xplores how systems work within the organization. Anthropology – examines how culture works within the organization.

Part 1: Post a Response
Organizational behavior is really the combination of four areas of study – psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. While each of these areas involves an examination of people and their interactions, the focuses are quite different:
Psychology – studies the mind and how people make decisions. Social Psychology – examines how people work in groups. Sociology – explores how systems work within the organization. Anthropology – examines how culture works within the organization.
Now, assume that you are an organizational consultant and have been asked by a new CEO to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
· Of the four areas of study listed above, which would you focus on first?
· Make sure to explain why you chose this area, and why it would take precedence over the other areas.
Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.
For you to response as below;
With organizational behavior it is very important to understand the relationship that exist amongst the four areas of study: psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology.  As an organizational consultant the area of study I believe I would focus on is sociology.  By evaluating the sociology first, I am first determining how an organization’s systems works, as you stated.  It is very important to understand how an organization operates and the different work processes that exist.  How an organization’s sociology exist shows the functions and how an organization is structured.  This helps to understand the psychology, social psychology, and anthropology of employees.
For example, I work in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at a Children’s Hospital.  The way the PICU operates of course, is to provide effective quality patient care.  Each employee plays a role in providing care to patients.  I am a PICU Unit Coordinator and part of my job is to make sure the PICU is run properly while the health care professionals (nurses and doctors) provide direct patient care.  I do everything behind the scene and help navigate patient families, while being support for the health care professionals.  My work process is to make sure that all patients are admitted/transferred/discharged, make sure that nurses are taking care of (mostly supplies and paperwork), and make sure that doctors have immediate contact with other doctors or staff.   As a consultant understanding the sociology of my job will help to understand my mindset when it come to very critical situations (psychology), how I work cohesively or non-cohesively with the the different health care professionals (social psychology), and how to handle different cultural families (social anthropology).
By understanding the sociology of my job will help to bring a better understanding of the psychology, social psychology, and anthropology of my job.  With that as a consultant I be better to see the strengths and weaknesses that exist.  From the sociology of how my unit is ran one area of strength we have is attentiveness.  The are of weakness would be communication.  The work process that exist that helps with attentiveness is mandatory bedside patient care.  By the PICU being the main ICU for critical care all nurses and doctors are required to be bedside at all times.  This helps to be able to react quickly to alert notifications.  When it comes to communication, the work process can be changed because when language barriers exist, it takes to long to get a interpreter when a surgical consent needs to be signed for emergency surgeries.  Strengths and weaknesses as I mentioned are real life work functions that exist at my job that would be seen by conducting focusing on the sociology of an organization.  Once the sociology of an organization is evaluated it would make it easier to understand to understand the psychology, social psychology, and anthropology of an organization.  Just like the text book states, “Organizations are open and adaptive systems that change over time while interacting with their environments to obtain resource  and transform them into useful products and services” (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, & Osbo

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Identify, and briefly describe two emerging trends in the community services area, and outline the impact these trends will have on workers

Assessment 6 – CPD Assignment

Professional careers require the ongoing learning of new skills and keeping up to date with current trends and research. This may be referred to as Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In this assessment you will focus on your CPD.


Research current trends in community services using the internet, libraries, or your workplace resources. There are a number of websites below which you may also find useful.




AOD Workforce Development: Current and Emerging Issues (PowerPoint)


Australian Social Trends – Mental Health – Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)


Mental Health Research


The University of Melbourne – Centre for Mental Health


ACWA Australian Community Workers Association



1. Identify, and briefly describe two emerging trends in the community services area, and outline the impact these trends will have on workers. (Up to 150 words)


2. Discuss how you plan to incorporate new learning or skills to keep up to date with these two new trends. (Up to 100 words)


3. Outline two ways you can ensure you continue to work professionally within your industry code of practice over the long term. (Up to 80 words)


4. Does your employer have a legal responsibility to ensure you are kept professionally up to date? Discuss. (Up to 60 words) (Up to 60 words)


5. Do you have a legal responsibility to your employer to keep professionally up to date? Discuss (Up to 60 words)


6. Outline two ethical responsibilities you have, that rely on you being professionally up to date.


7. As a worker in the community services sector, do you have the right to join a union to protect your workplace rights and support your professional development? Discuss (Up to 60 words)


8. Outline two rights your employer can legally expect you to meet in the workplace, that may require your continuing professional development.


