Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Click here to go to the Faces of Abnormal Psychology website. There, you will see twelve different disorders listed. For this module, view the following disorders:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Paranoid Schizophrenia

After clicking a disorder, click the Diagnostic Overview tab in the left column. This will cover the major diagnostic features of the disorder. After that, click the DSM-5 Features tab. You can then go though the Case History, Interview, and Treatment sections on the website. Finally, in the Assessment section, you can complete an optional multiple-choice quiz. You have to write a case report for each case study. You should use the format provided on the web page. There is a sample report that you can also view by clicking the link in the upper-right corner.
The format for the sample report is as follows:
Your Name
Instructor’s Name
Class/Section Number

  • Outline the major symptoms of this disorder.
  • Briefly outline the client’s background (age, race, occupations, etc.).
  • Describe any factors in the client’s background that might predispose him or her to this disorder.


  • Describe any symptoms that you have observed that support the diagnosis. You can include direct quotes or behaviors that you may have observed.
  • Describe any symptoms or behaviors that are inconsistent with the diagnosis.
  • Provide any information that you have about the development of this disorder.


  • Did you observe any evidence of general medical conditions that might contribute to the development of this disorder?
  • Did you observe any evidence of psychosocial and environmental problems that might contribute to this disorder?
  • As per your observations, what is the client’s overall level of safety regarding potential harm to self or others (suicidality or homicidality)?
  • What cross-cultural issues, if any, affect the differential diagnosis?

Therapeutic Intervention

  • In your opinion, what are the appropriate short-term goals of this intervention?
  • In your opinion, what are the appropriate long-term goals of this intervention?
  • Which therapeutic strategy seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?
  • Which therapeutic modality seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?


  • Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Include citations in the text and references at the end of the document in APA format.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, save your report as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria   Maximum Points    Described the major symptoms of each disorder, outlined each person’s background, and described any factors in the person’s background that might predispose him or her to their disorder.  20    Described any symptoms that were observed that support each diagnosis and any symptoms or behaviors that are inconsistent with each diagnosis and provided relevant information from the case history about the development of each disorder.  20    Described any evidence of psychosocial or medical issues that might have contributed to each disorder, identified any safety concerns regarding suicidality or homicidality, and discussed any cross-cultural issues affecting the differential diagnosis.  20    Discussed appropriate short-term and long-term goals of each intervention, discussed the most appropriate therapeutic strategy and therapeutic modality for each case, and presented appropriate reasoning for your selection.  20    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.  20    Total:  100

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a. What would be involved in setting up the first home care visit?

QUESTION 2: Community-Based Nursing Practice

Mrs. Johnson, a 67-year-old female patient, has recently been discharged from the hospital following an admission for COPD. She has a past medical history of a colon resection related to acute diverticulitis. She developed a surgical wound infection that requires daily wet to dry wound packing and IV Zosyn. Mrs. Johnson was discharged with home oxygen. To manage her care at home, home care visits were ordered. (Learning Objective 5). Nursing Questions & Answers .

a. What would be involved in setting up the first home care visit?

b. Describe the nursing assessments and management that would occur during the visit.

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autoimmune disorders

autoimmune disorders
using the Internet, conduct a search of autoimmune disorders. How many disorders can you find? What tissues can be attacked by your immune system? Select one autoimmune disease to summarize. What are the common signs and symptoms exhibited in a patient with this disease?
Your response should be at least one page in length. Include at least one reference to support your work in APA format. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Analyze the case study found on p. 301 in the textbook by addressing the assigned questions below. While analyzing the case, be sure to identify the major problems and issues.
 Draft a response or strategy for addressing the major problems and issues.
 Make recommendations to improve the patient’s health.
 Discuss any negative consequences that may occur if the patient’s health issue is not addressed.
Your response should be at least one page in length. Include at least one reference to support your work
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Maria, a diabetic, has been going through a period of high stress and has been poorly monitoring her diabetes. She noticed increasing visual problems and often sees specks floating in her visual field. Twice she had double vision episodes.
What should Maria action plan include to get her back on track?
What could be the cause of the visual disturbances, and what should she do about them?
What structures of the eye are affected, and why?
Ultimately what eye disease (s) can Maria expect if she does not control her diabetes?APA style. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response.

