Briefly summarize the problems you and your client are addressing in treatment

Psychology homework help

The purpose of creating a case presentation is to allow you to demonstrate an example of your current field work experience and to simulate the process of collegial psychological case consultations and the professional treatment planning process.

General Format for Clinical Case Presentations

This format is for your use in creating a case presentation for 8871 – Practicum. The purpose of creating a case presentation is to allow you to demonstrate an example of your current field work experience and to simulate the process of collegial psychological case consultations and the professional treatment planning process. This format should help you summarize your case in an organized and sequential manner such that your readers can develop a solid sense of the case you are presenting and the work you have been doing in you field experience.

NOTE: Please assure that all matters associated with confidentiality are strictly adhered to in your case presentation.

1. Demographic description of client

This section should be brief but it should leave your audience oriented to the basic demographic information about your client. For example: age, gender, SES, ethnicity.

2. Presenting problem and reason for referral

A. Client’s perspective

B. Family perspective (if applicable)

C. Referring agency (or individual’s) perspective (school, legal, other agencies, etc.)

D. A summary of differences between these sources if applicable.

3. Focus of treatment

Briefly summarize the problems you and your client are addressing in treatment. These may not include ALL of the problems listed in the reason for referral, or all of the presenting problems. However, if you are not addressing them yourself, be prepared to tell us what the disposition of those problems has been. In other words, did you make community referrals for other services, etc.

4. History of the presenting problem

Think in terms the course of the problem(s) over time:

Remember that you are telling a kind of a story about your client. The events of the client’s problems unfold in a specific sequence. This sequence is referred to as the clinical time course or chronology. Think of it as the scaffold on which all the other details of the history of the problem(s) will hang. Elements of the time course should include:

· When did the problem(s) start? (Onset)

· How has it progressed over time?

· What is its current status?

Once you’ve established the time course, note any factors that :

· make the condition worse

· relieve the condition, or make it improve

· Also – Note any prior treatments for the condition(s) and the condition’s response to those treatments

5. Brief initial mental status exam results

This is critical for inpatient clients. It is optional for other clients unless there are clear problems in certain areas that need to be delineated for your audience in order to have a more complete picture of you client.

I. General description

A. Appearance

B. Behavior and psychomotor activity

C. Attitude toward examiner

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Adoption of EHRs – New Technology Systems in Nursing

Adoption of EHRs – New Technology Systems in Nursing

As a nurse, you can have a great impact on the success or failure of the adoption of EHRs. It is important for nurses to understand their role as change agents and the ways they can influence others when addressing the challenges of changing to a drastically different way of doing things. Everett Rogers, a pioneer in the field of the diffusion of innovations, identified five qualities that determine individual attitudes towards adopting new technology (2003). He theorized that individuals are concerned with:

1. Relative advantage: The individual adopting the new innovation must see how it will be an improvement over the old way of doing things. 2. Compatibility with existing values and practices: The adopter must understand how the new innovation aligns with current practices. 3. Simplicity: The adopter must believe he or she can easily master the new technology; the more difficult learning the new system appears, the greater the resistance that will occur. 4. Trialability: The adopter should have the opportunity to “play around’ with the new technology and explore its capabilities. 5. Observable results: The adopter must have evidence that the proposed innovation has been successful in other situations.

For this Assignment, you assume the role of a nurse facilitator in a small hospital in upstate New York. You have been part of a team preparing for the implementation of a new electronic health records system. Decisions as to the program that will be used have been finalized, and you are now tasked with preparing the nurses for the new system. There has been an undercurrent of resistance expressed by nurses, and you must respond to their concerns. You have a meeting scheduled with the nurses 1 week prior to the training on the new EHR system. Consider how you can use the five qualities outlined by Rogers (2003) to assist in preparing the nurses for the upcoming implementation.

To prepare:

1. Review the Learning Resources this week about successful implementations of EHRs. 2. Consider how you would present the new EHR system to the nurses to win their approval. 3. Reflect on the five qualities outlined by Rogers. How would addressing each of those areas improve the likelihood of success?

Write a 3- to 5-page paper which includes the following:

A. Using Rogers’ (2003) theory as a foundation, outline how you would approach the meeting with the nurses. Be specific as to the types of information or activities you could provide to address each area and include how you would respond to resistance. B. Analyze the role of nurses as change agents in facilitating the adoption of new technology.

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multicultural influences on ethics for psychologists.

