Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as collaborator.

Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as collaborator.

1.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as researcher.
2.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as collaborator.
3.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as clinician.
4.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as consumer advocate.
5.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as manager of systems.
6.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as consultant.
7.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role as change agent.
8.) Describe the Master’s prepared nurse’s role in improving healthcare delivery and outcomes.
9.) Identify effective communication strategies for interacting with other healthcare professionals.
10.) Identify strategies for working in collaborative and interdependent relationships.
11.) Describe negotiation skills for the Master’s prepared nursing role.
12.) Differentiate Master’s prepared nursing roles of nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, and certified nurse-midwife.
13.) Describe the masters-prepared nurse’s role as advocate for the nursing profession.
14.) Describe the masters-prepared nurse’s role and responsibility in professional activities.
15.) Describe the masters-prepared nurse’s role in maintaining continued competence.
16.) Describe the masters-prepared nurse’s leadership role within the profession.
17.) Describe the masters-prepared nurse’s role as a professional role model.
18.) Compare the concepts of personal values, societal values, professional values, organizational values, and moral values.
19.) Recognize the role of emotions in ethical decisions.
20.) Identify the importance of personal values and patient values.
21.) Identify the implications for nursing care of values conflict.

A. Answer each of the above questions with a 1 paragraph response under each question.
Utilize a 10 font

B. When you use sources, include all




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Describe COPD, its risk factors, and its common treatments.

Upon admission to the hospital, Mr. C’s respiratory status declines, and the ER physician decides to intubate the patient in order to deliver proper oxygenation to the patient. The MD also starts the patient on IV fluids consisting of NS (normal saline) for hydration. While on ventilator support, the patient is sedated and is unable to talk or consume an oral diet. The medical chart notes from the pulmonologist reveal that there are no immediate plans to extubate the patient (wean from the ventilator). Currently, the laboratory lab values of the patient are all within normal limits (WNL). However, upon admission and before vent support was initiated his labs were abnormal. Some affected lab values were: CO2, BUN/Cr, pH, and Na. The patient has had a NPO (nothing by mouth) diet order status for 4 days and has only received IV fluids for intake. The nursing notes reveal that he has normal urine output and bowel sounds are present and normal.

As a nutrition professional working at this hospital, you are to start the nutrition care process on this patient. Your hospital has a protocol to see all patients that have NPO diet orders and/or are on the ventilator for more than 4 days. You have NOT received a doctor’s consult for a tube feeding (enteral) order; however, it is imperative that this patient is assessed and appropriate nutrition recommendations are made.

For this assignment, you will write a descriptive essay concerning COPD. You will explain the disease itself and how you will develop a nutrition care plan for the case study patient. Your descriptive essay should include the following:

  1. Describe COPD, its risk factors, and its common treatments.
  2. Explain Mr. C’s current status. Describe why he was intubated and how vent support can impact a patient. What are the nutrition therapy goals for a patient with COPD receiving vent support?
  3. What are your specific nutrition therapy recommendations for Mr. C while he is on ventilator support? Include estimated calorie and protein requirements and the method(s) for how he should receive these nutrients (enteral, parenteral, or oral diet/supplements). You do not need to include details of specific brands, amounts/serving sizes and/or infusion rates.
  4. If the condition of the patient improves and he is taken off the vent, what are your recommendations for nutrition therapy for Mr. C upon discharge from the hospital? What are some specific diet plans, oral drink supplements or vitamin/herbal therapies that may benefit Mr. C?
  5. Appendix: Write a Nutrition Care Plan/Chart note on this COPD patient addressing the current clinical situation of the patient. Write this note as though you were the nutrition professional caring for this patient in a hospital setting. Please refer to Tables 11-3 and 11-4 in your textbook for information on the ADIME chart note process.


  • Your descriptive essay should be written in paragraph format, including an introduction, body and conclusion. Refer to the structure provided below. The viewpoint and purpose of this essay should be clearly established and sustained. Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
  • Your writing should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Follow APA style format and citations guidelines, including Times New Roman 12 point font and double spacing. The minimum page requirement is 2 pages not including the title page, reference page, and appendix.
  • Include at least 4 references. References may include your textbook, other textbooks, and scholarly websites and journal articles. Use APA style for all citations including course materials.
  • For additional support utilize the GEL 1.1 Universal Writing Rubric, the Kaplan University Writing Center, and reviewWriting Center Resources in Doc Sharing.

