Nursing Specialties Papers
As a nurse, you will provide direct care and support to patients in a variety of settings. Students studying to become nurses frequently work in a variety of departments and settings to gain hands-on experience in various medical specialties. Learning about the various nursing specialties available to you can help you decide which career path is best for you. This article discusses 20 nursing specialties, along with salaries and job duties for each.
What exactly are nursing specialties?
A nursing specialty is a branch of nursing that focuses on a specific patient group or health condition. Pediatrics and geriatrics are examples of nursing specialties in the patient group or population category, while diabetes and cancer are examples of specialties in the health condition category. Some nursing specialties also concentrate on a specific body part or system, such as the heart or digestive system. A nurse must typically work in a rotation to gain hands-on experience before deciding on a specialty. Nurses can pursue certification in specific nursing specialties after completing the required work hours. The following are some few nursing specialties in the nursing practice:
Neonatal Nursing Specialty
A neonatal nurse cares for newborn babies, particularly those born prematurely or with health complications. They may also help with the birthing process and educate parents on how to care for their newborns. Their primary responsibilities include performing diagnostic testing on infants, executing care plans, and monitoring vital signs.
Cardiac Nursing specialty
A cardiac nursing specialty involves providing care to patients who have heart problems. Their primary responsibilities include scanning cardiac status, prescribing medication and pain relief, and evaluating stress tests. They typically work in specialized cardiac care units or hospital units, caring for patients after surgeries and procedures.
Pediatric Nursing
A pediatric nurse looks after children from birth to the age of 18. Some pediatric nurses work in pediatric offices, while others work in hospital pediatric wards. They evaluate vital signs, review and evaluate symptoms, perform diagnostic procedures, prescribe medications, develop treatment plans, and integrate follow-up care for children.
Nurse Manager
A nurse manager acts as a link between the health care team and the facility’s upper management. Duties include direct supervision on staff and ensuring that all policies and regulations are followed in order for patients to receive the best possible care. A nurse manger does not provide direct patient care, but rather manages administrative tasks for the department, such as finances, scheduling, and budgeting.
Medical-Surgical Nurses
Medical surgical nurses are responsible for providing care to patients who are ill or recovering from surgery. Medical surgical nurses work in medical-surgical wards and attend to all of their patients’ needs. Their responsibilities include assessing patients’ conditions and needs, administering medications, monitoring vital signs, and educating and supporting patients.
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