Multicultural influences on ethics for psychologists.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of at least six slides that could be given in a professional context. The presentation will analyze a simulated case study of a multicultural conflict that could potentially occur within your psychology specialization.
Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
After analyzing one’s multifaceted cultural identity and biases, the next step toward multicultural competency is to plan how you can use best practices to minimize the negative impact of these factors on professional relationships.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 3: Evaluate multicultural influences on ethics for psychologists.
    • Case Overview: Create a scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict.
    • Best Practices: Analyze how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help a cultural conflict.
  • Competency 4: Analyze multicultural issues in psychology and the importance of multicultural competency in the profession.
    • Cultural Difference: Analyze how cultural differences could contribute to a conflict.
    • Biases: Describe one’s past or present biases toward others of different cultures.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
    • Communication: Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization, following APA style standards.



  • Create a simulated (or fictional) case study, concerning a cultural conflict between yourself, working in your area of specialization, and some person or persons, agency/business, or institution. Several points of cultural difference must exist between you and the others involved in this conflict. While the details of your case will be fictional, it must be entirely believable and realistic.
  • Download and use the Multicultural Case Study Template, linked in Required Resources. Do not submit a paper for this assessment. Papers will not be graded. You will complete this assessment by replacing all language that is enclosed with brackets […] in the PowerPoint with your own words.
    • For guidance on PowerPoint design, you may read PowerPoint Design Suggestions and view Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations, linked in Suggested Resources.
    • For guidance in the basics of using PowerPoint, you may refer to the basic tasks in PowerPoint guides, linked in Suggested Resources. If after reviewing this material you need more help using PowerPoint, contact your FlexPath coach.

The Presentation

  1. Title slide: On the first slide of the PowerPoint:
    • Enter a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words that concisely communicates the heart of the case study. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.
    • Enter your name, and a job title and organization that would fit with your case study.
  2. Case Study Overview slide: Provide the briefest possible narrative description of the case. Additional supporting details and references can be added in the notes section on the slide. The overview should include:
    • The professional setting of the case, based on your psychology specialization (for example, in treatment, in the classroom, in a hospital, jail, or a community-based setting).
    • The relationship that exists between you and the other persons involved. Some possible examples may be:
      • Professor—Student.
      • Therapist—Patient.
      • Colleague—Colleague.
      • Consultant—Business.
      • Clinical Supervisor—Student intern.
      • Professional Supervisor—Employee.
    • A very brief summation of the cultural conflicts involved in the case.
  3. Cultural Differences slides: On the table provided in the template, list side by side the main cultural identities from the Hays model, relevant to the conflict in the case, of yourself and another person, agency, or institution in the case.
    • If more than one person, agency, or institution is involved in the case, make a copy of this slide for each one, to compare yourself to all others involved.
    • In the notes section:
      • Identify common concerns with each cultural identity. Be careful to avoid using stereotypes.
      • Analyze how cultural differences contributed to the conflict in this case.
      • Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.
  4. Relevant Biases: Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.
  5. Best Practices When Working With [Cultural Identity] slides: Identify a best practice for working with a cultural identity in this case and cite its source. Then, briefly analyze how the best practice could help you navigate this particular relationship and conflict.
    1. In the notes section, describe the best practice in more detail and elaborate as needed on your analysis of how the best practice could help you navigate the relationship and conflict.
    2. Citation requirements: You must cite best practices from at least three scholarly research articles. You may cite reputable sources form Web sites, books, textbooks, and suggested resources as well, but these will not count toward the three required scholarly research references.
    3. Copy this slide as needed to address each cultural identity in this case.
  6. Conclusion slide: Summarize the main lessons learned in this case study in a brief bulleted list.
  7. References slides: See step 4 for citation requirements. Use current APA style and formatting guidelines

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Format: Use the Multicultural Case Study Template provided in the Required Resources. Use current APA style and formatting guidelines as applicable to this assessment.
  • References: Three scholarly research articles.
  • Length of PowerPoint: A minimum of six slides.
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 Please  use the theories Hildegard Peplau

APA format only

Attach articles used PLS ATTACH

APA cite and reference  format

1. To develop a Personal Nursing Philosophy
2. Personally define what nursing is, by addressing the elements of a human being, health, environment and professional nursing.
3. Consider nursing from the prospective of a philosophers’ concern with knowledge and the essential elements of nursing as a scientific discipline also concerned with ethics and aesthetics.
4. To strengthen graduate level writing skills.
(Graduate level writing displays critical thinking skills. The writer demonstrates the ability to see various sides of an argument: he/she questions assumptions, avoids commonplaces and develops a clear argument from professional experience and/or the available literature on the subject.)
Write a reflective paper on your vision of professional nursing from your present perspective in time.
You may consider the meta-paradigm concepts of nursing, human being, health, environment and nursing.
Part I Do not consider a specific nursing theory at this time.
What do see as essential characteristics of your present nursing praxis. You may or may not choose to compare your present view with that of your view as a new graduate.
Part II Revisit your original philosophy. Review and revise your philosophy if any of your thinking has changed during the semester. If there are revisions make them in your original Philosophy I paper.
Reflect on the nursing theories you have been exposed to throughout the semester. Identify a current nursing theory that is aligned with your personal philosophy. Discuss the chosen theory as to why or how you see it, or parts of it (a current theory may not be a perfect fit) are aligned with your personal nursing philosophy.
Attach Part I to Part II for hard copy submission in class on the assigned due date for Part II
Requirements:  APA format required.
Maximum 5 pages

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The student will explore the role of nursing from a global perspective.

