Week 8 pharmacology GU

Case Study“I can’t seem to control my urine. I feel like I have to urinate all the time. However, when I do go to the bathroom, I often pass only a small amount of urine. Sometimes I wet myself. I was started on a medication for my leaking a few weeks ago, but it doesn’t seem to be working. I also can’t seem to remember anything. It is a wonder that I remembered to come to the clinic today.”HPISusan Jones is a 65-year-old woman with urinary urgency, frequency, and incontinence. She reports soiling her underwear at least two to three times during the day and night and has resorted to wearing panty liners or changing her underwear several times a day. The patient has curtailed much of her volunteer work and social activities because of this problem. Urinary leakage is not worsened by laughing, coughing, sneezing, carrying heavy objects, or walking up and down stairs. She does not report wetting herself without warning. She has been taking Detrol LA 2 mg PO daily for the past month with no improvement in her voiding symptoms, and she complains of new-onset confusion and difficulty remembering routine tasks.PMHHTN for many years, treated with medications for 10 years. Dyslipidemia for 5 years, controlled with a low-cholesterol diet, weight control, regular exercise, and medication. Menopausal; stopped ovulating at age 52; no longer has hot flashes. Has difficulty falling asleep and often has sleepless nights. She has no history of spinal or pelvic surgery.FHNoncontributorySHNonsmoker; social drinker; marriedMedsHydrochlorothiazide 25 mg PO once daily with supperIrbesartan 150 mg PO dailyPravastatin 40 mg PO at bedtimeDetrol LA 2 mg PO dailySominex (diphenhydramine) 15 mg PO at bedtime as needed, usually about five times a weekAmitriptyline 50 mg PO at bedtime as neededAllNKDAROSComplains of urinary incontinence that has not responded to Detrol LA. Feels confused and has difficulty remembering routine tasks. Patient states that her ability to remember what she has to do became impaired in the past 3 weeks after Detrol was started.Physical ExaminationGenWDWN womanVSBP 135/84 mm Hg, P 90 bpm, RR 16, T 37°C; Wt 65 kg, Ht 5′2″SkinNo rashes, wounds, or open soresHEENTPERRLA; EOMI; no AV nicking or hemorrhagesNeck/Lymph NodesNo palpable thyroid masses; no lymphadenopathyPulmClear to A&PBreastsNormal; no lumpsCVRegular S1, S2; (+) S4; (–) S3, murmurs, or rubsAbdSoft, NTND, (+) bowel soundsGenit/RectGenital examination shows atrophic vaginitis consistent with menopausal status. Perineal sensation and anal sphincter tone are normal.Pelvic examination shows no uterine prolapse and a mild degree of cystocele. Cervix is normal. No pelvic, adnexal, or uterine masses found.External hemorrhoids; heme (–) stool.ExtNormal; equal motor strength in both arms and legsNeuroAlthough alert, the patient is not oriented to correct month, day, or year. CNs II–XII grossly intact; DTRs 3/5 bilaterally; negative Babinski. When asked to recall a series of five objects after 5 minutes, the patient had difficulty and could only recall one object.Labs| Download (.pdf) | PrintNa 140 mEq/LHgb 12 g/dLK 4.2 mEq/LHct 37%Cl 105 mEq/LPlt 400 × 103/mm3CO2 28 mEq/LWBC 5.0 × 103/mm3BUN 17 mg/dLSCr 1.2 mg/dLGlu 100 mg/dLUANo bacteria; no WBCOtherUsing an ultrasonic bladder scan, a residual urine volume was measured after the patient voided. No residual urine was found. The bladder was then filled with 300 mL saline. The patient felt the first desire to void at 100 mL. The catheter was removed. The patient was asked to cough in different positions. No stress urinary incontinence was demonstrated. The patient voided the entire volume of saline that was instilled.AssessmentOveractive bladder with symptoms of urinary urgency, frequency, and incontinence, which has not responded to Detrol LA 2 mg PO daily for 1 month. Patient is also having new-onset confusion and forgetfulness, which are probably related to Detrol LA and to the total anticholinergic burden. Will evaluate carefully and consider alternative medication options.QUESTIONS2.a. Assess the severity of incontinence based on the subjective and objective information available.2.c. Differentiate urge incontinence from stress incontinence, overflow incontinence, and functional incontinence.2.f. What are the possible consequences of persistent CNS adverse effects of anticholinergic agents in this patient?3.c. What pharmacotherapeutic alternatives are available for treating overactive bladder? Compare and contrast antimuscarinic agents for treatment of overactive bladder syndrome.4- Provide patient educational material to assist with adherence and /or  nor –pharmacologic management of overactive bladder.

