detection and diagnosis of those with current symptoms of active TB


For this particular assignment , your expert have to read the passage in the documents and respond to the questions below the passgae , APA format is require to complete this assignment .

Document Preview:

It is important to follow all instructions there ,and above all respect the words counts were require. Is due tomorrow Oct 3 at 6pm EST , APA format must be use to respond to the following questions after reading the passage .SECTION AWrite 350 words documents that respond to the questions below . for this section , read the passage below and then respond to the 4 questions below.Tuberculosis Among Migrant Farm Workers and the Homeless Population Farm workers are approximately six times more likely to develop tuberculosis(TB) than the general population of employed adults. ….. The following services , listed by priority , that should be available for migrants and seasonal farm workers and their family members are a) detection and diagnosis of those with current symptoms of active TB; b) appropriate treatment and monitoring for those who have current disease; c) contact investigation and appropriate preventive therapy for those expose to infectious persons; d) screening and appropriate preventive therapy for asymptomatically infected workers who may be immunosuppressed , such as those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection ; e) screening and appropriate preventive therapy for children of migrant and seasonal farm workers; and f) wide- spread tuberculin test screening for workers and families with preventive therapy prescribed , as appropriate . Health-care providers should immediately perform appropriate diagnostic studies for persons with a productive , prolonged cough, or other symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis. Health departments should be immediately notify when TB is suspected or diagnosed to enable examination of contacts and initiation of other health department diagnostic , preventive , or patient management services. …

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