Forces of Evolution

Biology Lab: Forces of Evolution

Question 1

Report the calculated survival frequencies (these will be in decimal form) of each phenotype of shell bugs at each generation for Exercise 2A and 2B. Two simple tables would be preferred.

Question 2

The procedure asked you to graph the survival frequencies of the two phenotypes of shell bug for the two different sized populations. Look at the two graphs that you plotted for Exercise 2A and 2B. Consider their similarities and differences. Explain how genetic drift effects the phenotype proportions differently in the large (150) population and the small (50) population. Do the different phenotypes trend steadily up or down or do they fluctuate? Do they stay the same over the generations? Consider each of these question for each sized population.

Question 3

Write a Discussion/Conclusion to Exercise 1. An appropriate discussion is a paragraph or two that includes identification and restatement of the hypothesis, a sentence that definitively states whether or not your data supported (NOT PROVED) your hypothesis followed by specific examples from your data that defends that statement of support of lack of support. There should be an explanation of the concept being investigated (how predators can influence a phenotype frequency), and finally describe anything that occurred during the experiment that may have biased your results (i.e. trouble with calculations, dog ate your data sheet, children at your shell bugs, etc.) This question is worth 4 points. You should have at least four sentences.

Question 4

Evolution is defined in your lab procedures a “changes in the frequency of a particular phenotype over several generations”. Look at your data table for Exercise 1. Did your population of shell bugs should undergo evolution. How do you know?

Question 5

What “force” or mechanism for evolution is demonstrated in Exercise 1?

Question 6

Report the calculated survival frequencies (these will be in decimal form) of each phenotype of shell bugs at each generation of Exercise 1. A simple table format would be preferred.

Question 7

From reading your procedures and textbook on the topic, what size population, large (150) or small (50) is more likely to be influenced by genetic drift? Did your results reflect this?

Question 8

Some examples of “artificial” selection might be

a. development of “tea-cup” poodles

b. the creation of dinosaurs that occurred long ago

c. development of drought-resistant corn

d. breeding of race horses

e. breeding of hairless cats

Question 9

Genetic drift is most significant for ____ populations.

a. small

b. all of these are equal

c. medium-sized

d. large

Question 10

How would biologists determine if a population is evolving?

Question 11

Biologists consider evolution to be

a. just a theory

b. some relatively insignificant thinking

c. a fundamental part of the biological sciences

d. a hypothesis

Question 12

Genetic drift is defined as random changes that can occur in a population’s allele frequency. In this case, _______________ would not play a role in the reproductive success of individuals

a. bottleneck affect

b. different phenotypes

c. inbreeding

d. storms and other natural disasters

Question 13

Charls Darwin suggested _______________ as a mechanism that causes evolution.

a. artificial selection

b. natural selection

c. genetic drift

Chapter 16 Ecology(Biology)

Question 1

Describe a mutualistic interaction between two (or more) species.

Question 2

What is an ecological pyramid, and why does it narrow toward the top? Describe the pathway of energy flow through the ecosystem.

Question 3

What is a niche?

A. A mating system in which one male mates with several females

B. An example of population cycling

C. An evolutionary arm race

D. A plant structure containing many flowers

E. The particular set of resources a species uses

Question 4

Describe the pathway and main resevoir of the following: (a) the carbon cycle, (b) the oxygen cycle, and (c) the nitrogen cycle. what are these cycles known as?

Question 5  

What is the competitive exclusion principle?

A conclusion that says one species benefits while the other is harmed
A conclusion that says that if two or more species attempt to utilize the same resource in a habitat, it will have a negative effect on the species that is newer to the habitat.
A conclusion that says two competitors cannot coexist
A conclusion that says two competitors may peacefully coexist.
A conclusion that says both species benefit

Chapter 17 Biodiversity and Human Affairs

Question 1

What is the Blitzkrieg Hypothesis? List one alternative hypothesis that could account for the same phenomenon. Why are we considered to be living in the 6th mass extinction, in other words, what are the two main factors leading to this event?

Question 2  

What is one possible effect of removing a keystone species from an ecosystem?

