nurse’s cognitive skills. World Health Organization, for instance, has given several detailed reports regarding nurse shortages in ICUs of several countries around the globe (Stoddart & Evans, 2017). The report goes further to show that staff levels and the working conditions have been the primary reasons for nursing shortages in ICUs.


Intensive care unit department requires nurses to work for long hours; it is noisy and hectic since it bombards people with all different kinds of stimuli. Nursing in ICU is described as demanding since most of the activities is high risk since patients are often very sick and fighting for their lives (Urden, Stacy, & Lough, 2017). Advancement in technology has escalated the problem because it expects nurses to work very fast to help the ill by using hugely complex machines. This working setup has made most nurses dissatisfied and stressed thus making some resign or discourage other potential future nurses.


Nurses working in ICUs work for very long hours and in stressful conditions which can make them easily suffer from injuries or fatigue. In such scenarios, they are prone to making mistakes which can quickly lead to a patient in critical condition losing their lives or reduce the quality of medical care. In other words, a single error in an ICU can cause alarmingly increase mortality rates in a country that has shortages of nurses in that crucial department (Sawatzky, Enns & Legare, 2015). It is imperative also to note that these uncertain working environments in ICUs promote individualism while at the same time reduce any chances of solidarity and formations of working groups. Nurses may, therefore, feel incompetent in their work making them disengage from what they are supposed to do.


Nurses are vital in every health organization especially when providing quality health care and educating patients about their health. Nurses mostly spend a lot of time with patients during their healing process hence creating some personal relationships along the way. When considering mood and attitude required during the healing process, nurses become even more important since they are trained to persevere and take good care of the ailing patients (Oulton, 2010). Their shortage is, therefore, a global concern that should be addressed in every health organization.


Solving nurse shortages in ICUs requires innovative and long-term remedies that can solve the problem once and for all. One such solution is increased wages for nurses to compensate them for working long and stressful hours (Bryant, 2017). Another solution is to improve nursing images by encouraging the already available nurses to freely communicate with the press about the benefits of nursing to a society. A good image can help in promoting the profession by encouraging others to join the industry.


Bryant, C. R. (2017). From the Top Down: Assisting Critical Care Nurses in Coping with Job Stresses.

Buchan, J., Duffield, C., & Jordan, A. (2015). ‘Solving’nursing shortages: do we need a New Agenda?. Journal of nursing management23(5), 543-545.

Nardi, D. A., & Gyurko, C. C. (2013). The global nursing faculty shortage: Status and solutions for change. Journal of Nursing Scholarship45(3), 317-326.

Oulton, J. A. (2010). The global nursing shortage: an overview of issues and actions. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice7(3_suppl), 34S-39S.

Rosseter, R. (2012). Nursing shortage. American Association for the Colleges of Nursing. Found.

Sawatzky, J. A. V., Enns, C. L., & Legare, C. (2015). Identifying the key predictors for retention in critical care nurses. Journal of advanced nursing71(10), 2315-2325.

Stoddart, G. L., & Evans, R. G. (2017). Producing health, consuming health care. In Why are some people healthy and others not? (pp. 27-64). Routledge.

Urden, L. D., Stacy, K. M., & Lough, M. E. (2017). Critical Care Nursing-E-Book: Diagnosis and Management. Elsevier Health Sciences.


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Review the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources on systems theory and the difference between open and closed systems.

For this week’s Discussion, you identify an issue or process that could be improved and apply knowledge and strategies related to systems theory.
Note: You may find it helpful to view the Assignment instructions and use the same problem for this Discussion.
To prepare:
· Review the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources on systems theory and the difference between open and closed systems.
· Reflect on the practices and processes with which you are familiar in your organization. Identify one problematic issue or process that could be improved.
· Consider the problem from a closed-system perspective. Then think about how the issue or process you selected could be addressed by viewing it from an open-system perspective. How would the transition from a closed- to an open-system view help you and others to address the problem and improve outcomes?

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Consider how a clinical decision support system provides evidence-based content to its users. Evidence-Based Practice

Consider how a clinical decision support system provides evidence-based content to its users.
Evidence-Based Practice

On occasion, some processes have crept into nursing and medical practice without appropriate evidence to back up their use. For example, consider tetanus shots. In the past, tetanus shots were given to patients who stepped on a rusty nail. It was assumed—at the time—that if the nail was rusty, it must have had some contact with the barnyard soil outside, which meant that it would be contaminated with bacteria. For a while this thinking made sense. As time went on, however, tetanus shots continued to be given to patients who cut themselves on rusty objects, regardless of where the rusty object had come from. And, of course, fewer and fewer people lived within close proximity to barnyards and associated contamination.

