Determine the importance of generic drug availability in relationship to healthcare quality and cost. Illustrate, with real-world examples, the capacity to which healthcare cost affects healthcare quality in the United States.

Determine the importance of generic drug availability in relationship to healthcare quality and cost. Illustrate, with real-world examples, the capacity to which healthcare cost affects healthcare quality in the United States.

Specify at least two (2) examples of quality initiatives that could potentially reduce health care cost. Illustrate, with real-world examples, the capacity to which healthcare cost affects healthcare quality in the United States.

Determine the importance of generic drug availability in relationship to healthcare quality and cost. Provide at least two (2) examples to illustrate the degree to which generic drug availability is significant to the uninsured.


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 Apply foundational theories of attention, learning, memory, language, and decision making to practical, contemporary problems

this paper also needs more references at the beginning of paper and also a Overview
Within the professions of psychology, it can be typical for you to work on proposals for programs, studies, or new initiatives. For example, you may work for a university that regularly partners with foundations and corporations to identify grant opportunities for projects in local communities. The final project for this course is a project proposal that provides you an opportunity to draw upon your knowledge of cognitive psychology and demonstrate the key skills and abilities developed in this course to address a contemporary psychological problem, giving you critical exposure to how that problem impacts people’s interactions in a professional setting. You will select an area of interest in cognitive psychology and one of the following applied settings: education, law, mental health, or technology. Your proposal may include brief references to an additional setting, but your focus must be on your primary applied setting choice. For example, you can select education as your primary applied setting as you research a contemporary problem related to memory processes and learning, but you may find that you want to also touch on memory disorders (i.e., mental health setting) within the scope of your project.
This project is supported by four milestones, which will provide you opportunities to work toward the final project throughout the course and improve the quality of your final submission. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, Six, and Seven. The final project will be submitted in Module Nine.
These assessments will address the following course outcomes:

  •   Apply foundational theories of attention, learning, memory, language, and decision making to practical, contemporary problems
  •   Identify gaps in and propose improvements for practices in professional disciplines based on the strengths and limitations of human cognitive systems
  •   Assess foundational theories of cognitive psychology for their relevancy to real-world issues
  •   Interpret current research and statistical findings in cognitive psychology through the application of sound methodological principles
  •   Advocate for and defend the use of socially responsible strategies and techniques for improving upon human cognitive processes
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this assignment must be done within 15 hours…….no late work……please help me….

This has to be based on someone in los angeles area or orange county California area. Just google to find someone or a job in the kinesiology field.


Informational Interview and Observation                                                                                                                      40pts

Selecting one of the Kinesiology sub-disciplines you will create at least 15 questions, identify an individual working in this sub-discipline, interview them, and observe them working in the field.  You will produce a 2-3 page paper summarizing your observation and discuss the 7 sub-disciplines and how they related or do not relate to what you have observed. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL LOSE POINTS FOR EACH DAY LATE.

You can pretend that you did interview them and just make it up but the answers must be in the field of Kinesiology.

The 15 questions are general questions you would ask someone who works in that particular field such as why did you choose this field, what does your work consist of, etc etc etc.

Please help me and no late work…..