Decreased biodiversity
Increased species evenness
Increased species richness
Increased species stability
Increased biodiversity

Question 3  

What are the three main components of biodiversity?

Species diversity, species-area relationship, and species evenness
Species richness, species abundance, and species evenness
Genetic diversity, species abundance, and species evenness
Species diversity, species productivity, and species stability
Species diversity, genetic diversity, and habitat diversity

Question 4

Define the following terms: species richness, species abundance, and species evenness. Which of the following hypothesis best supports biodiversity and why?: Climate Hypothesis, Productivity Hypothesis, Stability Hypothesis

Question 5

Describe what have ecologists learned about the relationship between biodiversity and the stability of an ecosystem? How does this relate to the spotted owl controversy?

Chapter 18 Human Population Growth

Question 1

Why does a population size level off as it approaches carrying capacity? What is the difference in carrying capacity between a population experiencing exponential growth to one experiencing logistic growth?

Question 2

What are the four factors that determine a population’s growth rate?

Birth rate, death rate, carrying capacity and emigration rate
Birth rate, death rate, immigration rate, and emigration rate
Birth rate, death rate, doubling time, and carrying capacity
Birth rate, death rate, compounding, and immigration rate
Birth rate, death rate, doubling time, and compounding

Question 3

What information is shown in an age pyramid?

Sex ratio and age structure of a population
Demography and sex ratio of a population
logistic growth and age structure
Carrying capacity and sex ratio
Exponential growth and logistic growth

Question 4  

Briefly explain two reasons why a government would want an accurate census of its population.

Question 5

What are density-dependent factors? Give examples of potential density-dependent factors for a top predator, like a wolf, and a hibernating creature, like a bear. How did Thomas Malthus influence Darwin’s development of the Theory of Evolution?

Lab: Biodiveristy and Evolution

Question 1

1.  Do birds have anything in common with dinosaurs?


Question 2

1.  With which archaic human species did some of the ancestors of modern Europeans interbreed during the past 100,000 years?

Australopithicus afarensis
Homo erectus
Homo habilis

Question 3

1.  What can you infer from the tree you just built with the primate skulls?

A. afarensis is more closely related to living chimpanzees than to living humans.
Larger brains are a trait that separate the genus Homo from their closest relatives.
H. erectus is more closely related to H. neanderthalesis than H. sapiens.
The closest livin relative of H. sapiens is H. erectus

Question 4

1.  What trait to the Stick Insect, Goldfish, Kingsnake, and Dog all have in common?

bilateral symmetry

Question 5

1.  What is the first trait that helped aquatic species evolve into creatures that live on land?

webbed digits
eyes located on top of head
strong arm-like bones

Question 6

1.  Which of the following species does not have tail flukes?

Blue whale
Killer whale

Question 7

1.  Is an animal or a plant more closely related to a fungus?


Question 8

1.  In 2013, scientists found that coelacanths are not the closest relative of four-footed amphibians and other animals. Which species is?

Midas cichlid
Western clawed frog
Great white shark
South American lungfish


Question 9

1.  Based on the tree you have constructed, who is your closest living relative


Question 10

1.  The DNA sequence of the West Indian Ocean coelacanth is closest to which species?

Midas cichlid
Western clawed frog

Question 11

1.  If a new species of honeycreeper were discovered, and it had a short, straight beak, which bird in this puzzle would likely be its closest living relative?

Kaua’i ‘amakihi“““

Question 12

1.  Which ape virus is most closely related to the HIV virus that has killed about 39 million people due to AIDS

Gorrilla SIV
Chimp SIV EK505
Chimp SIV MB897
Chimp SIV TAN1

Question 13

1.  Is a banana more closely related to a lemon or an onion?


Question 14

1.  Which antivenom will save Tyler?

Antivenom A
Antivenom B
Antivenom C
Antivenom D

Question 15

1.  What is one possible evolutionary inference scientist can make using the DNA from a tree in South American that is genetically similar to one in Australia?

Both species share an ancestor that lived when the world had supercontinents.
Just a coincidence.
The trees are adapted to seawater and floated between continents.
No inferences can be made.

Take Test: Video: Is the Earth Overpopulated?