9. Explain what is meant by a Position Description (PD), and why a PD is considered necessary in all professional roles.


10. From the Module 6 Templates file find a Word version of the table below. Complete the table according to the instructions below:


Continuing Professional Development
  SMART goals CPD required Name of course, education, training required: including details


It is now three years into the future and you have been working in the community services sector during that time. Complete the table with the following information:


i. Four new goals that require further education or training – using the SMART goal setting principle.

ii. The professional development opportunities you will use to achieve your goals.

iii. The course, education/training you will enrol in (long or short) to achieve your CPD goals, including the name of the institution and the associated costs.


11. ‘Performance reviews should be seen as an opportunity by all workers.’ Outline the:


i. benefits of having performance reviews

ii. desired frequency of full performance reviews, and regular feedback from your supervisor/manager

iii. how you will ensure you receive performance review opportunities in your new workplaces of the future.


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Explain why the sport is important to the local economy and what social impact is there.

Explain why the sport is important to the local economy and what social impact is there.

Order Description
Your PowerPoint should open and begin with one click.
Your PowerPoint slides should advance automatically as you discuss the slide.
Remember, a PowerPoint slide is a visual aid and is NOT the place to display every word you say.
please include information in foot note.
You should include:

the beginning of the sport
major highlights to date
some of the rules
the type of participants
the current state of the sport
the type of people that watch the sport
important social and economic impact factors (why is the sport important to the local economy and or what social impact is there)
other pertinent factors that make the presentation interesting
Currently 1 writers are viewing this order


smilesmile. .


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Military Psychology

Military Psychology

Military Psychology

I need you to write a response with the essay below (Your comments must make a substantive statement.
Substantive statements include a discussion of one of the major points of the article, or ask a
question about an aspect of the article. The comments must be at least 25 words.Statements of just “I agree” or “I disagree” are not substantive. Nor are statements that
are irrelevant to the material in the article. Your contribution to each forum is due 7 days after
the corresponding article has been made available.)

Gruber, Kilcullen, and Iso-Aloha’s study derives around the mental and physical challenges that an elite soldier must endure to be considered for a real time position in units that perform duties in hostile areas that would be extremely challenging for any person. The basis of the study is for not just the study itself but to let the trainee know where and who they really are. The trainees are placed in extreme physical challenges and a lot of times mal nourished creating a very low strength, endurance and stamina level. These challenges also make the mental status more challenging making normal easy decisions on reaction and reality more challenging. This is where the stress, injury and illness is put into jeopardy as well. The mal nourishment could break down the physical and psychological factors that help us survive in challenging situations. The study resulted in the realization that the training is effecting in the preparation of challenging and extreme environments because in mentally they knew they survived this type of environment before so they have more belief they can do it again.


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detection and diagnosis of those with current symptoms of active TB


For this particular assignment , your expert have to read the passage in the documents and respond to the questions below the passgae , APA format is require to complete this assignment .

Document Preview:

It is important to follow all instructions there ,and above all respect the words counts were require. Is due tomorrow Oct 3 at 6pm EST , APA format must be use to respond to the following questions after reading the passage .SECTION AWrite 350 words documents that respond to the questions below . for this section , read the passage below and then respond to the 4 questions below.Tuberculosis Among Migrant Farm Workers and the Homeless Population Farm workers are approximately six times more likely to develop tuberculosis(TB) than the general population of employed adults. ….. The following services , listed by priority , that should be available for migrants and seasonal farm workers and their family members are a) detection and diagnosis of those with current symptoms of active TB; b) appropriate treatment and monitoring for those who have current disease; c) contact investigation and appropriate preventive therapy for those expose to infectious persons; d) screening and appropriate preventive therapy for asymptomatically infected workers who may be immunosuppressed , such as those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection ; e) screening and appropriate preventive therapy for children of migrant and seasonal farm workers; and f) wide- spread tuberculin test screening for workers and families with preventive therapy prescribed , as appropriate . Health-care providers should immediately perform appropriate diagnostic studies for persons with a productive , prolonged cough, or other symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis. Health departments should be immediately notify when TB is suspected or diagnosed to enable examination of contacts and initiation of other health department diagnostic , preventive , or patient management services. …

