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Question 1


    Considered the brain of the computer





4 points  

Question 2


    Abstracts a program’s various tasks or function into separate “modules” of reusable code.


    Code blocks



4 points  

Question 3


    Scope is defined the same way in all programming languages.

4 points  

Question 4


    In structured programming, which of the following is NOT one of the three basic structures?





4 points  

Question 5


    A loop can also be known as a





4 points  

Question 6


    Serves the same purpose as a list, but is considered less flexible.





4 points  

Question 7


    This concept uses the three primary programming structures and logic development strategies that create well organized, easy to read, and easy to understand program code.

    Unstructured Programming



    Structured Programming

4 points  

Question 8


    Loops are similar to decisions in that they have a condition statement which evaluates to a TRUE or FALSE value.

4 points  

Question 9


    The Python Framework does inform you where an error occurred.

4 points  

Question 10


    Write a Python program that accepts a numeric value from the user and prints the number starting from 0 up to the user’s value.

    For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac). Content Editor

    Use arrow keys to select functions



    4 points  

    Question 11


      Used to define the scope in Python

      { }



      ( )

    4 points  

    Question 12


      This programing element begins with the keyword def.





    4 points  

    Question 13


      When does python limit access to global variables/objects from within a scope?

      When there is the presence of a newly created local variable with the same name as a global variable.

      When there is the presence of a newly created local variable with a different name than the global variable.

      When there are no new variables.

      When there is the presence of any newly created variable.

    4 points  

    Question 14


      Used to pass one or multiple values into a function for processing.

      Global variable

      Code block


      Parameter list

    4 points  

    Question 15


      Without lists and other collection objects such as arrays, vectors, and dictionaries, the processing capability of our programs would be greatly improved.

    4 points  

    Question 16


      One of the three programming structures that will choose one of two paths of execution based on the results of a true/false question:





    4 points  

    Question 17


      Because lists are sequences, indexing and slicing work the same way for lists as they do for strings.

    4 points  

    Question 18


      Which is the following is true about structured programming

      Each structure should have one entry point, but can have multiple exit points

      Each structure can have multiple entry points, but only one exit point

      Each structure has no limit on the number of the entry points and exit points

      Each structure should have one entry point and one exit point

    4 points  

    Question 19


      ____ within a list are identified by an index number, placed within square brackets after the name of the list. For example:





    4 points  

    Question 20


      What does the following comparison operator mean ==

      Equal to


      Greater than

      Not Equal

    4 points  

    Question 21


      Boolean expressions are only true

    4 points  

    Question 22


      Programming method for solving a problem by solving a smaller version of the same problem repeatedly.


      Problem Solving



    4 points  

    Question 23


      Any problem that can be solved with recursion could be re-implemented with loops.

    4 points  

    Question 24


      Component to a function used to get output directly from a function.





    4 points  

    Question 25


      Define a Python list for the days of the week, and then use a loop (while or for) to print that list.

      For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac). Content Editor

      Use arrow keys to select functions


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Analysis of Impact Draft



This week, you will submit your Analysis of Impact draft (roughly four pages, using APA format).

This portion of the Course Project provides an analysis of the chosen technology’s influence on society considering all of the following components:  