Video Name: OVERPOPULATED – BBC Documentary

Question 1

 In 1963, what specifically made the biggest difference in population size and number of offspring a woman had?

Question 2

Describe how the people making $1 per day view the people above them?

Question 3

According to Dr. Hans Rosling, what will be the “pin code” of the Earth’s population distribution in 2050?

Question 4

What was the average number of babies that women in Bangladesh had in 1970 and how long was the child predicted to live?

7, 50
2, 70
4, 60
5, 50

Question 5

How has life in Mozambique improved for the people there, describe some examples?

Question 6

Describe two practices from the video that have helped save the lives of children (increase their lifespan) in Bangladesh?

Question 7

How many people are predicted to be on Earth before the growth rate starts to flatten out?

9 billion
10 billion
11 billion
12 billion

Question 8

According to Dr. Hans Rosling in the video, how many billion people in the world make $10 a day or less?

Question 9

What has helped to decrease the number of children born per woman globally?

Question 10

In the year 2100, which countries of the world will have the smallest population? The largest?




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Analyze and evaluate the implications of 3–5 major initiatives associated with healthcare reform on the designing and planning of 21st century healthcare information systems.

Analyze and evaluate the implications of 3–5 major initiatives associated with healthcare reform on the designing and planning of 21st century healthcare information systems.
Healthcare Reform and 21st Century Healthcare Information Systems

Prepare a paper that addresses the following requirements:

Analyze and evaluate the implications of 3–5 major initiatives associated with healthcare reform on the designing and planning of 21st century healthcare information systems.
Evaluate the challenges associated with each trend and ways to overcome them.
Include an assessment on the impact the each initiative may have on the following:
Leadership, governance, and the role of a healthcare chief information officer (CIO)
Strategic health management information system (HMIS) planning and organizational culture
Characteristics and capabilities of an enterprise resource planning system
Review legislation and regulations that could influence the implementation of health information management systems.
Explain how CIOs might assess the merits of each initiative on vision, mission, and strategy.
Predict the global trends in the adoption of major standards and use of HMIS over the next five years.




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Write a critical analysis of the Chronic Bronchitis, a type of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Research Paper Assignment –

Format Instructions:

  1.  Length – 3- 4 pages – (not including a References and Cover Page)
  2. Double-spaced, size 11 or 12 font, margins 1” left, right, upper and lower.
  3. Use the APA format for references, there are instructions in the College Library for your information.
  4. Cite all borrowed language in quotations (not more than 10% of your paper)
  5. Research must include 6 different sources – not more than 3 internet sources
  6. Bibliography / Reference Page should be in “end note” format
  7. NO Abstract, table of contents, running head required for this paper


Write a critical analysis of the Chronic Bronchitis, a type of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Make sure you cover lung function tests and how it will be affected in a person with COPD 

Included in this analysis, you will need to explain how the disease you chose

affects the various body systems where relevant.

The following relevant and concise information must (if pertinent) be included in your write up.

1. Name of disease

2. History of the disease

3. Description of disease

Anatomy of the system(s) involved

1. Effects on other body systems

2. Cause of disease

3. Signs and symptoms

4. Diagnosis of the disease

5. Complications, if any

6. Treatment and side effects

Conclusion should include the following:

1. Brief mention of current or proposed research that may significantly impact Malaria.

2. Prevention strategies if any

3. Your insight / opinion.

NOTE: you must focus on the anatomy & physiology of the disease/disorder. Cover the normal anatomy & physiology of the organ system affected and then state what the disease/disorder does to this organ system, and other organ systems. In other words, if you are writing about Tuberculosis, I do not want you to go too much in detail about the bacteria that causes it but how the bacteria escapes our body’s defenses and what the bacteria does to the lungs, bones, etc. 