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Information about quality of care within health care organisations is discussed under three (3) categories: Structure, Process and Outcome.

Information about quality of care within health care organisations is discussed under three (3) categories: Structure, Process and Outcome.
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Task Details and Criteria:

All Australians have the right to receive safe, high quality health care, regardless of the setting
(ACSQHC, 2008). Information about quality of care within health care organisations is discussed under three (3) categories: Structure, Process and Outcome (Donabedian, 1988).
� Structure – the context in which health care is delivered, inclusive of its buildings, its staff, its financial structures, and all its varied equipment.
� Process – activities, procedures, processes that are actually conducted in giving and receiving care.
� Outcomes – the effects of the care on the health status of the patient or patient population.
Information gathered about the processes used to deliver care is identified as Process data. Information about the resultant outcomes is identified as Outcome data. A clear relationship is identified in literature between Process and Outcome (Donabedian, 1988).

For this Assignment, you are required to:
1. Identify and explain the aims and core business of health institutions from the perspective of both the organisation and the nursing sector within the organisation
2. Identify and explain Process data and Outcome data in the context of quality and safety in health care
3. Use one (1) example of a clinical care activity for which process and outcome data is collected to:
� Discuss the clinical care activity in relation to quality and safety,
� Critically analyse scholarly literature and relevant resources to discuss the process and outcome data collected about that activity,
� Discuss how these data are used in relation to quality and safety in health care institutions.


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Theories of Personality (Active Learning Activity)

Psychology homework help

Chapter 13: Theories of Personality (Active Learning Activity = 15 points)

Page 1 of 6

Use the crossword puzzle to fill in the blanks on the next page(s). (You do NOT need to actually write your answers in the boxes here).

Part 1—Knowing Key Terms (4 points) :

Fill in the blanks from the crossword puzzle above using key terms from the textbook and/or lecture notes.


1. one of the five factors, willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences.-

3. defense mechanism involving placing, or “projecting”, one’s own unacceptable thoughts onto others, as if the thoughts actually belonged to those others and not to oneself.-

4. the unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel, and behave. –

6. part of the personality that develops out of a need to deal with reality, mostly conscious, rational and logical.-

7. value judgments of a person’s moral and ethical behavior.-

8. method of personality assessment in which the professional asks questions of the client and allows the client to answer, either in a structured or unstructured fashion.-

9. Jung’s collective, universal human memories.-

11. archetype that works with the ego to manage other archetypes and balance the personality.-

13. part of the personality present at birth and completely unconscious.-

16. defense mechanism in which a person tries to become like someone else to deal with anxiety.-

19. part of the superego that produces pride or guilt, depending upon how well behavior matches or does not match the ego ideal.-

20. a consistent, enduring way of thinking, feeling, or behaving.-

21. the care a person gives to organization and thoughtfulness of others, dependability.-

22. the instinctual energy that may come into conflict with the demands of a society’s standards for behavior.-

23. people who are outgoing and sociable.-

24. fourth stage occurring during the school years, in which the sexual feelings of the child are repressed while the child develops in other ways.-

25. degree of emotional instability or stability.-


2. Freud’s term for both the theory of personality and the therapy based upon it.-     

5. dimension of personality referring to one’s need to be with other people.-

10. disorder in which the person does not fully resolve the conflict in a particular psychosexual stage, resulting in personality traits and behavior associated with that earlier stage.-

12. in behaviorism, sets of well-learned responses that have become automatic.-

13. people who prefer solitude and dislike being the center of attention.-

14. the enduring characteristics with which each person is born.-

15. dimension of personality in which people tend to withdraw from excessive stimulation.-

17. the emotional style of a person which may range from easy-going, friendly and likeable to grumpy, crabby, and unpleasant.-

18. part of the personality that acts as a moral center.-

Part 2—Comprehending and Applying Concepts (3 points) :

Instructions: Decide which type of psychologist would be most likely to make each statement listed below:




1. I think people in our profession should put more effort into trying to understand mentally healthy people and prosocial behavior.