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When diagnosing a client with a particular psychological pathology or disorder it is essential to consider whether the client has a medical condition. At times medical conditions may contribute to a person’s psychological disorder. For example the hormonal changes associated with aging for both men and women may mimic symptoms of a mood disorder. To effectively treat this person a psychologist must address both the medical and psychological aspects of their condition. With many factors to consider psychologists must be careful to address the symptoms of disorder accurately. A psychologist’s personal scope of competency related to client diagnosis is critical in order to effectively address other diagnostic factors to other providers.For this Discussion consider the differences between medical conditions and psychological disorders. Also within your personal scope of competency think about ways to minimize misdiagnosis of clients. Consider best practices for diagnosis and treatment within your scope of competency.With these thoughts in mind:Post by Day 4an example of how medical conditions might mimic psychological disorders. Then explain two ways you might minimize instances of misdiagnosing a medical condition as a psychological disorder. Finally explain actions you might take within your scope of personal competency if you suspect a medical condition and why.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and current literature. American Psychiatric Association. (2013).Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders(5th ed.). Arlington VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.o Depressive Disorderso Bipolar and Related Disorderso Considerations of Medical ConditionsParis J. (2015). The intelligent clinicians guide to the DSM-5(2nd ed.).New York NY: Oxford University Press. Chapter 9 Bipolar and Related Disorders Chapter 10 Depressive DisordersBondi M. W. (1992). Distinguishing psychological disorders from neurological disorders: Taking Axis III seriously.Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 23(4) 306309. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Neblett E. W. Jr. Hammond W. P. Seaton E. K. & Townsend T. G. (2010). Underlying mechanisms in the relationship between Africentric worldview and depressive symptoms.Journal of Counseling Psychology 57(1) 105113. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Wang J. Keown L. Patten S. Williams J. Currie S. Beck C. & … El-Guebaly N. (2009). A population-based study on ways of dealing with daily stress: Comparisons among individuals with mental disorders with long-term general medical conditions and healthy people.Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology 44(8) 666674. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Baskin T. W. Wampold B. E. Quintana S. M. & Enright R. D. (2010). Belongingness as a protective factor against loneliness and potential depression in a multicultural middle school.The Counseling Psychologist 38(5) 626651. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Good G. E. Schopp L. H. Thomson D. Hathaway S. Sanford-Martens T. Mazurek M. O. et al. (2006). Masculine roles and rehabilitation outcomes among men recovering from serious injuries.Psychology of Men & Masculinity 7(3) 165176. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Heckman C. & Westefeld J. (2006). The relationship between traumatization and pain: What is the role of emotion?Journal of Family Violence 21(1) 6373. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Meiser B. Mitchell P. McGirr H. Van Herten M. & Schofield P. (2005). Implications of genetic risk information in families with a high density of bipolar disorder: An exploratory study.Social Science & Medicine 60(1) 109118. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Rabinowitz F. E. & Cochran S. V. (2007). Men and depression: Implications for counselors.Counseling & Human Development 40(1) 111. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Snowdon J. (2013). Should psychomotor disturbance be an essential criterion for a DSM-5 diagnosis of melancholia?.BMC Psychiatry 160(13).Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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Poisonous Hemlock

PMT: Class 8 Outline:

Poisonous Hemlock

The Legumes (Nodulation)

Last time: Agriculture and the Grains, Wheat, Maize and Rice.

Feb 19, Monday – in one week is Exam I

Poisonous Hemlock

Carrot family – Apiaceae, Also know as the parsley family Umbelliferae.

300 genera & ~ 3000 Species: ¼ of genera native to U.S.

Contains important food plants: Carrots, parsnips, celery Coriander seeds, cilantro, Caraway, parsley & dill – also poison hemlock.

Poisonous Hemlock Conium maculatum L.

Description: A tall, usually much – branched, imposing plant with purple-spotted stems, compound leaves, and small compound umbels of white Flowers.

Height: Two to ten feet.

Leaves: Pinnate compound.

Poisonous Hemlock:

Flowering: 2mm long, five petals, compound umbel.

Habitat: Waste places, weedy areas, and woodland borders.

Range: Throughout East, except Newfoundland & Arctic, also in much of Western U.S.

All parts of this plant are poisonous, containing the toxic alkaloid called coniine.

Toxin is a volatile oily compound.

Coniine was the first alkaloid synthesized in the laboratory.

Piperidine structure: nitrogen in a six-member ring.

Coniine killed Socrates!

Socrates drank a potent solution of poisonous hemlock 399 BC

Coniine causes paralysis of the diaphragm and subsequent respiratory failure

No plant extract should be consumed by unqualified practitioners! Poisonous hemlock is a narcotic herb that sedates and relieves pain.

The young leaves and fresh seeds contain the highest alkaloid content.

Used by Greek and Arab physicians for a variety of problems including arthritis. It was not always effective …caused death… as the difference btw. a therapeutic and a toxic amount or measure can be very slight..

Poisonous Hemlock: Overdoses can produce paralysis and loss of speech being followed by depression of the respiratory function then death!

No plant extract should be consumed by unqualified humans (practitioners)!

A current issue with poisonous hemlock is: prevent livestock from consuming poisonous hemlock while grazing (in large open rangelands)!