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Paper 1 –   Philosophy of Nursing

Personal beliefs.
Describe your values and   beliefs about nursing. You may use “I   believe…” statements that include your:
· Definition of nursing. (10pts)
· Assumptions (beliefs) about the interrelationships   among: (10pts)
o clients (Who are they?),
o health (What is it?),
o nursing (What is it?) and
o environment (Where is nursing practiced?).
· Beliefs about the profession of nursing. (10pts)
· Significance of collaboration with other health   professionals. (10pts)

Nursing as a career. Demonstrate that you have given thought to your   career and explain the rationale for your decision.
· Inspiration from the past. (Who or what?)
· Define professional   goals.
· Identify   roles and responsibilities to advance the profession of nursing.
· How you   will provide safe, effective care?
· How your   academic preparation will facilitate your positive contributions to the   health care system?

· Spelling, grammar, sentence   structure, neatness, organization
· No more than 2 pages   (excluding title page or optional references), double-spaced, 12 point   font, 1” margins, APA format.

Paper 2 – Values and Empathy paper
Please respond to the two Scenarios in this paper (See the Answer format attached).    Scenario 1: You are a new nursing student who has been hospitalized for injuries following a major car accident. Earlier today you were told the fracture in your right leg will require complicated surgery to repair and extensive rehab to recover. There is a question as to whether you will ever regain full use of your leg. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Tonight you are alone in your hospital room and the night nurse has just entered. What are your concerns when you reflect on this personal patient experience? What will your experience be like? Scenario 2: You realize that you share a different values system from the nurse. You reflect that this might be challenging for you as a nurse someday. These values might be due to differences in lifestyle, cultural background, belief system, or attitudes about health care. Reflect on your own values and identify a personal value/belief that may become a conflict for you in delivering quality patient care.

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Ethical/Legal Risks Assessment

Ethical/Legal Risks Assessment


Informatics continues to change nursing in different ways. Like other professions, nursing informatics is faced with different issues, which could be ethical or legal in nature. This arises out of the patient-nurse relations, which comprise the nursing practice. An important factor that largely contributes to ethical issues in nursing informatics is the patients’ confidentiality. This comes in different forms, including the patient’s medical records, their privacy, security, and confidentiality, which matter a lot in nursing ethics. This issue mainly arises due to the automation of the patients’ medical records (Hunt, Sproat & Kitzmiller, 2004). Before informatics, patient information was in hard copy and stored away in prohibited cabinets to ensure privacy of the information. However, with the introduction of computers, laws that governed this issue were loosened. This paper addresses ethical issues by presenting a case of ethical risks, their analysis according to the nursing ethical codes, and the appropriate strategies for resolving them. The conclusion will give the summary of important insights, which are discussed in this paper.

Sometimes, most healthcare institutions break the rules, which govern the privacy of patient medical records either knowingly or unknowingly. Personal observation at my place of work led to the realization of many of such cases of ethical risks, where nursing practitioners breach these laws. First, sometimes safeguarding of patient information is not observed. Occasionally, patients are interviewed in the presence of their family members, and in an open environment, where outside parties can hear the conversation. In addition, some health workers still chart the medical information of patients in computers in the presence of other people.

Another issue is about the confidentiality and security of the patients’ personal data on the system. Different staff members access patients’ information bearing their names, since some computers do not have passwords. In addition, patients’ medical information is given to medical research bodies in support of evidenced-based practice in conducting epidemiological researches, or developing predictive models. When researchers use the available data, they get realistic results, in addition to this being cost-effective. However, there arises the safety issue when such large data sets are used. This way patients’ privacy is put at risk.

All health workers are professionally charged with ensuring the privacy of patients’ personal and medical data. Health workers therefore need to safeguard all the information that their patients share with them (Gerdin-Jelger, et al 1997). By interviewing the patients in an open environment and in the presence of family members, that breaches the privacy of the patients. The patients also have a right to decide whom they want to share their information. In addition, only the patients can decide which information will be shared and which one will not be shared. When a patient discloses their personal health conditions to the health worker in the presence of other people, this confidential information is made known to different parties, thus violating the privacy of the patient.

