
After engaging in a dialogue with your colleagues on valuation, you will now be given an opportunity to apply principles that were presented in this phase. Using a Web site that provides current stock and bond pricing and yield information, complete and analyze the tables illustrated below. Your mentor suggests using a Web site similar to this one.

To fill out the first table, you will need to select 3 bonds with maturities between 10 and 20 years with bond ratings of “A to AAA,” “B to BBB” and “C to CC” (you may want to use bond screener at the Web site linked above). All of these bonds will have these values (future values) of $1,000. You will need to use a coupon rate of the bond times the face value to calculate the annual coupon payment. You should subtract the maturity date from the current year to determine the time to maturity. The Web site should provide you with the yield to maturity and the current quote for the bond. (Be sure to multiply the bond quote by 10 to get the current market value.) You will then need to indicate whether the bond is currently trading at a discount, premium, or par.



Face Value (FV)

Coupon Rate

Annual Payment (PMT)

Time-to Maturity (NPER)

Yield-to-Maturity (RATE)

Market Value (Quote)

Discount, Premium, Par







  • Explain the relationship observed between ratings and yield to maturity.
  • Explain why the coupon rate and the yield to maturity determine why the bonds would trade at a discount, premium, or par.
  • Based on the material you learn in this Phase, what would you expect to happen to the yield to maturity and market value of the bonds if the time to maturity was increased or decreased by 5 years?

In this step, you have been asked to visit a credible Web site that provides detailed information on publicly traded stocks and select 1 that has at least a 5-year history of paying dividends and 2 of its closest competitors.

To fill up the first table, you will need to gather information needed to calculate the required rate of return for each of the 3 stocks. You will need to calculate the risk-free rate for this assignment. You will need the market return that was calculated in Phase 2, and the beta that you should be able to find on the Web site.


5-year Risk-Free Rate of Return

Beta (β)

5-Year Return on Top 500 Stocks

Required Rate of Return (CAPM)

To complete the next table, you will need the most recent dividends paid over the past year for each stock, expected growth rate for the stocks, and the required rate of return you calculated in the previous table. You will also need to compare your results with the current value of each stock and determine whether the model suggests that they are over- or underpriced.


Current Dividend

Projected Growth Rate (next year)

Required Rate of Return (CAPM)

Estimated Stock Price (Gordon Model)

Current Stock Price

Over/Under Priced

In the third table, you will be using the price to earnings ratio (P/E) along with the average expected earnings per share provided by the Web site. You will also need to compare your results with the current value of each stock to determine whether or not the model suggests that the stocks are over- or underpriced.


Estimated Earning
(next year)

P/E Ratio

Estimated Stock Price (P/E)

Current Stock Price

Over/Under Priced

After completing the 3 tables, explain your findings and why your calculations coincide with the principles related to bonds that were presented in the Phase. Be sure to address the following:

  • Explain the relationship observed between the required rate of return, growth rate and the dividend paid, and the estimated value of the stock using the Gordon Model.
  • Explain the value and weaknesses of the Gordon model.
  • Explain the how the price-to-earnings model is used to estimate the value of the stocks.
  • Explain which of the 2 models seemed to be the most accurate in estimating the value of the stocks.
  • Based on the material that you learn in this Phase, what would you expect to happen to the value of the stock if the growth rate, dividends, required rate of return, or the estimated earnings per share were to increase or decrease? Be sure to explain each case separately.

Note: You can find information about the top 500 stocks at this Web site.


S&P 500 index chart. (2014). Retrieved from the Yahoo! Finance Web site:^gspc;range=1y;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=;

Yahoo! Finance. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Be sure to document your paper with in-text citations, credible sources, and a list of references used in proper APA format.

Deliverable Length:  Word document of 700–1,000 words with attached Excel Spreadsheet showing calculations

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  1. MGT 6615 Mega Food Inc – Ethics&CSR(1).pdf

    1. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major ethical issues you would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, please justify or support why you feel that each of the issues have ethical implications.

    2. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 issues related to corporate social responsibility that would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, please justify or support why you feel that each of the issues have implications related to social responsibility.

    3. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major global trends that are specifically influencing Mega Food to consider relocating operations of the Orchard facility to the country of Frostburg. In your response, please be specific in stating why or how each of the global trends is directly impacting Mega Food.

    4. Summarize 3 to 5 major challenges that Mega Food would encounter if they chose to relocate the operations of the Orchard facility to the country of Frostburg.