Paper: Hemlock alkaloids and Socrates to poison Aloes (Aloe ruspoliana): on mycourses

• 399 BC poisoning of Socrates by poisonous hemlock.

• Active constituents are of the piperidine alkaloids family

• ~all related to coniine alkaloids all of very simple chemical structures.

The Legumes

The Legumes: Legume family (Leguminosae)

Synonymous with pod, the fruit produced

Seeds are inside the pod or legume

Examples include: Peas, Soybean, Beans, Clover, Alfalfa & Peanuts

With N-fixing root nodules

Importance of Legumes: Major plant source of protein & oil

Major nitrogen fixers with symbiotic bacteria in root modifications called root nodules – fixes nitrogen from air and makes it available to plant

Vegetative Characteristics: Legumes plants are mostly herbs with compound leaves and most are annuals

Flowers are irregular, bilaterally symmetric

Pollination is by bees (hive decline, pesticide- pathogen interactions)

Fruit is a pod or legume, a long fruit with two rows of seeds, easily splits on two seams, two rows of seeds; example, peas in a pod.

Seeds of legumes Seeds are large with two cotyledons that make up most of the seed, no endosperm at maturity

Nitrogen fixation was discovered in legumes, due to symbiotic association of Rhizobium species of bacteria that inhabit nodules on roots

Bacteria give plant nitrogen and plant gives bacteria carbon

Nitrogen Fixation: Conversion of atmospheric N2 to ammonia NH3,

which reacts with water to form NH4+

Performed biologically by:

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cyanobacteria

Bacteria may be free-living in soil or in symbiosis with plant

Legumes are the only agricultural families that have symbiotic N-fixing bacteria (woody)

Rhizobium and related bacteria that form symbioses with legumes: Bacterial Species Host Plants Sinorhizobium meliloti Alfalfa, Sweetclover

S. fredii Glycine (Soybean), Cowpea

S. sp. NGR234 Broad host range: many genera of legumes

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii

Trifolium (clover)

Mesorhizobium loti Lotus (trefoil), Lupinus (lupine)

Bradyrhizobium japonicum Glycine max

Events to the formation of legume-Rhizobium symbiosis:

two way chemical-mediated communication

Release of bacteria from plant produced infection thread into target plant cells and formation of bacterial derived: bacteroids

Some bacterial genes used in the symbiotic formation with legume plants

Stage or symbiosis

Rhizobium genes

Known or proposed function

Host plant signal nodD, nolR Activate or repress transcription of nod box promoters

Nodule formation, Host recognition

exo, lps, ndv Enzymatic synthesis of Nod factors

Differentiation Bacteroid metabol.

bacC dct genes

Signal import / export Import of dicarboxylic acids

Regulation of N- fixing genes , N- fixing

fixL, fixJ, nifA, fixK; nifHDK

Response to O2; control nif promoters; Nitrogenase & cofactors

Plant genes encoding specific proteins involved in N- fixation in nodule = Nodulins, leghemoglobins (Lb)


First: Plant signals associated with Rhizobium nod gene expression: signaling Rhizobium that are host legume is near!

Regulatory circuit of rhizobium NodD and plant inducer molecules


Plant-Rhizobium Signaling

Bacterium-produced Nod Factor induction leads to Plant- produced infection thread and nodule development

Summary of Nodule Development (overtime, clockwise)

Start here


Nitrogen fixation as observed by chlorophyll content

Soybean Nodulated

Soybean not Nodulated

Food Legumes: Beans

Bean: Phaseolus vulgare: Green bean and others – native to Mexico and the Andes (S.A.)

Rich in protein and also some carbohydrates Intestinal gas – alleviate gas production in us by

long cooking time, treatment of cooked beans with enzyme, and plant breeding to eliminate complex carbohydrates

Red kidney, black, kidney, mung, adzuki, black-eye pea, fava, broad

Food Legumes: Peas Peas: Pisum sativum – garden pea plus other genera and species – native to near East

Rich in protein and carbohydrates

Immature pod also eaten, as snow peas or sugar snap peas

Peas grown in U.S. as field pea for livestock, a garden pea and as an edible-podded pea

Food Legumes: Peanuts Peanut: Arachis hypogea – native to South America; introduced into Europe then from there to Africa then from Africa to U.S.