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NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

NURS 6560 Final Exam Review

General Pre and Post Op Care

  • Hemoglobin in relation to surgery
  • Predictors of increased morbidity and mortality post-operatively
  • Risks factors for poor wound healing
  • Medications the patient should take on the morning of surgery
  • Positioning in the PACU


Head, Neck, Esophagus, and Diaphragm

  • Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) diagnosis and treatment
  • Otitis Externa – secondary treatment
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma- treatment related complications
  • Achalasia risk factors
  • Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia repair



  • EKG interpretation of different types of MI according to the leads presenting with signs of ischemia
  • Society of Thoracic Surgeon’s statistics and synopsis regarding patient outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting and mortality
  • INR management
  • Mitral stenosis with catheter-based balloon mitral valvotomy and reduction of the transvalvular pressure gradient
  • Types of aortic aneurysms and immediate surgery


Pulmonary and Shock

  • Fatty Lipoma
  • Thymoma and autoimmune disorders
  • Positive TB skin test and when treatment is needed
  • Cardiac pressures related to shock and PE
  • Treatment for neurogenic shock, distributive-septic shock, and cardiogenic shock

NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II


Acute Abdomen, Stomach/Duodenum, Appendix Disorders

  • Abdominal pain and epigastric pain workup and presentation
  • Symptoms of colicky pain
  • Gas stoppage sign
  • Pancreatitis labs
  • ureteral colic s/s
  • Perforated bowel s/s
  • Rebound tenderness
  • Diverticulitis s/s
  • When is a pelvic exam indicated and when can it be deferred?
  • Gastric resection and how vitamins absorption is affected
  • Post-op care of abdominal surgery
  • Gastroparesis
  • perforated ulcer s/s and resection and hospital complications
  • vagotomy
  • gastrinoma s/s
  • peptic ulcer disease s/s and management
  • gastrectomy and bezoar formation
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
  • Pyloric obstruction s/s


Liver/Biliary Track, Pancreas, Spleen

  • Resection of the liver and regeneration- follow up monitoring
  • pregnant women and spontaneous hepatic rupture s/s
  • hepatic hemangiomas
  • hepatic adenomas s/s
  • portal hypertension with alcoholic liver disease s/s
  • acutely bleeding varices treatment
  • Budd-Chiari syndrome s/s
  • Von Willebrand’s disease
  • Paracentesis and subsequent analysis of the fluid
  • ascites s/s and treatment
  • chemical mediators of hepatic encephalopathy, protein intake
  • Extrahepatic obstruction s/s
  • Cholelithiasis s/s and treatment
  • Biliary colic s/s
  • acute pancreatitis s/s and causes
  • Grey Turner Sign
  • Ranson Criteria of Severity for pancreatitis
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura s/s
  • myelodysplastic syndrome s/s and treatment


Intestines, Hernias, Abdominal Wall Lesions

  • Jejunum resection and effects on nutrition
  • Crohn’s disease complications
  • Small bowel obstruction s/s and treatment
  • anemias and abdominal discomfort diagnosis
  • Campylobacter jejuni s/ s and treatment
  • Pneumatosis s/s and treatment
  • Colectomy discharge education
  • transit time in constipation
  • bacterial growth in small and large intestine benefits vs. complications of over growth
  • Complete bowel obstruction s/s
  • Frame pattern of colon distention on x-ray
  • Inflammatory polyps
  • Radiographic work up for lower abdominal complaints
  • Diverticulitis assessment, s/s, diagnosis, and treatment
  • colovesical fistula treatment
  • sigmoid volvulus- s/s and treatment
  • colitis – s/s and treatment
  • McBurney’s sign
  • NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II


Adrenals and Urogynecology

  • Unique features of adrenal surgery complications
  • Primary hyperaldosteronism- s/s, diagnosis and treatment
  • Aldosteronoma- s/s and treatment
  • Catecholamine-secreting tumor s/s
  • Pheochromocytoma treatment and complications
  • Cushing’s syndrome and adrenal tumor- s/s, lab values and results of removal of tumor
  • Bilateral total adrenalectomy post op treatment
  • Adrenal tumors with gender symptoms
  • Vesicoureteral reflux diagnosis
  • Hypospadias and circumcision
  • Administration of the American Urological Association (AUA) Symptom Scale-When is it needed?
  • microscopic hematuria- s/s and treatment
  • acute pyelonephritis s/s
  • Bladder distention treatment
  • Tuberculosis and UTI s/s
  • Posterior compartment syndrome- s/s and treatment
  • Menorrhagia diagnosis
  • Ectopic pregnancy- s/s and treatment
  • NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