    5. What would be your official recommendation to Mega Food? Please support your answer by providing a rationale that incorporates appropriate concepts covered in your business courses.

    6. Quite often, leaders and managers are required to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. This hypothetical case contained very limited information. If you could have access to 3 more types of additional information for this case, what is the nature of the information you would find helpful. Please justify your answer.

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i need about 700 words annotated bibbliography

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What is (2y-x) – (y-x)

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  Please respond to the following discussion:

  • Examine three (3) cable maintenance tools that you would consider essential for a network team. Of the three (3) tools that you have examined, determine the one (1) that you believe is the most versatile. Provide one (1) scenario that demonstrates the versatility of your chosen tool and justifies your decision.
  • As explained throughout the text, documentation is one of the most critical roles that a network administrator must undertake. Industry professionals commonly use various tools for documenting and diagramming networks (e.g., Microsoft Visio, Dia, etc.). Identify a diagramming tool that you prefer to use, and provide at least three (3) reasons that justify your preference for that particular tool.

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Write a paper of 500 1 000 words reflecting on two prescribed areas and one area of your choosing

Write a paper of 500-1,000 words reflecting on two prescribed areas and one area of your choosing.

Part 1: Consider the journals you have written during this course.

            Reflect on the items you selected each week that connected to your education.

            How has the knowledge you have gained from your program of study assisted you in your volunteer experience? How do you see it assisting you in the future?

Part 2: Consider all areas of student life such as general education requirements, major, minor, emphasis, chapel, extracurricular, community service, employment, faculty, administration, etc.

            Address the following: 

            1. In your opinion, what are one or two things that would have made your experience at GCU even better?

            2. Point out people and events in your GCU experience that had the most positive influence on you. Explain one or two of them.

            3. Explain how your GCU experience changed you personally, professionally, and spiritually.

            4. How do you see this whole experience impacting your future?

            5. In what specific ways are you better prepared for professional life?

Part 3: Reflect on anything else related to your volunteer experience.

This essay is worth 200 points.


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Quantitative research involves the analysis of data. Often there are databases available or government data available for free on the internet. There are also proprietary databases that can provide data as well. For this assignment, you will collect data and begin the analysis of the data. NOTE: save the data collected because you will continue to perform additional analysis of the data as the term progresses. Hint:  for collecting data, try the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics website. You will have to do some searching to find the data. Look around the reference website, the data are there. 

For the first module, you need to collect cumulative data for all U.S. major carriers for the time period of January 2006 through December 2012. The data you collect should include monthly load factors, monthly revenue passenger miles, and monthly available seat miles (Domestic flights only).

Once you have collected the data, clean the data as necessary (i.e. sometimes monthly data will include a total for each year in the data set). If you keep the annual total in the data set it could skew some of your results. Also, remember the question asks for domestic data only. For the period in question calculate the following summary statistics for each data item collected:

    • Mean
    • Median
    • Mode
    • Standard Deviation
    • Variance
    • Minimum and maximum

In addition to data for all U.S. carriers collect the same data of a single U.S. airline, clean the data, and calculate the same summary statistics for the particular airline you selected.

Create a scatter plot for all of the US airline data with revenue passenger miles on the y-axis and load factor on the x-axis. Do the same for the individual airline you have selected. Make sure your scatter plot includes a title of the plot, labels the x and y-axis with appropriate titles, and uses appropriate scales for each axis (refer to your textbooks for examples).

After completing the above items, prepare a brief (three to four paragraph) discussion of the summary statistics, perceived relation between load factor and revenue passenger miles (if any), how your selected airline appears to be performing relative to the industry, and any other information you can glean from the data collected. Your write-up should also include a brief discussion identifying where the data was obtained from. Ensure sources are cited and formatted in accordance with current APA format. 

This assignment is intended to get you to start thinking about what your data may or may not be telling you. Certainly, this early in the term we have not discussed the tools necessary to draw strong inferences. However, there are items which may appear to be apparent that can be discussed.

Be sure to include summary tables of summary statistics, the scatterplots, and the excel spreadsheet with the data in addition to the brief write-up. When you submit your assignment, use the following naming convention: 

Lastname.Firstname.Course.Activity.fileextension. For example, I would have two documents to turn in:  Mau.Ron.MBAA522.1.4.docx. and Mau.Ron.MBAA522.1.4.xlsx.

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This is a 6 page paper. 