As this week’s examples highlight, not all practices that nurses engage in are tied to evidence. For this reason, clinical decision support (CDS) systems have been created. CDS systems support the decision-making tasks of nursing professionals. As the nurse inputs patient information into the CDS system, evidence-based content is provided back to the nurse. The nurse can then combine this content with their own nursing knowledge to diagnose and treat the patient. One of the most useful characteristics of CDS systems is that they are available during the point of care. No longer do nursing professionals have to consult thick research books; a great deal of information can be accessed with a few strategic clicks!.

In this Discussion, you continue to explore CDS systems. In addition, you investigate whether or not a health care practice with which you are familiar is grounded in evidence-based practice.

To prepare:

Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider how nurses can determine if they are using evidence-based practices in patient care.
Select one health care practice (e.g., using alcohol swabs before giving an injection) with which you are familiar. Conduct research to determine if this practice is grounded in research.
Consider how a clinical decision support system provides evidence-based content to its users.
What are the benefits and challenges of using CDS systems? How can this assist nurses in providing evidence-based care to their patients?




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Explain how this difference in two dimensions of communication (kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage, and emotional expression) marginalizes the population.

opic: Resurrection of Christ

  1. The bodily resurrection of Jesus is central to the sermons throughout Acts. Why is this so? Why is the physical resurrection of Jesus such a vital teaching? What is its significance? Use the Bible, Ger, and one additional scholarly source to research this and to present your position.
  2. The exaltation of Jesus to the right hand of the Father is a key element in Peter’s speeches in Acts 2 and 5. What is the significance of Jesus’ position at the Father’s right hand in relation to prophecy, authority, and His ongoing ministry?
  3. ASSIGNMENT 8: Communication (Final Project Part 5)
    Watch the videos on high and low context communication, kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage, and emotional expression. Think about some of the cultural differences in communication between the population you are researching in your paper and dominant culture. Explain how this difference in two dimensions of communication (kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage, and emotional expression) marginalizes the population. Provide at least two examples of how human services professionals can improve their communication with the population. Provide at least one peer-reviewed journal article to support or elaborate on your answers. Your 1-1.5 pages paper will be evaluated using standards below:
    My populatiion is (women in the workplace)
    I choose kinesics and high context communication
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Analyze the leadership team’s reaction to the failure, and indicate whether the leadership took sufficient measures to deal with various stakeholder groups impacted by the failure


Using the Internet or Strayer University databases, research health care organizations / providers that have recently had a significant information technology failure, and complete this assignment.


Write a seven to eight (7-8) page paper in which you:


1.    Determine the key factors contributing to the failure in question. Next, analyze how the failure impacted both the organization’s operations and patient information protection and privacy.


2.    Analyze the leadership team’s reaction to the failure, and indicate whether the leadership took sufficient measures to deal with various stakeholder groups impacted by the failure. Provide support for the rationale.

3.    Take a position on whether the health care provider that you identified should either develop a custom application or select a proprietary system. Provide support for the rationale.

4.    Recommend at least three (3) best practices that any organization could adopt in order to avoid such a failure in the future. Provide support for the recommendation.

5.    Suggest how health care leaders can use project metrics and portfolio management to ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness. Provide specific examples to support the response.

6.    Analyze a government intervention into health care businesses, meant to ensure that health care and patient information is secure and thus to minimize information breaches and technology failures. Argue for or against such intervention. Support the position.

7.    Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note:Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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What is the demographic make-up of your community?

Prompt: Lincoln, Ch. 3 & 4;
Ch. 3 Who lives here…works here…?

  • What is the demographic make-up of your community?
  • Is this a change from ten or twenty years ago?
  • Do you have an immigrant or refugee population?

Immigrants in your community

  • Who are the immigrants in your community?
  • What ways does it challenge you to care for this population?
  • What resources are available…for you…for your patients?
  • Has your organization provided you with continuing education programs about caring for diverse populations?

Ch. 4
List your first positive and negative thoughts after reading each one:

  • African American- college- male- dreadlocks
  • Asian- math- herbs- driving
  • White- pregnant- poverty- alone
  • Native American- overweight- casino- pride
  • Woman- executive- African American- new
  • Elderly- new hire- thrifty- organized

On the scale of 1-5…where are you on the river…?

  • In the clinical setting:       1   2   3   4   5
  • In the staff meeting:          1   2   3   4   5
  • At the supermarket:          1   2   3   4   5
  • At the family gathering:   1   2   3   4   5

Directions: Complete the Reflective Journal questions presented in your Lincoln (Weeks 1-6) and Dayer-Berenson (Weeks 6-8) text as defined in the course outline.  Post the responses to the questions in the D2L dropbox.

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Discuss the effect of the unionization of nurses.