Rich in oil and protein Unusual growth characteristics: after fertilization, the flower stalk dips downward and grows into the ground where the pod matures to produce peanuts – also called ground nuts

Uses: Half of U.S. crop for peanut butter, rest for snack food, candy, peanut oil

Food Legumes: Soybeans Soybeans: Glycine max – Native to China and introduced into Georgia in 1765. Now the most valuable crop in the U.S. – grown in Midwest and South

Oil used for cooking oil, salad dressing, margarine, shortening, mayonnaise

Oilcake is rich in protein, used for animal feed, used as meat substitute for humans

Food Legumes: Soybeans Soybeans: Glycine max

Traditional uses in the Orient:

Soy sauce – fermented soybeans and grain Tofu – soy milk curds Miso – fermented soybean & rice past in Japan Tempeh – fermented soy cake in Indonesia Soybeans also eaten as sprouts Widely used in health food

Food Legumes: Soybeans Soybeans: Glycine max

Industrial uses: Oil can be used as diesel fuel, or made into plastic, paint, ink, soap

A major crop in the U.S. with production increasing rapidly with greater yields

Forage Legumes: Alfalfa Forage Legumes: Grasses with nutritional balance

Medicago sativa – Alfalfa – some 20 million acres planted in U.S.

Trifolium spp. – True clovers – many species. Red & white clovers

Vicia spp. Vetches planted for hay and erosion control

Next: Last class before test 1

•Ginger the root spice

•Starchy Staples

Exam I – Next Monday (Feb 19)

PMT: Class 9

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Reflect on past experience (with examples) and indicate how you dealt with the cultural diversity issue.

Reflect on past experience (with examples) and indicate how you dealt with the cultural diversity issue.

Cultural Concepts 


1. Complete the Values and Attitudes self-assessment section (#14 – #37) of “Promoting Cultural and Linguistic Competency.”

2. Explain your results and indicate areas of competence and areas for improvement.

3. Reflect on your results and how this impacts your nursing practice in regard to clients from diverse cultural backgrounds who have complex health care needs and who are in various phases of the life span.

Complete one of the following:

A. Reflect on past experience (with examples) and indicate how you dealt with the cultural diversity issue.

B. Anticipate (based on your clinical setting and clientele), the complex cultural issues that may arise and how you will handle these potential situations.





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Describe how the patient care you have provided has influenced your career and your decision to continue your education ?

Describe how the patient care you have provided has influenced your career and your decision to continue your education ?

Describe how the patient care you have provided has influenced your career and your decision to continue your education ? How do you see yourself contributing to the nursing profession?


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Fear of Litigation

HCA 383 Biostatistics Lab

Spring 2018

Assignment 5

Use the dataset named “Fear of Litigation” to complete this assignment.  This assignment is due December 6th, 2017.

(1) Report the descriptive characteristics of your sample in a single table (e.g. breakdown by gender, age range, and other factors that describe the sample).  An example of a table is given below. (10 points)

Variables Total Sample N=
n Valid %
Age Categories    
18-35 years    
36-45 years    
46-55 years    
56-65 years    
66 years and older    
Practice Location    
Medical School
AMA Specialty    
 Internal Medicine    
General/Family Practice
Other Specialties

(2) What is the correlation between age of the physician and litigation fear scale. Write up two or three sentences to report and explain this finding. (5 points)

· Look up how to report statistics in APA format. Here are some websites to guide you.



Now go back to the SPSS data file and split the file by gender of the physician separately and run the same correlation.

Data — Split File — Compare Groups — Groups based on: — gender3 — OK

(3) Is there a difference in the correlations when men and women analyzed separately?  In other words is there a gender difference in fear of litigation? (Hint: There is! When the data is split by gender, it appears that the correlation is significant for one gender and not for the other) Report this finding. (5 points)

Repeat for practice location.  Go back and split the file by practice location instead of gender and run the same correlation.