Neurology, Orthopedics, Plastic/Reconstructive

  • Use of plain film x-rays with head injuries
  • Hypotension and head injury – risk of mortality
  • Cushing’s triad s/s
  • Closed head injury s/s and treatment
  • Acute subdural hematoma on CT scan
  • Concussion definition s/s and treatment
  • Brain Trauma Foundation recommendations for intracranial pressure monitoring
  • Crush injuries – s/s and treatment
  • Fasciotomy
  • open fractures – treatment
  • transverse process fractures – treatment
  • Flexion-distraction injuries – causes
  • Pelvic fracture – s/s
  • Scapular fracture – treatment
  • Proximal humerus fracture
  • full thickness grafts – when to use
  • Treatment of hypertrophic scar
  • Seborrheic keratosis – treatment
  • Verrucae lesions – s/s and treatment
  • Actinic keratosis – s/s and treatment
  • Time frame for suturing injuries


Oncology, Organ Transplant, Medical/Ethical

  • tumor nomenclature
  • various methods of tumor biopsy
  • Proctocolectomy – when is it needed
  • Partial response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy
  • Monoclonal antibodies uses and advantages
  • Acute post-radiation effects with throat cancer
  • Organ donation – when is a patient not a candidate for organ donation?
  • Use of Corticosteroids in post-transplant patients
  • Donation guidelines
  • Treatment strategies for bradyarrhythmias in post-heart transplant patients
  • Bone marrow transplant – treatment for prevention of rejection
  • Kidney transplant – treatment
  • First line treatment of acute rejection of liver
  • Ethical principles beneficence, nonmaleficence, veracity
  • Counseling rape victims
  • Informed Consent and cognitively impaired patients
  • End of life considerations

NURS 6560 Final Exam Questions and Answers- Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II

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Explain the fundamental ideologies of constructivism.

 Psychology homework help



Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read chapters five and  six in your e-book and review the Instructor Guidance. You will discuss the theory of constructivism and its  relationship to learning.

  • Constructivists suggest that a person’s reality is unique from  others and thus, effects what, how, and how effective knowledge is  acquired. This is suggested to be affected by numerous variables such as  culture, past experiences, and past knowledge.

Consider the following as you discuss:

  • What does logical positivism suggest to us about constructivist-based theories? Do you agree or disagree?
  • How do exogenous constructivism, endogenous constructivism, and dialectical constructivism differ and why does it matter?
  • How does situated cognition (discussed in Week 3) support the suggestions made by constructivism?
  • Discuss a personal experience where you feel constructivism  ideologies explained either the effectiveness of, or the  non-effectiveness of, the learning experience. Would you consider this  learning experience exploratory learning, inquiry learning, or  problem-based learning? Why?
  • What implications in learning effectiveness might exist if construction of individualized knowledge is negated?Individualized Knowledge Construction

    Learning Objectives

    After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

    · Explain the fundamental ideologies of constructivism.

    · Describe social constructivism and this perspective’s views of learning.

    · Compare and contrast situated cognition and the foundational ideas of cognitivism.

    · Explain the premise and variables associated with sociocultural theory.

    · Discuss how problem-based learning supports constructivist-based learning theories.

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discuss your evaluation (that is, your evaluation as the social worker) on what factors from the case example increase your concern for Mamie's safety. 