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Case Study Presentation

Goal:To conduct an assessment of health promotion while applying the nursing process and evidence based research to disseminate findings to course colleagues.Case:Jessica is a 32 y/old math teacher who presents to the ER with a friend for evaluation of sudden decrease of vision in the left eye. She denies any trauma or injury. It started this morning when she woke up and has progressively worsened over the past few hours. She had some blurring of her vision 1 month ago and thinks that may have been related to getting overheated, since it improved when she was able to get in a cool, air-conditioned environment. She has some pain if she tries to move her eye, but none when she just rests. She is also unable to determine colors. She denies tearing or redness or exposure to any chemicals. Nothing has made it better or worse.She denies fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, headache, changes in hearing, sore throat, nasal or sinus congestion, neck pain or stiffness, chest pain or palpitations, shortness of breath or cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysuria, vaginal discharge, swelling in the legs, polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.Patient is alert; she appears anxious. BP 135/85 mm Hg; HR 64bpm and regular, RR 16 per minute, T: 98.5F. Visual acuity 20/200 in the left eye and 20/30 in the right eye. Sclera white, conjunctivae clear. Unable to assess visual fields in the left side; visual fields on the right eye are intact. Pupil response to light is diminished in the left eye and brisk in the right eye. The optic disc is swollen. Full range of motions; no swelling or deformity. Mental status: Oriented x 3. Cranial nerves: I-XII intact; horizontal nystagmus is present. Muscles with normal bulk and tone; Normal finger to nose, negative Romberg. Intact to temperature, vibration, and two-point discrimination in upper and lower extremities. Reflexes: 2+ and symmetric in biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, and Achiles tendons; no Babinski.Submission Instructions:Complete a comprehensive history and Physical Examination.What physical findings are you looking for to help determine a presumptive nursing diagnosis?Support your findings with peer reviewed articles.Presentation is original work and logically organized in current APA style. Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.Power point presentation with 8 -10 slides, excluding the tile slide and the reference slide.The presentation is clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, APA and misspelling.Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.

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Human growth

Directions:The impact of genetics and our environment on development from a scientific perspective can provide data. This module examines scientific issues like generational trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The data is still being collected on these topics, but anecdotally, the impacts of issues of trauma can be seen in individuals’ daily lives.Initial PostConsidering what you know about generational trauma and ACEs, think about issues in the news and other forms of media. Share a story that includes either generational trauma or ACEs. This story can be fiction or non-fiction. Identify the issue of trauma or ACE in the story and provide multiple ways development could be affected.

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Criteria and rubric

criteria and rubric help

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Coursepoint – Lippincott PrepU Assignments to reach level 6Advanced Med Surg Chapter 41Will give log in to bidder

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Week 3

Discuss Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Work-up, Nonpharmacological and Pharmacological management, Education, and Follow-up for Chlamydia.Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including referencesCitations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

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Week 10 _ Assignment: Therapy for Clients With Personality Disorders

See complete instructions on attached document.

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Module 05 Discussion – Remaining Calm

Initial PostThere are times when a nurse must provide care for a client who is agitated and verbally or physically aggressive. The client may be psychotic, but the nurse must, in each case, remain in control of his/her own feelings, and intervene in the most appropriate manner.After watching a segment regarding a violent client at Bellevue Hospital, answer the questions below. It’s not necessary to critique the staff in the video, just think of how you might respond.Violent Client at Bellevue Hosptial VideoDescribe a time when a client was rude or verbally abusive to you. How did you react?What skills were necessary to maintain a professional, caring, therapeutic relationship?How did you best communicate with this client?What did you learn from this experience?

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a healthcare legislature of interest

APA format, minimum 4 maximum 6 pages, excluding title and references, 6 references less than 5 years.

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Health care

Explain the benefit of evidence based practice in nursing. Use APA citation style

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