Please organize your essay in the following paragraph format. Please see the Kaplan University Writing Center for more information regarding essay and paragraph format.

Section 1: Introductory paragraph(s) (incorporate your response to question 1)

Section 2: Body paragraph(s) (incorporate your response to question 2)

Section 3: Body paragraph(s) (incorporate your response to question 3)

Section 4: Body paragraph(s) (incorporate your response to question 4)

Section 5: Concluding paragraph(s) (incorporate your response to question 5)

Appendix: Nutrition Care Plan/Chart note

Submitting Your Work

Put your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-CourseName-section-Unit 9_Project.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section, 9 is your unit number). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below:

  1. Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.”
  2. In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 9: Final Project.
  3. In the “Comments” field, make sure to add at least the title of your paper.
  4. Click the “Add Attachments” button.
  5. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.

To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project.

Please click on the View/Print icon below to print the Project directions and grading rubric.

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A 61yr old female patient (Mrs. Chalk) presented at the Emergency Department with dyspnoea.

A 61yr old female patient (Mrs. Chalk) presented at the Emergency Department with dyspnoea.

A 61yr old female patient (Mrs. Chalk) presented at the Emergency Department with dyspnoea. She claims that she has been having difficulty breathing for the past 3 days. It gets worse when walking up stairs and unloading groceries form the car.

Your initial assessment of Mrs. Chalk is her inability to complete sentences, moderately obese and has an unsteady gait.

Physical assessment: BP 145/89 mmHg RR 24/min SaO2 93% with a distended neck veins and productive cough.

From the above information and your knowledge of normal parameters

Identify the likely impact of Mrs. Chalk’s condition

Discuss the likely nursing interventions to manage Mrs. Chalk.

Identify 2 actual and 2 potential problems relating to his condition

Based on Mrs. Chalk’s unsteady gait, what assessment document is required to be completed and what services will be required to be provided to comply with organisational policies and procedures (500words)

Task 2

Mr. Percy is a 45 yr. old policeman who has presented to your ward with a provisional diagnosis of prostate cancer. He has been referred by his GP. He lives with a flat mate and works up to 60 hrs per week including overtime. He does not smoke but does enjoy a social drink. Mr. Percy also experiences difficulty when emptying his bladder and suffers with retention of urine, this then leads to UTI.

Explain the anatomical position of the prostate.

What are the implications of Mr. Percy’s problem?

Once the specialist has seen Mr. Percy, he is taken to theatre for Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate a (TURP), on return to the ward state the care of the patient.e.g.Bladder Irrigation. (300 words)

Task 3

Miss Jallopi a 25yr old female presented to A&E having taken 16 Paracetomol and 32 Ibuprofen. This worked out to be 8 g of Paracetomol. She was asymptomatic on presentation, having been brought in about an hour after ingestion after her father realized she had ingested a large amount of tablets. On examination there was evidence of deliberate self-harm. She had a history of overdose with a previous attempt at 17yrs of age, was on Fluoxetine, however her GP was in the process of changing her prescription and she had been without medication for about three days.

State the signs and symptoms of Paracetomol poisoning

How would the A&E department manage an overdose on admission

Within 2 hours of admission, what would be the required treatment for Miss Jallopi.

What other health care service will assist Miss Jolllopi. With her ongoing Care. (500 words)

Task 4

Using the following Case Study, complete the following questions.

History of Present Condition:

Susan is a 22 year old female University student who has been experiencing episodes of muscle fatigue, numbness and tingling of the extremities and blurred or double vision. For the most part, these symptoms were mild and usually disappeared in a day or two. Susan attributed her fatigue and blurred vision to preparation for exam week and long hour at her part-time job. However, the symptoms persisted after exam week. Susan noted that she felt weak and tired most of the time, so she decided to visit her doctor.