Data — Split File — Compare Groups — Groups based on: — pracloc9 — OK

(4) Do rural, urban/private, medical school practice physicians have the same fear of litigation? Report this finding. (5 Points)

· When you are done you can reset the file to analyze the whole group. Go back to the Split file screen. Check Analyze all cases, do not create groups and then hit Reset, then OK.

(5) Check and report on the correlation between age of the physician and risk management beliefs scale.  Is there a relationship between getting older and physicians’ feelings/beliefs that they are better able to manage risk? (5 points)

(6) Check and report on the correlation between the number of patients per month and litigation fear scale. Why would this make sense?

(7) Run frequencies on the variables insur10sued11insur16board22likely12riskmg13diffmg14protec15, (include them in one frequency analysis rather than doing them one by one).  Now, look at the output.  (15 points)

(a) Summarize this information in 2 separate graphs: One graph that has the Yes/No questions: and one that has the Likert Scale questions.  Create the graphs in Microsoft Office.  See the two examples in the attached file (The numbers are not correct. You have to run the frequencies yourself).

(b) Then write a few statements summarizing the main issues that the data and the charts reveal. For example:

In this sample, 46% of the physicians surveyed have had a previous lawsuit. Very few physicians surveyed (less than 10%) have less than one million dollars-worth of litigation coverage….

Figure 1: Physician malpractice data

Figure 2: Physicians beliefs about litigation exposure and risk management

(8) What is medical malpractice and what impact does litigation against physicians (or medical malpractice lawsuits) have on the healthcare industry in the USA? Use at least three references to help support your answer. (350 words) Use APA format. (20 points)

· Students must answer each of the two parts of the question and use references to support their points.

Little/Not at All

Likely to be sued How effective is Risk Management? Is risk Management difficult for you? How well protected in current Position? 0.10299999999999999 0.10199999999999999 0.377 0.439 Somewhat

Likely to be sued How effective is Risk Management? Is risk Management difficult for you? How well protected in current Position? 0.23200000000000001 0.30099999999999999 0.38400000000000001 0.36499999999999999 Very

Likely to be sued How effective is Risk Management? Is risk Management difficult for you? How well protected in current Position? 0.66500000000000004 0.59699999999999998 0.24 0.19500000000000001


$1 Million Liability Ins Malpractice claim filed Malpractice Insurance Board Certified 0.92100000000000004 0.46 0.97199999999999998 0.86199999999999999 No

$1 Million Liability Ins Malpractice claim filed Malpractice Insurance Board Certified 7.9000000000000001E-2 0.54 2.8000000000000001E-2 0.13800000000000001

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Do they offer consultation services to other professionals in the community, such as medical personnel, law enforcement, or school personnel?

Assessment of an Organization
This final assignment is a culmination of the work you began in Unit 3 by identifying an agency in your state that provides counseling services to your selected clinical population. Throughout the course, you have collected information to assess the role of counselors as social justice advocates in the areas of prevention, education, consultation and intervention. It is now time to synthesize and present your findings.
Assignment Instructions
Write a 6–8-page paper that addresses the following. Be sure to cite the information gathered during your research, field interview, literature review, and your course text and readings throughout the course.
· Discuss therapeutic models or interventions used by the organization to work with the selected clinical population.
. What best practices are applied to support the needs of individuals, couples, families, and groups?
· Describe the counselor’s role with respect to advocating for social justice at multiple levels.
. Are staff members engaged in advocacy at individual, professional, organizational and societal levels?
. To what extent do they engage in multidisciplinary support and collaboration to provide equitable mental health services to the population?
. Do they offer consultation services to other professionals in the community, such as medical personnel, law enforcement, or school personnel?
· Evaluate the counselor’s educational and preventative efforts to address the wellness of the selected clinical population.
. Does the organization, for example, provide public service announcements, screenings for depression, et cetera, to promote mental health literacy? Is there evidence that these efforts are successful?
· Evaluate how well the organizational practices align with the Movement of Global Mental Health with respect to providing equitable mental health services.
Submission Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
· Template: Use the template provided in the resources.
· Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate-level scholarship.
· APA format: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
· Number of resources: A minimum of six scholarly resources from peer-reviewed journals published within the past 10 years. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.
· Length of paper: 6–8 typed double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
You are required to submit your final version of this paper to Turnitin to generate a final report prior to submitting the assignment for grading. From the Turnitin tool, first submit to the draft link to check your work for any necessary edits. Once the paper is finalized and all edits have been made, submit your final paper to the Final report option for the assignment. Please be advised it can take up to a day to obtain the percentage from Turnitin. When your paper is downloaded and viewable in Turnitin, save the originality report. Refer to The Similarity Report (linked in the resources) from Turnitin Web site for guidance.
· Submit your assignment using the following file naming format: Your Name_AssignmentNumber_Assignment Title (example: Ima_Learner_u03a1_ClientDescription).
· Provide the percentage from the final Turnitin report in the comment section (example: Final Turnitin percentage = 4%). Please be prepared to provide your faculty member with a copy of the Turnitin report, should this be requested of you.