Objective: The student will explore the role of nursing from a global perspective.
Assignment: This activity is meant to be informative and fun! Contact a nurse practicing in a country outside the United States. You may use any resources available to you: International Universities, International Nursing Organizations, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Be creative!
This is a formal 1-2 page write-up and discussion that requires correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format.
Ask the following:

  • What is his/her scope of practice? How does this compare to yours?
  • What does he/she identify as primary health concerns for their patients and country?
  • Does he/she belong to any professional organizations that promote health in a global environment?
  • If possible, obtain salary, specialty, and any other interesting information!
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National Association for Healthcare Quality Code of Ethics

Consult the ethics code of the professional organization that best aligns with your interests. Review the ethical statements identified by the professional organizations that represent these professions and list at least 6 of the main or underlying moral principles or values stated in the organizations code of ethics; AND describe, in your own words, the importance of these ethical principles. Use sub-headings to identify 6 specific principles that align with the professional organization you’ve decided to adopt. If applicable, identify common elements that are applicable to some of the ethical concepts you’ve read about in this class.
The paper should be spaced at 1.5 and should be between 2 to 3 pages in length
If your interests aren’t represented below, you can explore an organization that’s of interest to you BUT you must include the URL to the organizations website with your submission.
National Codes of Ethics
Interpreters in Health Care Code of Ethics
Ethical Guidelines for Health Service 
American College of Healthcare Executives Code of Ethics
National Association for Healthcare Quality Code of Ethics
American Health Information Management Association Code of Ethics
Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics for Health information Professionals
Coalition of National Health Education Organizations Code of Ethics
Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health
American Medical Association Code of Ethics
American Dental Association
Code of Ethics for Long-Term Care Providers (State of South Carolina)
American College of Health Care Administrators Code of Ethics

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Substance Use history

Past/Current Psychological Proble

Reorts a diagnosis of Bipolar Manic Depression made several years ago

tates “I just wants it all go away, maybe it be better if I just went away, sometimes I cry when I wake up.”

Medication history

Records indicated that the client has been treated off and on with Seroquel and Lithium. He reported that both medications helped him feel more “calm and collected.” He has been off of medication for the past 2 months.

Substance Use history

The client stated that he drinks alcohol every day, usually 1 liter of vodka and a few beers.  This pattern of drinking endured for the past 10 years. He tried to stop drinking one time and the longest that he has abstained from drugs and alcohol was for a period of 3 months a few years ago. He also uses cocaine and marijuana several times per week.  He stated that he has thought about stopping the substance use, but is sure that he will never be able to abstain. The patient has a history of the shakes when he has attempted to stop drinking in the past. He has tried outpatient substance abuse counseling, though would usually relapse after a few sessions. He has never participated in inpatient detox.

Records reviewed (Psychiatric ER summary dated August 6, 2010)


Patient was admitted to the X psychiatric emergency room and placed on a 72 hour observation. He was brought in by emergency medical services and a police escort after he was found in the street yelling that he wanted to die and threatening bystanders at the local bus station.  His toxicology screening was positive for alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and benzodiazepines.  After the 72 hour observation the substances had cleared, the patient was administered Librium for alcohol withdrawal complications, and by day 3 he denied suicidal, as well as homicidal ideation. Thus, he was released, in good behavioral control, and referred to an outpatient chemical dependency program. Records indicated that the pt has a diagnostic history that includes, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Alcohol Dependence, and Polysubstance Abuse.

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Freud, Piaget, and others viewed life as a series of stages. In contrast, Fromm and Rogers saw it as a process. How could these differing viewpoints affect perceptions of personality?

Each question needs to be answered in 100 words
1.  Freud, Piaget, and others viewed life as a series of stages. In contrast, Fromm and Rogers saw it as a process. How could these differing viewpoints affect perceptions of personality?
2.  Early psychologists were medical doctors or scientists. By the middle part of the twentieth century, philosophers and theologians added their ideas to the study of personality. How would a viewpoint that encompasses these elements affect perceptions about personality?
3.  Identification with a subculture in childhood and adolescence may help individuals become well-adjusted later. Using Sullivan’s idea of “chumship,” what does this help us understand about personality?The article on Milgram’s study of obedience captures and defends his stance on the assumption that one’s situation at a given time dictates how they will respond to orders from a person in authority.  The study conducted by Milgram consisted of 40 males varying in age from 20 to 50 years, from varied backgrounds and employment.  Many will and have argued that Milgram’s study was unethical due to the use of a fake machine and trained “learner”.  However, I beg to differ based on the forthcoming information that was provided initially.   The participants in Milgram’s study voluntarily agreed to the experiment, for which they were also compensated.  Participants were also informed that they would be paid just for showing up.  Also, the participants were debriefed after the experiment and introduced to the learner in an effort to ensure no psychological damage was done. Oftentimes, research is based on deception, hence “the Placebo Effec

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Differences between endotherms and exotherms.