Susan met with her family doctor and explained that she felt tired all the time and that she was having problems seeing, especially with her left eye. The doctor carried out a routine examination and found nothing out of the ordinary so he sent her to see an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist noted her symptoms and ordered a full neural examination including an MRI and a spinal puncture for a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

The results from her tests indicated that her extremities were slightly hyper-reflexive, she had elevated protein levels in her CSF and her MRI showed multiple regions of demyelinated axons (plaques) that were located along the optic nerve, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord.

The diagnosis was Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Susan had muscle fatigue and hyper-reflexia because plaques on the corticospinal tract slow nerve transmission along the descending motor pathways from the cortex to the spinal motor neurons. This produces muscle weakness and hyper-reflexia.

In 250 words discuss:-

 Why did Susan have visual problems?

 Why did Susan have numbness or tingling of the extremities?

Susan was treated with high-dose IV steroids over several days for symptoms related to the demyelinating lesions of plaque in her CNS. The RN asked you take Susan’s BP & pulse frequently throughout the treatment.

In 250 words

 Can you explain why this was required?

 What actions will you take if you notice changes in the client’s vital signs?

The causes of MS are thought to be autoimmune in origin. Explain what autoimmune means. What other MS-related symptoms could Susan possibly develop in the future?




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Week 6 Laws Governing Nursing Homes

Week 6 Laws Governing Nursing Homes

Question descriptionStudents, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.

Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

Peer Review Assignment 

Peer reviews should provide feedback to a peer on the criteria expected in the paper. The Week 6 Feedback Form can be downloaded from the Appendices section of the course guide by clicking the link here. Follow these instructions:

For Online Students:

  1. Choose a classmate’s paper from the “Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone” discussion thread in the course shell.
  2. Obtain the Peer Review Feedback Form from the course shell.
  3. Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.
  4. Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form by posting it to the same “Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone” discussion thread AND submitting it to the Peer Review Assignment link above.

For On-ground Students:

  1. Receive a classmate’s paper from your professor.
  2. Obtain the Peer Review Feedback Form from the course shell.
  3. Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.
  4. Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmate’s paper as directed by your professor.

Note: On-ground students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor during the class meeting in which the paper is reviewed; online students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor via the “Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone” discussion thread and Peer Review Assignment link in the course shell.

As you read a classmate’s paper, address these criteria:

  • Identify the course, assignment, and date.
  • Provide positive feedback, where appropriate, on the criteria.
  • Identify areas for improvement, where appropriate, and recommend improvements.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement.
  • Recognize transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
  • Identify effective sentence variety and word choice.
  • Identify positive qualities and opportunities for improvement in writing samples.
  • Analyze the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, logos in writing samples and for incorporation into essays or presentations.
  • Correct grammatical and stylistic errors consistent with Standard Written English
  • Recognize how to organize ideas with transitional words, phrases, and sentences.

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists


November 5, 2017



Should laws governing nursing homes be changed?

Although the nursing homes are filled with the elderly, should they be made to relingquish all of their property to pay for nursing home. Is the system failing the elderly?

The Federal Government should not allow this to happen to the elderly. What are they doing to resolve this matter.

Nursing home care is undeniable expensive, what happens when you’ve worked all your life and you plan to have a nice nest egg stored away for and your loved ones only to sell it in order for you to live out the rest of your life in a nursing facility?

There should be laws in place for any individual that is experiencing a medical disease or can no longer care for themselves and is under doctor’s order must transistioned into a nursing home. The nursing homes all have different prices that they charge. Usually payments will be made through Medicare, Medicaid, private insurances or personal monies that have been saved. When I was completing the paperwork for my mother to be admitted into a nursing facility, the admission office kindly told me that her Medicare will not cover her stay because she was diagnosed with Dementia which means her level of care will more than likely remain the same for the duration of her stay at the facility so therefore is best that the paperwork be drawn up so that Medicaid which is a state/federal health insurance program for low income patients. Which the nursing home care is covered through Medicaid and plus the facility is garuanteed to get paid.

Over all, 31.5 percent of Medicaid’s $400 billion in shared federal and state spending goes to long-term care for the elderly and the disabled. According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, slightly over 5 percent of the 65+ population occupy nursing homes, congregate care, assisted living, and board-and-care homes, and about 4.2 percent are in nursing homes at any given time.