2. Aggression is a human instinct. Society can control it to some extent, but we will never eliminate aggressive behavior.

3. Your student may be under a lot of pressure from his parents, but that is no excuse for cheating. We are responsible for what we do.

4. If you want to understand why she did it, look to the environment for clues instead of at inferred internal forces such as impulses and motives.

5. We humans are products of evolutionary forces that have preserved selfishness, pleasure-seeking, and a tendency to deceive ourselves.

6. It doesn’t seem to me that you need to dig into a person’s past in order to understand the person’s current problems and concerns.


7. There aren’t any values inherent in human nature. Values are acquired in the same way we learn to say “please” and “thank you.”

8. If we wanted to improve the character of people in our society, we would need to start when they are very young. By the time a kid is five years old, it’s probably too late.

9. You may think your choice of chili and ice cream for lunch was freely made, but your perception of free choice is an illusion. Choosing chili and ice cream is predictable from the consequences of past behavior.

10. General laws of behavior and experience that apply to all people are not very helpful if you want to understand a particular individual.

11. You say people are inherently good, and he says they are inherently pretty bad. I don’t think people are inherently either good or bad.

12. The sex drive is with us at birth. People just don’t want to believe that infants get sexual pleasure from sucking and exploring anything they get in their hands with their mouths.

Part 3—Understanding and Analyzing Concepts (3 points) :

Read each statement and decide whether it is TRUE or FALSE based upon your knowledge from the textbook and/or lecture notes.

1. Sigmund Freud proposed that his patients’ disorders resulted most often from psychological conflicts related to sex.



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xamine the change in amphetamine use and abuse in the U.S. from the 1950s to the present.


Assignment 2: LASA I—Amphetamine Use and Abuse

Aaliyah continues to struggle with balancing her work hours and her schoolwork. She has been drinking coffee to help her stay awake, but it is no longer working. She has an exam coming up and needs to stay up to study.
Aaliyah decides to take an amphetamine to stay awake to study for the exam. She promises herself that she will only take it this one time for the exam. The drug allows her to stay awake and alert while she is studying for the exam. She also feels that she is learning the material better as a result of the amphetamine. When the grades are in, Aaliyah receives an A on her work.
As the semester continues, Aaliyah turns to amphetamines more and more often to help her stay awake to complete her schoolwork. Soon, Aaliyah finds that one pill no longer keeps her awake as long as she needs.
She starts taking more than one pill at a time. She knows that taking amphetamines so often is not good for her health, and she finds she experiences an increase in headaches when she takes them, but she continues to take them because they are helping her be successful in school and at work.
Based on the case study, prepare a paper that addresses the following:

  • Examine the change in amphetamine use and abuse in the U.S. from the 1950s to the present.
  • Explain to which schedule amphetamines belong and why they are on the Schedule of Controlled Substances.
  • Explain the effects Aaliyah might be experiencing as a result of her regular amphetamine use. Be sure to include:
    • Acute effects, chronic effects, and withdrawal
    • Effects on physiology (brain and body), behavior, mood, and toxicity
  • Give at least three indications from the case study suggesting there may be a problem with Aaliyah’s substance use. That is, describe at least three likely behaviors that Aaliyah is likely to exhibit if she is misusing amphetamines.