Imagine you have been asked to teach a small group of your peers about animal organs.

Create 10 multiple-choice questions to test knowledge of the structure and function of animal organs.

Address the functions of each of the following concepts in your test.

  • Differences between asymmetrical, radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.
  • Differences between endotherms and exotherms.
  • Definition and examples of epithelial tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of connective tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of muscle tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of nervous tissue. (provide one example)

Use the Physiology Test Template to complete this assignment.

Read the Writing Good Multiple Choice questions article on the Berkeley Lab Training website for tips on writing multiple-choice questions:

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

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Application: Leadership Concept

Question description

Application: Leadership Concept

This week you will begin a group paper that you will develop over the next few weeks. By Day 3 of this week, you will be placed in a collaborative group and provided with a work area for your group (See the Groups area below Week 11 in the left-hand navigation bar. If you do not see your team area by the end of Day 3, contact your Instructor.)

Before you begin to work with your group, read the information below describing the paper. Then join your group, introduce yourself, and begin work on selecting a topic.

To prepare:

  • Review the Peer Evaluation Form for important information on how this assignment is graded.
  • Identify a group facilitator.
  • Within your group, select a topic relevant to interprofessional leadership and the health care field on which to focus your group paper. The following are some potential topics for your group to consider:
    • Matrix organizations
    • Accountable care organizations
    • Horizontal and vertical organizations
    • Role conflict and ambiguity
    • Employee recruitment and selection
    • Interpersonal relationships in the C-suite of organizations (the relationships between the CEO, CFO, and CNO)
    • Resistance to change
    • Succession planning
    • Whistle blowing
    • “Just” culture
    • Team Stepps
  • When your group has selected a topic, the group facilitator will submit the topic to the Instructor for approval on the Discussion Board in the Week 5 Group Project Topic Forum.
  • Conduct research on your topic using the Walden Library and other credible sources.

To complete:

As a group, write a 3- to 5 (page count does not include title and reference page) page paper that includes the following:

  • Section 1: Introduction
  • Section 2: Significance of the topic (based on literature that speaks to the relevancy of the concept selected in terms of interprofessional leadership)
  • Section 3: Review of the literature related to the concept that the group selects (current best practices, positive or negative impact on leadership or health care organizations, etc.)
  • Section 4: Application to nursing (e.g., implications or consequences for nursing leaders)
  • Section 5: Conclusion

This week you will begin a group paper that you will develop over the next few weeks. By Day 3 of this week, you will be placed in a collaborative group and provided with a work area for your group (See the Groups area below Week 11 in the left-hand navigation bar. If you do not see your team area by the end of Day 3, contact your Instructor.)

Before you begin to work with your group, read the information below describing the paper. Then join your group, introduce yourself, and begin work on selecting a topic.

To prepare:

  • Review the Peer Evaluation Form for important information on how this assignment is graded.
  • Identify a group facilitator.
  • Within your group, select a topic relevant to interprofessional leadership and the health care field on which to focus your group paper. The following are some potential topics for your group to consider:
    • Matrix organizations
    • Accountable care organizations
    • Horizontal and vertical organizations
    • Role conflict and ambiguity
    • Employee recruitment and selection
    • Interpersonal relationships in the C-suite of organizations (the relationships between the CEO, CFO, and CNO)
    • Resistance to change
    • Succession planning
    • Whistle blowing
    • “Just” culture
    • Team Stepps
  • When your group has selected a topic, the group facilitator will submit the topic to the Instructor for approval on the Discussion Board in the Week 5 Group Project Topic Forum.
  • Conduct research on your topic using the Walden Library and other credible sources.

To complete:

As a group, write a 3- to 5 (page count does not include title and reference page) page paper that includes the following:

  • Section 1: Introduction
  • Section 2: Significance of the topic (based on literature that speaks to the relevancy of the concept selected in terms of interprofessional leadership)
  • Section 3: Review of the literature related to the concept that the group selects (current best practices, positive or negative impact on leadership or health care organizations, etc.)
  • Section 4: Application to nursing (e.g., implications or consequences for nursing leaders)
  • Section 5: Conclusion
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