With the introduction of computers technology in nursing, the confidentiality issue raises many concerns. According to the nursing informatics, code of ethics, the confidentiality, and security of patients’ medical records on computers is their right. When the records of patients are put on the computer, it is easy for other health care professionals to get access to it. This way, the medical records of many patients can be accessed more than before when hard copies were still in use.

In nursing informatics, data security has three different aspects. First, the nursing professionals must ensure the accuracy of information by entering the correct data. Failure to do this may lead to misdiagnosis and wrong prescriptions, which is detrimental to the involved patient. Secondly, the patient’s medical records must be protected; this is to avoid access by unauthorized parties, who may be inside or outside the health care institution. When different parties access patients’ medical data, there is risk of tampering with patients’ records. In addition, giving out the patients’ medical records for use by research firms without hiding their identity is a case of violation of the confidentiality of the patients’ information. All this must be upheld according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which was passed by the congress in 1996. This law was to serve the purpose of protecting the privacy of the patients in contemporary healthcare. Healthcare professionals are therefore obliged to embrace this in informatics, or any other way.

There exist different strategies through which the highlighted ethics risks could be resolved. For the privacy problem, health professionals must interview the patients in the absence of any third party. The environment should be closed, and all the relatives and friends of the patient should be asked to leave the patient alone with the health professional. The patient should also be given choice to decide what kind of information they want to share with their family. Users of computers must make sure they do not tamper with the patients’ personal information (Hunt, Sproat & Kitzmiller, 2004).

To avoid access of patients’ data by unauthorized parties, an effective authentication method should be adopted. The most preferable authentication method is biometrics, where physiological characteristics such as voice print, fingerprints, or retina scans are used. Alternatively, a card or key entry system with a password may be used. Use of a username and password only is commonly employed, yet it is the least secure method for ensuring patient privacy (Hunt, Sproat & Kitzmiller, 2004).

During automation of patients’ data, appropriate confidentiality standards need to be adopted. Additionally, a quality assurance or ethics committee should be set up to monitor the compliance to the nursing code of ethics of the institution (Guido & Watson). In addition, in order to maintain the integrity of data, data entry quality-systems should be put in place to also monitor complete and accurate data entry. This speeds up communication and detection of errors in data. The authorized user could also protect the information from unauthorised access by not letting out computer password to people anyhow. Alternatively, the files containing the patients’ information could be encrypted.

Protecting the confidentiality of patients’ record when data is used for medical research is the patients right. Health care institutions therefore need to ensure this is upheld and balance between research needs and patients’ confidentiality. One method that could be used to ensure this is the ambiguation of patients’ data. This way, the privacy of the patients is ensured, since anonymity is upheld. However, this is not assured to be effective in ensuring patients privacy. Ambiguating the patients’ information may also not allow for subsequent use of the data. The best way to ensure anonymity is deleting any elements in the patients’ information, which could act as identifiers. However, this method will also render the data useless in future. Nonetheless, for privacy to be observed, such strict logarithms should be applied (Guido & Watson).

Protection of data is also important to ensure it does not get lost. Data can be prevented from getting lost by backing up all data in the system. The data back-up must then be stored away in a secure place, to ensure safety. Alternatively, an institution could devise and test a disaster recovery plan so that in case of data loss, it can be retrieved again easily (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2011).

The contemporary healthcare struggles to ensure that patients are attended to in the most comfortable environment and that their rights and integrity are upheld. It is therefore important for nursing informatics to also embrace and fulfil the healthcare code of ethics in the nursing practice. The medical information of patients must be safeguarded, as this is important and confidential personal information. The safeguarding of patients’ electronic medical records today is however not as easy as it sounds. This is because of the advanced technology, which increases the risk of violating patients’ information rights. The advances in technology today therefore present new ethical challenges to healthcare today. Such technologies have been instrumental in increasing the access of unauthorized people to the medical databases (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2011).