Read the case example of Mamie Salomon below.
After reading the case example, assume the role of Mamie’s social worker and use the mnemonic “Is Path Warm” to write an evaluation regarding the client’s (Mamie) suicide risk.
Write the evaluation in paragraph form (rather than as a list following the mnemonic) to discuss your evaluation (that is, your evaluation as the social worker) on what factors from the case example increase your concern for Mamie’s safety.
I expect one-and-a-half to two pages (double spaced; no less and no more) for this assignment.  You should be informed not only by the mnemonic (“Is Path Warm”), but also by Gray’s other discussion on suicide risk (pp. 150-154).
Mamie Salomon is a 23-year-old divorced mother of one child (Sachie Ann, 6-years-old) who was brought in by her maternal aunt (Beatrice).  Beatrice expressed to you her concern that “my niece, Mamie, has got the family sickness; I don’t want her to die”).  The Beatrice stated that Mamie was born in Haiti, but has been in the United States since the age of five, following “the nasty divorce” of her parents.
Mamie, then, explained to you that her father was an American citizen, and her mother was citizen of Haiti. She told you that her father took full custody of her after her mother became “desperately sad – so sad she could no longer walk or talk or care about me; I lost my mother forever when the great sadness fell on her, and now it has fallen on me. Maybe the great sadness will take me like it took my mother.  Maybe that will be okay with me; then, I can go to be with my mother forever in Heaven.”
Mamie further reported that since her divorce three months ago, “the great sadness fell upon me, and I don’t care about living anymore; not even Sachie Ann can make me want to live. I am my mother’s child.  I am like her and I will end up like her.  Don’t you understand what I am telling you? There is nothing you can do for me that will help me. Nothing.”
Further inquiry revealed that, in the last two weeks, Mamie had withdrawn from other members of the family. Mamie said to you: “I gave Sachie Ann to my Aunt Beatrice who will make a good mother for my little girl. I want everybody to leave me alone now. I know what I must do”.
The aunt stated that Mamie had been extremely anxious and afraid of the dark after the divorce from her husband of five years. “After the anxiety came the terrible sadness. My niece has given away everything that is precious to her – even little Satchie Ann.  I am terribly worried about her. I hear social workers can help people who are in trouble.  Can you help my Mamie, please?”

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What were the main tenets that leaders of the Humanistic Psychology Movement presented to the American Psychological Association in order to justify becoming its own Division?

In your case report 6, you were asked to create a recommendation report for risk assessment of your client. You were also asked to specifically align all of those recommendations with the ethics guidelines of forensic psychologists.
For this milestone, take the feedback you were given and revise the risk assessment report and ethics portions of your case report. Additionally, add material—a code of ethics and a risk assessment—to your existing work as you move toward the summative assignment

Question # 1
What were the main tenets that leaders of the Humanistic Psychology Movement presented to the American Psychological Association in order to justify becoming its own Division? Why might these tenets have been chosen as significant to the justification of a separate division?
question #2
The First Old Saybrook Conference (1964) was a significant event in the history of psychology. Attendees such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and Gordon Allport represented several major schools of thought in the budding humanistic psychology movement. What did Maslow, Rogers, May, and Allport express as necessary components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement? In what ways did the schools of thought expressed by these conference attendees contribute to humanistic psychology’s place in America? Explain.
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Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing

Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style.

Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style.

January 18th, 2016 Simon Mwangi

Write a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an issue from the following list: nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, nurse staffing ratios, unit closures and restructuring, use of contract employees


smilesmile. .


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Healthcare Financing

The Convergence of Healthcare Financing and Economic Trends and Forces
Due Week 8 and worth 100 points
Note: Use the textbook, course readings, Strayer online library, and other reputable online sources to complete this assignment.
Prepare a fifteen to twenty (15 to 20) slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed scholarly speaker notes in which you:

  1. Compare the three (3) current health care financing and funding models (i.e., employee based, government based, and individual based) used with the healthcare delivery system of the United States.
  2. Compare and contrast key economic goals of public and private health insurance plans.  Evaluate the success potential of key economic goals in terms of populations covered, services included, financing arrangements, reimbursement strategies, and economic competition policies.
  3. Analyze the key effects of labor market, insurance market, and competitive market factors on health care delivery requirements at your current or previous organization of employment.
  4. Determine what changes are occurring in the economy or concerning labor and regulatory factors that must be considered in the future.
  5. Suggest the key national trends that you believe currently affect competition and pricing initiatives. Justify your response.
  6. Suggest the main quality indicators that typically affect health insurance pricing at the local level. Justify your response.
  7. Use a minimum of six (6) reputable references sources including three (3) sources from peer reviewed journals.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Rubric attached!!!
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Assess current economic trends that influence the cost, quality, and access to care.
  • Analyze the impact of managed care on cost, quality, and access within managed care organizations and the health insurance market.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in health economics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about health economics using proper writing mechanics.
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Briefly Explain Treatment for Anxiety disorders

Assignment 1

After reading the attached case study answer the following questions based on Freudian theory.