Resume and Cover Letter:(15 pts)
Drafting a resume will assist the student to record and evaluate activities and achievements that promote one’s professional nursing abilities. Students are to compose a 1-2 page resume outlining basic biographical information, formal education, and work experiences(s). Additional subject areas include professional licensure and certifications; membership in professional organizations; honors or awards; publications/presentations; continuing education; and hobbies. Students are encouraged to review information from the course, other texts, and Internet resources to assist them in compiling an effective resume that is professional in appearance and content.
This should include an overview of your career. Please identify the positions you have held, your responsibilities, and skills that you have developed. List your positions in reverse chronological order. The cover letter is one page; expresses the reason for your interest in the position, as well as highlighting your personal strengths and qualifications. It must be computer-generated, in formal letter format, and written in business language.(Appendix B – Grading Rubric Resume/Cover Letter)

  • High quality (e.g. formal business format, overall appearance) (4 pts.)
  • Use of business language (2 pts.)
  • Spelling/grammar/syntax (2 pts.)
  • Follows general resume or cover letter writing guidelines (3 pts.)
  • Resume includes appropriate categories; content of cover letter expresses interest, highlights personal strengths, and qualifications (4 pts.)

Personal strategic plan and career path/ vision for your future: (10 pts)

  • Identify your basic underlying core values and beliefs or principles
  • Determine your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
  • Map out your career goals – project your title, salary, and responsibilities along the following time line:
  • If I could be what I want according to the following timeline what would it be?

1 year from now
2-3 years
5 years
10 years
20 years
At retirement
Please feel free to contact me for information regarding the cover letter and resume, thank you.
NB: This is a discussion board. APA format

In response to this week’s reading assignments, please select 2 of the following questions to respond to. Please post your response and discuss with your peers.
1. Compare and contrast the role of mentor, preceptor, and role model. Discuss your experiences in serving in these roles and working with individuals in these roles. How have these experiences with these key personnel helped shape your nursing/health care career. If you were selected to serve as a preceptor for a student nurse/health care professional, what traits/characteristics would be important to possess and what strategies would you identify to succeed. How important are preceptorship/ mentor programs to new graduates.
2. In light of economic conditions and cost cutting measures occurring in the health care industry across the US, identify strategies for creating a motivating environment. Identify positive reinforcement techniques that may be used by a manager. Identify how nurse leaders can help others maintain job satisfaction given the current climate.
3. Identify components of effective communication, barriers to effective communication and nonverbal methods to improve communication. What patterns of communication do you most consistently use – passive, aggressive, assertive, passive-aggressive. Are your communication techniques effective, why or why not. In what ways if any, would you improve your communication techniques and how.
4. Discuss the effect of the unionization of nurses. Identify factors that will influence whether or not nurses join unions. Discuss the role of unions within the nursing profession. In your opinion, have unions helped or hurt the nursing profession and why. Would you join a union, why or why not? Do you have any personal experience with unions. How do organizations perceive nursing unions and are they supportive or resistant to unionization and why?
Have a great week!
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IntroductionThesis: (write your current thesis)Body ParagraphBody ParagraphBody Paragraph(you may add as many body paragraphs as you need, but three is the minimum).

IntroductionThesis: (write your current thesis)Body ParagraphBody ParagraphBody Paragraph(you may add as many body paragraphs as you need, but three is the minimum).



Usually, an annotated bibliography is done in alphabetical order, but in this activity we are going to combine an annotated bibliography with a paper outline. This activity will help you not only to decide on what sources you will use and what you will say about them, but it will also help you consider where your sources might be useful in your argument.On a Word or .rft file, create a basic outline that included the following sections:IntroductionThesis: (write your current thesis)Body ParagraphBody ParagraphBody Paragraph(you may add as many body paragraphs as you need, but three is the minimum).ConclusionFive sources are required. Two must be from peer reviewed journals.The parts are:Each annotated bibliography contains three parts.Citation (you may use whatever citation style is preferred in your field).Useful Quotesand an Evaluative Annotation. In your evaluative annotation also note why you placed the quote where you did.For example:Bartholomae, David. ”Inventing the University.” When a Writer Can’t Write: Studies in Writer’s Block and Other Composing Process Problems. Ed. Mike Rose. New York: Guilford, 1985. 134-165. Rpt. in Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva, Jr. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1997. 589-619.Quote #1: Every time a student sits down to write for us, he has to invent the university for the occasion–invent the university, that is, or a branch of it, like history or anthropology or economics or English. The student has to learn to speak our language, to speak as we do, to try on the peculiar ways of knowing, selecting, evaluating, reporting, concluding, and arguing that define the discourse of our community.”Quote #2: ”There is, to be sure, an important distinction to be made between learning history, say, and learning to write as a historian.”Evaluative Annotation:This source will be vital in my argument because it was the seminal article that recognized the need for students to understand that they are entering academic conversations in college-level writing. It establishes that college-level writers are learning the discourse patterns of their fields. This shift in theory, I will postulate, has still yet to trickle down to high school level pedagogy. This article provides the theoretical backing that supports my entire argument. I placed this quote in the introduction because it introduces a key idea that needs to be established before I get to my thesis.I have attached an example annotated bibliography of what my professor is looking for. Thank you!


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