Should be plagiarism free. Turnitin is used to check for plagiarism. English should be top quality.

Whatever resources you use, make sure to reference them and include intext citations. 

Analyzing & Reviewing Business Ethics Articles

Find and Read any three articles related to Business Ethics. 

Prepare six pages summary of the articles you have read and what you learned from them. 

Also, discuss how you can benefit from it professionally. For example, how can it help you become a better leader?

This paper is expected to show academic scholarship, both in content and presentation. 

The paper should be formatted to APA. Note: the cover sheet and reference page does NOT count toward the five to eight page length requirement.

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Group Discussion Prompt: Review the air pollution data you collected in the Lab Report for Discussion, and design an experiment that allows you to measure air pollution. Use the discussion board to share your design and the data you collected with your classmates. Describe your experimental design.

Points: 20

Instructions for lab in order to complete discussion.

Your assignment for this laboratory is to design your own experiment to test for air pollution. It is all up to you. You decide what you are testing for, where you will test for it, and how you should gather and identify the types and sources of air pollution. Keep careful notes and make sure you follow scientific methods so that you can answer the questions on your Lab Report for Discussion before joining the Threaded Discussion Board Activity.

Before you form a hypothesis and design your experiment, consider your location and your materials. If you live in a city, you might have an easier time finding pollution as compared with someone in the country, but there are small amounts of air pollution everywhere. Take a look around the outside your home. Are your windows dirty? How did they get that way? See how much dirt you can pull off of an outside wall using the sticky side of a piece of tape. You could also see how much dirt you can collect off surfaces with a paper towel and a cleaning solution. If you live in the city, you could ask a friend in the country to do the exact same procedure and compare notes.

You could also try to collect pollution using the glass slides and the petroleum jelly from the K12 materials kit. Smear petroleum jelly on the slides, and then place the slides in different places. How much dust and dirt sticks to each slide in a week? Can you find more pollutants on a busy city street as compared with quiet roads? What about rain? Can you detect air pollution by examining rainwater?

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Social media sites are fast becoming part of daily life. People can “connect” with other individuals to associate with friends, share messages, and post pictures. People can communicate with others via the Internet to inquire about jobs, apartments, and news events. When individuals use these sites to commit crimes, however, the question then arises as to who is accountable for the crimes committed.

For this Discussion, select one of the following cases: Kathleen Edward or Philip Markoff. Review the case you selected and consider the potential accountability of the Internet site (Facebook or Craigslist) for the crime committed.

Kathleen Edward (2010)

Kathleen Edward of Trenton, Michigan, was a 7-year-old girl dying of Huntington’s disease. As she battled her disease, she was subjected to cyber-bullying by her 33-year-old neighbor, Jennifer Petkov. Petkov used her Facebook page to post hateful messages, such as “I can’t wait until you die,” and ghoulish art of Kathleen, including Kathleen’s face under a skull and crossbones. Petkov also posted a doctored picture of Kathleen’s mother,who had died a year earlier of Huntington’s disease, being held by the Grim Reaper. Eventually a restraining order was placed against Petkov.

Philip Markoff (2009)

Philip Markoff was a Boston University medical student who became known as the “Craigslist Killer.” This was primarily because he found his victims via their advertisements posted on Craigslist. Markoff utilized this Internet site to contact his victims, such as Julissa Brisman, a masseuse found dead in a hotel room after her appointment with Markoff. He robbed and attacked two other women he connected with via the use of Craigslist before getting caught. He committed suicide while in jail awaiting trial.

Post by Day 4 the name of the case you selected. Then provide your position on the degree to which the Internet site should be held accountable for the crimes that occurred using the site.

One and a half page with at least two reference….

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.


  • Course Text: Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2015). Digital crime and digital terrorism. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 3, “The Criminology of Computer Crime”
  • Article: Foley, J. (2007). Are Google searches private? An originalist interpretation of the Fourth Amendment in online communication cases. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 22(1), 447–475.
  • Article: Henson, B., Reyns, B. W., & Fisher, B. S. (2011). Security in the 21st century: Examining the link between online social network activity, privacy, and interpersonal victimization. Criminal Justice Review, 36(3), 253–268.
  • Article: Is it legal?: Privacy. (2011). Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, 60(2), 68, 81–82.
  • Article: Kumar, A., & Kumar, P. (2010). Managing privacy of user generated information in a Web 2.0 world. Journal of Information Privacy & Security, 6(2), 3–16.

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