With more than 70 million people enrolled in Medicaid, the program certainly faces long-term financial challenges. Federal Medicaid spending is projected to grow 6 percent a year on average, rising to $650 billion in 2027 from $389 billion this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

“Certainly, nursing homes would be part of those cuts, not only in reimbursement rates but in reductions in eligibility for nursing home care.” (

Skilled nursing staff consisting of RNs, LPNs, and certified nurses’ aides (CNAs) are available to provide 24-hour medical attention. Skilled nursing facilities are commonly used for short-term rehabilitative stays. Extending stays into longer-term care must be medically necessary for the treatment of a serious medical condition and is largely dependent on state and federal benefit regulations. (

Interview with Water’s Edge Health Care and Rehabilitation Center (my mother is a residence here)

Explain economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc

We are definitely under staffed and paid. There hasn’t been any raises in three years. Unfortunately a lot of our nurses due to child care issues will have to switch off shifts just so they’ll be able to work. Upper management doesn’t address the problems at hand instead they keep patching things up around here and nothing is being done about it. Who’s in charge of decision-making and withthe end-of-life care. The staff has lack of resources so that we may perform our job duties as needed. We have made suggestions to the management team that maybe they should bring in some animals to get the residents involved more and to cheer them up. Have more Family and Friends Day instead of once a year. Get the youth/community attention about our aging residents. Give the residents more to eat so they’re not unhappy throughout the evening. We need to adopt a better system with dealing with the residence monthly Patient Allowance Exchange-give them more than $35.00 a month to spend on personal items.

No matter what, I will still be part of the care team. I will still be my mother’s advocate. I will give much of my attention and my life to help her. I have learned to accept and respect reality. I try hard to have a life of my own so that I don’t get burned out. That’s a wining situation for both sides.

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Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a slide show of your life span thus far. This visual lifeline should include developmental milestones,

Personal Lifeline: Part 1
Presentation SubmissionIn this assignment, you will explore your lifeline of personal experiences, including developmental milestones, unique personal events, as well as involvement in sport and/or physical activity, and what may have influenced your decision to become a sport psychologist or counselor. The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to review and apply the theories and concepts of life span development, to understand how each stage of your development affected you. Through your analysis and application of the theories, you will identify how your life events enhanced your growth and development or challenged you.This assignment is divided into three parts and will be explained in detail in each module.
Part I: Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a slide show of your life span thus far. This visual lifeline should include developmental milestones, unique personal events, involvement in sport and/or physical activity, and what may have influenced your decision to become a sport psychologist or counselor.
Part II: You will post reactions to the presentation of one of your peers.

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simply state the intention of your project. What do you want to see happen by focusing on this issue?

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Course Project Milestone 1 Template
For Use SEPT 2018
Directions: Prior to completing this template, carefully review Course Project Milestone 1 Guidelines paying particular attention to how to name the document and all rubric requirements. After saving the document to your computer, type your answers directly on this template and save again. This assignment is due by Sunday end of Week 1 by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time.
Your Name: __________________________

Assignment Criteria Your Answers:
(NOTE: See Milestone 1 Grading Rubric for details required in each area.)
Nursing Care Issue and Outcome
30 points
Nursing Care Issue:
Details of the Issue
45 points
Reason Issue Selected
25 points
NR392 Course Project Milestone 1 Template.docx 9/2018 CJM/VH 1
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There is no required length for this paper; however, you will be graded on how adequately you considered and explored your sexual journey and sexual self.