However, technology has increased the quality of work and information in nursing informatics, in addition to decreasing the cost of healthcare. Some aspects of this technology propagate a number of conflicts with most of the ethical principles of nursing such as autonomy, justice, and fidelity. To resolve this issue, infoethics is the best strategy that can be used in the examination of the resulting conflicts. However, one lasting solution to the conflicts is the incorporation of adherence to the set up rules and regulations. In addition, adherence to codes of ethics and conduct is important, as well as the development of a culture of infoethics. If all these are upheld, there will be a balance between patients’ rights and nursing practice.


Gerdin-Jelger, U., Gerdin, U., Tallberg, M. & Wainwright, P. (1997) Nursing Informatics’97: The

Impact of Nursing Knowledge on Health Care Information. New Jersey: IOS Press.

Guido, G. & Watson, A. (n.d). Ethical and Legal Guidelines for Nursing Practice. Chapter 4. Retrieved

from, https://www.bookdev.com/Pearson/Osborn/dap/chapters/M04_OSBO1023_01_SE_C04.pdf

Hunt, E., Sproat, S. & Kitzmiller, R. (2004). The Nursing Informatics Implementation Guide. New

York: Springer.

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2011). Book Only: Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of

Knowledge: Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. London: Jones & Bartlett


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Team Building

Team Building

Question descriptionNow that you have your strategic plan in place, it’s time to assemble your team to help you to execute your plan.

For your project this week you will need to do the following:

  • In a minimum of 2 pages, prepare an essay explaining the types of teams that Rasmussen Consulting will need in order to carry out the steps that you mapped out in your strategic plan.
  • What will be the role of the team members?
  • Why are these particular teams important for Rasmussen Consulting to properly execute the solution to MovieFlix’s problem?
  • Make sure to include an APA formatted title page and reference page for sources that you may have used for your research. Remember to follow APA guidelines when paraphrasing or quoting information. Don’t forget to cite your sources and include in-text citations as necessary.
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MN576 Advanced Practice Nursing-Discussion Board: Pregnancy Screening Tests

MN576 Advanced Practice Nursing-Discussion Board: Pregnancy Screening Tests

No plagiarism please.

Will need minimum of 300 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and Include: (3 references within years 2015-2018) with intext citations.


Pregnancy is the period of time when a fetus develops inside a woman’s uterus and ends with the birth of the infant. There are a variety of clinical laboratory tests and diagnostics typically used prior to and throughout pregnancy. The tests and diagnostics provide useful information from the time pregnancy is first considered through the initial days of the newborn’s life.

Discussion: (use headings with answers)

Discuss the most common screening test and diagnostics used throughout pregnancy and the purpose of the tests.

When during pregnancy are tests performed?

What is the protocol when an abnormal test or diagnostic is found?

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he aim of this study is to  examine the direct link between biological race and violent criminal  activity

Finally, respond to the following short answer prompt: Imagine you  are a lead social science researcher and are responsible for approving  students’ proposed research studies. Review the three sample proposals  below and provide brief feedback to summarize any ethical concerns you  have related to each of the proposals, based on what you know about  ethical codes and expectations in the social sciences.

  1. Proposal 1: Racial Predisposition – The aim of this study is to  examine the direct link between biological race and violent criminal  activity. In this study, I plan to prove the direct and positive  correlation between biological race and incidence of committing violent  crimes. This will then prove that race is the strongest indicator of  tendency toward violent crimes.
  2. Proposal 2: Electroshock Therapy – In this study, I will examine the  effect of electroshock therapy on undesirable behavior in human  subjects. This study will administer electrical shocks to human subjects  as a disciplinary measure when undesirable behavior is observed. The  goal of the study is to determine whether the electroshock therapy is a  suitable treatment for resolving disciplinary issues in preteens and  adolescents. If this therapy is found to be effective, it will be  prescribed to resolve disciplinary issues in preteens and adolescents.
  3. Proposal 3: Health Problems, Diet, and Socioeconomic Status – This  study aims to examine the relationship between health problems  (diabetes, heart disease, and obesity), diet, and socioeconomic status.  It is proposed that people of lower socioeconomic status are more likely  to encounter these problems. Research will be conducted on human  subjects where data are collected on diet (the types of food consumed  along with money spent on food), and this will be related to the overall  health of individuals in the study. The results and findings of this  research will be published publicly so others can see the risks of  consuming cheap, low-quality food.
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