75 points

Assignment 2

  1. Briefly Explain Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis
  2. Briefly Explain the theory that make the most sense to you in treating patients (cognitive, behavioral, REBT, etc.)
  3. Briefly Explain Treatment for Anxiety disorders
  4. Briefly Explain Treatment for Bi-Polar disorder

Sigmund Freud Case Study


1. Does the Freudian perspective indicate that Steve’s relationships with women are internally or externally motivated?

2. According to Freud, which state of consciousness is most involved in controlling Steve’s behavior?

3. Which component (id, ego, superego) of the personality structure is most involved in determining Steve’s behavior? Give an example(s) to support your answer.

4. At which stage of psychosexual development is Steve most likely fixated? Give an example(s) to support your answer.


Steve is sitting at a restaurant table waiting for his date to come bac from the restroom, As he waits, he imagines what the rest of the evening will be like. The restaurant they are eating at is one of those little Italian places with red-and-white checkered tablecloths and candles in Chianti bottles. A violin player strolls around the tables playing romantic music. Steve considers that these types of restaurants always work well for him. His date would be charmed by the atmosphere and begin to feel romantic. This would allow Steve to make his move, and typically, he and his date would end up at either his apartment or hers for a night of great sex.

Steve is 38, of Italian-American descent, and single: a bachelor by choice, but his friends worry about his happiness. They wonder if Steve is unable to form a long-term relationship, that he has a fear of commitment and an addiction to sex and the passion that marks the beginning of relationships. They also wonder whether Steve’s strained relationship with his mother is at least partly to blame for his behavior. Steve’s mother, while caring for his physical needs, was not openly affectionate and did not give Steve the demonstrative affection and loving interaction he craved. They wonder if his anger toward her and her negligent behavior toward Steve is being manifested as anger toward women in general.

Steve has been a flirt ever since puberty. In high school, he had a reputation for insincerity. Girls were attracted to him; he was handsome and spent a lot of time and money on his appearance. Unbeknownst to his friends, however, Steve secretly feared that he was unattractive, so he did what he could to improve his looks.

The girls he asked out always had a good time on their dates, but it soon became known that he would always pressure his dates for sex and, in many cases, tell them that he loved them to convince them to have sex. He was also rumored to have made one girl pregnant and then claimed that it was not his child. To his close male friends, he said that she was not going to tie him down, that “there were too many women and not enough time.” This pattern of relationships continued during college. He would date women, have sex with them a few times, and then break off the relationship. He estimated that by the time he was 21, he had sex with about eight dozen women. He bragged about this among his male friends.

After college, and through the present time, Steve also continued to form relationships with women that were based on sexual attraction and nothing more substantial. One by one, he watched his male friends settle down and commit to one woman. Every time this happened, he would express astonishment and disbelief, stating that his friends were being duped and that no one would make him live with one woman for the rest of his life. When women agreed to go out with him or go to bed with him, Steve felt attractive, and no one was going to take that away from him. In fact, Steve secretly feared that no woman would find him attractive enough to marry. He believed that these women went out with him initially to get a free meal and would soon want to break up with him when someone better came around. So, he broke up with them first.

His friends believed that Steve’s latest sexual interest, Diane, would be the one he would marry. She seemed to be all that any man could hope for. She was pretty, smart, caring, and had a good sense of humor. Steve had been dating her for a longer time than he typically dated women, and his friends thought that he was finally growing up and settling down. As it turns out, the relationship lasted longer than usual because she was reluctant to have sex with him. She finally did after a couple of months when she was convinced that Steve really loved her and was not just using her for sex. Unfortunately, Diane should have trusted her initial instincts. Steve broke up with her after they had sex on three different occasions.

His present date was a woman he met at the gym where he worked out. She was very attractive, with a great body. He used to date women he met at work, but after someone accused him of sexual harassment, he decided to no longer date women from work. He was angered by the specific accusation and the hype associated with sexual harassment in general. A man just couldn’t follow his instincts anymore without the possibility of losing his job. At least he could still meet women at other places.

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