Guidelines for the Sexual Story (Autobiography/Journey) Paper
The purpose of this paper is to promote sexual self-awareness so that students will be able to counsel and minister ethically as well as knowing (cf. Rom. 12:3; Ps. 26:2; Ps. 42; Ps. 43; Prov. 14:8; Jer. 17:9). Some students’ hearts fall in their stomachs when they realize they must write down and share their sexual story. However, virtually all students report that this paper had a positive, significant, and critical impact on their lives. In fact, many state that this paper has been the best assignment in their entire graduate program.
1. Content of Paper.
a. Each student will complete and submit a paper that shares his or her sexual story/journey.
b. Write the paper in a narrative format, not an outline format.
c. Start with your earliest memory and develop specific, key experiences and situations that shaped who you are as a sexual person.
d. As you develop your sexual history, relate which events you have struggled with and wish could have been different.  It is not required address each item listed below; they are only provided to stimulate your thinking.
(1) Consider those people, relationships and influences helped shape your attitudes/values about your body, masculinity/femininity and sex at various points of your development (elementary, high school, etc.).
(2) Recall specific messages or incidents that created some of your attitudes, values and priorities.
(3) Consider how sexuality was handled in your family of origin
(4) Reflect on how early sexual experiences impacted you
(5) Consider how particular incidents brought insight and growth and those that have provided woundedness
(6) Consider any unfinished business that may need healing or further growth
e. Connect your Journey to Your Future and/or Current Work as a Pastoral Counselor. It is critical that you address how your sexual journey will impact your role as a pastoral counselor. For example, what will it be like for you to work with certain problems (particularly those that are sexual in nature), how and whether you ask sexual questions, and how your story will help or hinder your work, etc.
2. Format 
a. Length. There is no required length for this paper; however, you will be graded on how adequately you considered and explored your sexual journey and sexual self.  A general rule of thumb is that the body of the paper should not be less than eight (8) pages in length.
b. Follow APA 6th edition in the formatting of your paper.
c. No abstract is necessary.
d. Use first person.
e. Citations and sources are not needed, but if used cite and reference accurately.
f. Please make certain your paper is at least eight (8) pages excluding the title and reference pages, uses 12 point font in Times New Roman, is double spaced, and follows APA format. You may use first person and citations are not required for the paper. However, you may use citations. Please write your paper in chronological order beginning with the earlier memories or younger years. Please only write about events or occurrences that you feel comfortable writing about.
g.  If you are not comfortable personalizing some of the recommended topics to write about on the Sexual Journey Paper Guidelines, you may focus on a few of the recommended topics you are comfortable writing about or write about events or topics that are less personable such as the following: occurrences in society, the media, the church, and/or the educational system. These topics can include using third person. Please also include positive occurrences in your paper. You do not have to include negative events if you are not comfortable. You may also include other topics not listed on the attached Sexual Journey Paper Guidelines.
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Cognitive Abilities

Test Review: Cognitive Abilities

Complete a 4-5 page test review on an assessment instrument designed to measure cognitive abilities, achievement, or intelligence. The following provides an outline of a test review:

  1. General Features: Includes title, author, publisher, date published, age ranges and other relevant demographics for the individuals it is used for, and time required for administration.
  2. Description of Test: Includes what the test attempts to measure, who the test is intended to be used with (i.e. age range, and other factors specific to that standardized instrument), basic principles and/or theories upon which the test is based, and any other special characteristics of the test.
  3. Psychometric Properties: Includes reliability (test-retest, internal consistency, etc.), validity (content, criterion, construct), normative data (standardization group demographic characteristics), and scores (overall test/composite scores available, averages, and their ranges).
  4. Discussion of Items: Since you will not have access to the actual test manuals themselves, this area should include a general overview of the behaviors or thoughts sampled (depression, anxiety, verbal comprehension, mathematical reasoning, etc.), how it is administered, overview of test items (e.g., format and types), and ease and nature of scoring (are the items scored objectively or subjectively).
  5. Issues/Concerns: Describe any ethical, legal, or other issues related to the test administration, scoring, or usage of results. Identify and explain any demographic categories that may be correlates to the ability tested.  Remember to include information on possible bias!
  6. Summary: Includes strengths, weaknesses, and a general evaluation of the test.

This must be on different for the one that you selected for your Discussion Question responses.  Information for the test review can be found in various ways, including the test publisher’s website, journal articles from research search engines (ProQuest, Psych. Info, etc.), and articles or presentations found online. The recommended readings for this week include resources that might be useful in finding test information. The textbook also has some information on the various types of instruments. Be sure to cite all sources appropriately and include a title and references page. The paper should be in APA format.