Determine whether Aaliyah has a substance use disorder. Include a discussion of DSM criteria. Use the template to help you make the assessment.
Write a 4-5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
Download the diagnosis template to use with this assignment. HERE IT IS!!!
Diagnosis Template:
Place a check in front of each symptom that is present

  •   Substance is taken in larger amounts or for longer periods than intended
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Describe the role that accrediting agencies have in clinical quality improvement and improving health care outcomes.

Describe the role that accrediting agencies have in clinical quality improvement and improving health care outcomes.

Research the role of regulation and accreditation, and discuss the role that each plays in holding health care professionals and organizations accountable.
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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–700 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Complete the following for this assignment:

Research the role of regulation and accreditation, and discuss the role that each plays in holding health care professionals and organizations accountable.

Choose 2 of the following types of health care organizations:

Acute care hospital

Nursing home

Home health care

Ambulatory care

Discuss accreditation as it relates to those organizations.

Describe the role that accrediting agencies have in clinical quality improvement and improving health care outcomes.


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Define the learning theory and describe its major components.




  • For this discussion you will review the learning theories discussed in your textbook beginning on page 124. Choose 1 theory that you believe would best fit the target population who are experiencing or at risk for a health problem you identified in module one.As part of the discussion you will:
    • Review learning theories, principles and health education models (p.124), select one theory and apply to your diagnosis.
    • Define the learning theory and describe its major components.
    • Discuss how you might apply it when addressing one of the health problem for a target population in your community. Narrow your population to a focused group, such as a classroom, church group or another reasonably sized group.
    • List 2 – 3 teaching strategies you could use for your aggregate.

    For example, if you have chosen childhood obesity as your identified health problem in week one, describe the learning theory that would work best with children ages 8 – 10, and explain why you believe that learning theory would work best with it.

Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials (chapter 5) which is the required reading and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.

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dvanced practice nurse in South Florida

As an advanced practice nurse in South Florida, my area of practice will be geriatrics. The future of my practice will lead me to participate in a program such as the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) program that is run by the Department of Elder Affairs, State of Florida (State of Florida, 2011). I feel strongly enough about helping elderly patients that if I cannot make this a paying job, I will volunteer for such a program.
Many elderly patients find themselves in a nursing home due to financial restrictions and loss of specific functions. However, these patients are still very alive and deserve to have access to care with as little difficulty as possible – this means not having to travel and seeing them with less wait time than any other facility would be able to, since I will be coming directly to them. Being able to have these services where they currently live will help to create a safe space for them as they navigate the huge change from independent living to a community care living situation and to their new functional limitations.
Some of the specific interventions that I will do are weekly individual nursing appointments to address everyday concerns that may be separate from the reason they are in the nursing home and simply needs an active team member to connect the resources to the problem. I will also locate a psychological/psychiatric practitioner to come and have mental health wellness sessions with the residents to allow them to establish and feel comfortable with a new reality. Additionally, services would also be offered to family members caring with their elderly loved one. Caregiver stress will be addressed and mitigation to this issue would be a focus of my practice as well.

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Guidance and coaching is a core competency of advanced practice nursing.

Topic 1: Guidance and coaching is a core competency of advanced practice nursing. How do you think guidance and coaching in the advanced practice role is different from the RN role of teaching/coaching? Are there certain elements of this competency that are more important than others? How does the teaching and coaching role fit with a wellness versus sickness model of care?
For each Topic:
Initial posts for each discussion topic must also include 2 peer-reviewed citation.Citations must include outside sources. Additionally, comments should also include a citation to support assertions. A minimum of 200 words. While the discussion board tool limits the ability to use APA formatting (e.g., hanging indents), posts must include the required elements of an APA in-text citation and list of references. Each post requires it’s Own answer. They do not require a front face sheet.
Letter to Elected Officials:
MN507-2: Explain U.S. healthcare policy structures and the role of the nursing leader as a change agent at the public policy table.
read the Assignment presentation transcript.
You will do your work on this template for the Unit 3 Assignment:
1. Each member of the group must identify their state legislators’ addresses and phone numbers. (Ohio)

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