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Examine How Participative Leadership functions in today’s Modern health Care Organization

Examine How Participative Leadership functions in today’s Modern health Care Organization

Examine how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other
To start, select one of the following approved topics for your Senior Project. You may also have a topic of your choice approved by the instructor in Week One. Many of the approved topics have specific subtopics outlined and, while these topics are not all-inclusive, they do provide insight into specific areas to consider.

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Examine how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other types of leadership styles. Evaluate how each type of leadership style may impact organizational culture, employee performance, and how it may help or hinder the legitimacy of authority.
As an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Additional subtopics may include trends in the nursing workforce, shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and staffing patterns.
Analyze the dual role of a manager and healthcare professional. Examine challenges that the health professional compared to those of a non-health professional, may face in terms of leadership style, and the impact these challenges have on organizational culture. The benefits of a health professional manager as an organizational resource may also be included. Explore the career trends of health professionals in organizational leadership positions, such as the types of health professional training that leaders tend to have in common, and the typical demographic background of health professional managers.
The health care industry must anticipate and monitor trends that could possibly affect its overall survival. Analyze how regulation of the health care industry impacts a health care organization. Explore some of the possible survival organizational strategies such as, but not limited to, mergers, and affiliations, achieving accreditation status, professional licensure.
Analyze the impact of technology on how health care services are delivered. The impact of technology on employee performance, organizational structure, and management planning may also be considered.
Analyze the impact of any recent social and/or ethical trends on the health care industry. Discuss at least two issues.

After identifying your topic, choose a health care organization in your area. This organization may be small or large and may provide single inpatient health service or multiple outpatient services; it is your choice. Consider your topic in light of the leadership of this organization and research the challenges and successes it has faced in managing operational effectiveness. You are welcome to use as many research methods as possible to obtain information for your organization and its managers (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your project.

Finally, develop a management training program that includes relevant guidelines and information to combat the issues identified in the selected topic, as well as recommendations for managers to more effectively lead health care organizations. Your training program should be in the form of a 20 to 25 slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding title and reference slides) that includes comprehensive speaker’s notes (i.e., at least 150 words) for each slide. Utilize at least three to five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library and two to three current, scholarly web sources (total of five to eight references required). All sources must be cited according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your presentation must be engaging and relevant to your audience. Lines of text on a slide will not be sufficient for this project. It should contain at least five images, graphics, and/or multimedia that communicate your training clearly to your audience. For tips on creating an excellent presentation, read this overview.

Creating the Senior Project

The Senior Project:

Must be 20 to 25 PowerPoint slides (excluding title and reference slides) in length. There are 20 content criteria worth a total of 10 points.
Must include a title slide that contains the following:
Title of project
Your name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include an introduction with a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the project with critical thought in the areas of:
Organization details
Challenges and opportunities
Training program outcomes
Impact on at least three stakeholder groups involved delineated by cost, quality, and access to service
Suggested actions
Must include a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least five supporting graphics (images, graphics, and/ or multimedia) are included and relevant communicating the training content (two points).
Must include speaker’s notes that have evidence of critical thinking and application (content analysis, synthesis, evaluation) related to the research methodology used to develop (six points):
Project content
Practical and relevant solutions to the organizational challenges/opportunities
Appropriate evaluation of individual stakeholder groups involved
Must use at least three to five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library and two to three current, scholarly web sources.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference slide, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.




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