NEW Assignment Type: Please click here to review instructions on how to submit your assignment. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Grading Criteria

Content CriteriaTotal: 6 Points
General features of test are listed – includes title, author, publisher, date published, age ranges, demographics, and time required.
Description of test is provided – includes what test attempts to measure, who test is intended to be used with, and other special characteristics of test.
Psychometric properties are listed – includes reliability, validity, normative data, and scores.
Discussion of items is provided – includes overview of focus, administration, test items, and scoring.
Issues/concerns are described – includes ethic, legal, or other issues, and identifies any correlates to the ability tested.
Summary is provided –includes strengths, weaknesses, and general evaluation of test.
Writing and Organization CriteriaTotal: 2 Points
The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.
The structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.
Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
The paper uses words and language that are inclusive, clear, and unambiguous.
Spelling is correct.
Research CriteriaTotal: 2 Points
The paper includes a summary and analysis of research materials that are relevant to the assignment, e.g. scholarly journals, professional articles, legal documents, government documents, legal decisions, media clips, software, measurement instruments websites, personal communication, etc.
Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and
Research focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).
Paper includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.
When appropriate, the paper addresses ethical considerations in research.
Style CriteriaTotal: 2 Points
The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).
The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignment
The paper includes an APA style cover page.
The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought.
The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.
The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).
Toal Possible Points Total: 12 Points

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Other than age, what factors may be both positively and negatively affecting your hearing? 


  1. Visit the TeenBuzz website at (opens in a new window). This site offers free ringtones that most adults cannot hear.
  2. The website includes a chart of ringtones that start at 8kHz (everyone should be able to hear) and go up to 22kHz (only those below age 20 can hear).  Starting with the 8kHz frequency, download* each ringtone one at a time and keep a list of which you can hear and make a note when you are no longer able to hear the ringtone.

*There are four options for downloading the ringtones, depending on what type of device you are using.  Most students on a computer, laptop or Android device will click the green download button (MP3). Students using iPhones will click the blue/grey button (M4R format) and students using Windows phones will click on the red/orange button (WAV format).  There is no need to save the ringtones.
Step 2:
Thoroughly discuss the following:

  1. Other than age, what factors may be both positively and negatively affecting your hearing?  For example, using headphones regularly or a history of ear infections may be negatively affecting your hearing while living in a rural area or rarely attending live concerts may have a positive affect on your hearing.
  2. When writing your initial post, please include the frequencies you could hear and whether your actual age is consistent with the age ranges given by the website.

Important guidelines to follow:
Write at least a 300-word, well-developed and well-written response.  Use APA Formatting Guide to create accurate citations and documentation to give credit for any resource material used in your response. Your assignment is due September 24 in class.
Grading Criteria
To maximize your score, you must follow guidelines.

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Consider the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.In this Discussion, you consider the different research designs and evaluate how these designs have been used to research a specific topic.

Consider the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.In this Discussion, you consider the different research designs and evaluate how these designs have been used to research a specific topic.

In order to find the best information on a topic, not only should you develop a question and search for resources, but you should also know how to analyze the value of the resources that you identify. There are different ways to evaluate resources, such as using the hierarchy of evidence, which you explored in Week 4 of this course. Another way to evaluate resources is to consider the appropriateness of the research design. Understanding how research designs contribute to the quality of a study is essential for being able to analyze resources when conducting a literature review or locating evidence for practice.

In this Discussion, you consider the different research designs and evaluate how these designs have been used to research a specific topic. You also consider strategies for selecting an appropriate research design.

To prepare:

Review the information in the course texton quantitative research designs. Focus on the information in Box 9.1, “Guidelines for Critiquing Research Designs in Quantitative Studies” located on page 230 of the course text.
Select a topic from the list below and search the Walden Library to find two different quantitative research studies addressing that issue:
Caregiver stress
Anxiety in children
Sleep apnea
Depression in college freshmen
Rural health care issues
Post-traumatic stress syndrome
Traumatic brain injury in veterans
Health effects of environmental contaminants
Bipolar disorder
End-of-life ethical issues
Alternative medicine
For each of the sources that you select, identify the type of quantitative research design used, and evaluate whether it is the most appropriate approach to the research
Consider the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.


smilesmile. .


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