  • Social 
    • How has this technology been received, accepted, or rejected? Why? Is it feared or favored? What is the attitude toward change? How are the developers trying to sell the technology to the general public? Look at attitudes, feelings (emotions), behaviors, personality, and the ways humans change as a result of this technology. What is being thought, and why? Is the human mind impacted? How? Are interactions between people changing as a result? Who is included or excluded, and why? Use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Piaget, or some other theorist. What psychological needs are met by the technology (e.g., cell phones once granted status and now promote a sense of belonging or connectedness) or created by the technology? Consumerism?
    • Look at groups and organizations that have arisen and prospered because of this technology. Are these groups supportive or antagonistic, and why? (An example is genetically modified foods [GMOs] and the backlash against the Monsanto corporation. Another is cochlear implants that allow the deaf to hear yet reduce the deaf population that calls itself a community.) How does the technology change society, or how does society change in response to the technology? What factors in society led to the development in the first place? What do class, gender roles, race, norms, and the like mean in this context? Who will benefit from the technology, and who might be harmed (this might also belong in the ethics and morals section)? For example, prosthetics enable people to participate more fully and actively in society (some people compete in triathlons and marathons), and war has brought about the need for advances in prosthetic technology as casualties with missing limbs return home to the United States. Look at the workplace, new companies, and/or jobs created, jobs lost (or save this for the economics section, perhaps). Look at roles—subgroups, people’s interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. Consider crime, healthcare, and schools. Surveillance cameras, for example, have recently been installed in New York City, and the result has been a decrease in the amount of crime, purse-snatching, pickpocketing, and so forth. Yet some fear the big-brother effect of always being watched and tracked, as well as concerns over “who will guard the guards.”
  • Cultural 
    • This is a really important section. Consider the elements that comprise the culture and subcultures. Compare the United States’ use of the technology with that of other nations around the world. What is it about Americans that brings about innovation, or has America declined in terms of technical innovation, scientific research, and development? Look at advertising for the technology, the use of celebrities or stars or heroes, the applications (e.g., sports and nanotechnology), and the values represented by the culture. What has priority, and why? An example: IBM was spelled out in xenon atoms. Why were these letters chosen instead of something else? What new words have been added to our vocabulary from this technology? Horseless carriage was used long before the termautomobileWireless preceded Wi-Fi, and webcasting preceded podcastingBroadcast was a term adapted from agriculture long before it was used for radio and television.
    • How do musicians and artists react to, use, or incorporate the technology in their artistic productions? For example, fiber optic lighting has been used on the stage and in parades (Disney) for costuming. The drama term in the limelight, for example, was derived from a lens and lighting system used in lighthouses. Look at literature—perhaps science fiction or fantasy stories—that predate the technology (Jules Verne, for example, wrote about submarines before they were actually invented and used—though Leonardo da Vinci had sketched the idea centuries before Verne). Are there any songs, short stories, poems, plays, TV shows, or films that directly make reference to the technology? Are there any related literary works that apply? Is the artifact in a museum or will it be? Why? How does the technology relate to concepts of beauty and novelty and human creativity? How can people express their humanity through this technology? An example: Scientists experimenting with nano made a nano guitar that actually played a tune, though it was subthreshold to human hearing. 
  • Political 
    • Look at government policy, government intervention, government involvement (support or lack of support, funding), both nationally and internationally. Consider Congress, the president, the Supreme Court (decisions), the rate of change, liberalism, conservatism, legislation, litigation, and so forth. What political factors are at work in the progression or regression of the technology (e.g. lobbyists, special interest groups, partisan views, vocal advocates, or spokespersons)? For example: The Americans with Disabilities Act was designed to prevent discrimination and encourage accessibility to public facilities; it impacted architects, companies, organizations, and persons with disabilities through the installation of ramps (wider doors, lower knobs and handles, larger restroom stalls), the use of assistive devices in schools and in the workplace, hiring practices, and lawsuits against employers, among other things. 
  • Economic 
    • Consider production, consumption, costs, variables of supply-demand, corporations, private enterprise, and impact on the nation’s economy (employment, displacement, outsourcing). Are certain industries impacted more than others? Look up financial projections—expectations for growth, startup companies, the stock exchange, and so forth—anything related to business and the United States and global economy. Who are the chief players in the business environment, and what is their role? How much has been invested in research and development? How will the price fluctuate? What economic trends are to be observed? Who will make money from the technology? Who is funding the research and development? Who controls the purse strings, and why? Look at foundations and charitable organizations, the outcomes and the nature of consumers. Be sure to use charts and tables and quantitative data in this section. Tables, figures, and data and statistics must be current, valid, and used appropriately.
  • And the Environmental Impact
    • Consider such things as dangers to humans, the depletion of resources, air and water pollution, discovery before inventions, impact on wildlife and humans (health and safety), long-term and short-term effects, waste disposal, and aesthetic considerations (how the technology changes the landscape). Look also at the positive effects (savings of raw materials or fossil fuels, low environmental impact, enhancement to the environment). For example, some thought the Alaskan Pipeline would impact the caribou population and its ability to migrate; the scientists discovered that the population actually increased and was healthier because they had “shade” from the above-the-ground pipe, fewer biting flies, and less physically stressed females. 

      Other negative examples: The spotted owl and deforestation in Washington State; the snail darter and the dam, endangered species and loss of habitats, extinction, over-mining, overproduction, pollution of ground water, landfills, toxic wastes, stripping the soil of nutrients, over fishing, over hunting, and over harvesting.

This section should include the following items. 

  • All of the required sections listed above
  • At least two statistical graphs or visual aids that support different sections of the analysis
  • In-text, APA-formatted citations with a reference page

The assessment should be well written and incorporate proper grammar and no spelling errors. It should incorporate an introduction, body, and a conclusion paragraph.

Grading Rubric

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Need 7-10 page A.P.A paper written by Monday 6/27/16 topic ” Human Genome Project and implications for clinical practice.”

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3500 Words Research Paper with 10 Days Deadline.

Research Paper:

Discuss the impact of flash and ‘the cloud’ on enterprise storage environments as a whole. You should discuss the success factors contrasted with the pitfalls that companies experience when adopting various strategies. Describe the impact to new/existing system designs when alternative solutions are introduced into the data center (whether onsite, or in the cloud). Finally, identify key security concerns that must be addressed with any enterprise level technology.


Your paper should address storage technologies issues such as security, onsite vs offsite, flash vs spinning media etc.

Flash and cloud should be discussed in general but not be the focus of this paper.

The goal is for you to think beyond where we are today and discuss where enterprises are likely headed and that impact.

Again, the focus is on newer technologies impacting today’s business environment.

Requirement: 3500 Words.

Deadline: 10 days

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  1. NoSQL, Microsoft Access, and Pivot Tables

    Complete BOTH parts of this assignment.

    Part A: Write a 500-1000 word paper using Word discussing NoSQL. Use at least two sources outside your text and course material for this paper. Do not use Wikipedia. Use APA format for the paper, and be sure to cite all your sources using APA format. Submit your Word document for grading.

    Part B: Use the Week 3 Assignment Pet_Database File for this section of the assignment. In the PET table, delete the PetDOB field and add a numeric PetCost field. Populate this field with appropriate values. Save the changes to the PET table. Create SQL queries to do the following:

    • Display the last name and phone number of all dog owners. Use a subquery to do this.
    • Display the first and last name of owners and the type of animal of all unknown breeds.
    • Display the pet name and owner last name of all dogs.

    Save all 3 queries.

    Export the PET table to an Excel spreadsheet. Create a Pivot table. Have the cost display as currency. Take screen shots* of two different views without a report filter and paste the screen shots into a Word document. Then add a report filter and choose one value for it, take a screen shot, then choose a different value for the same filter and take another screen shot. Paste those into the Word document containing the first two screen shots. You should now have 4 screen shots in this Word document. Save the Word document as Screen shots. Save the pivot table as Pivot.

    You will have 4 files submitted for this assignment: the Word document with your paper from Part A, the Microsoft Access Pet_Database file, the Screen shots Word file, and the Pivot file.

    *To take a screen shot, have the proper information on your screen, hit the PrntScr button, and then paste into the Word document.

For part B assignment the file is located in the Drop File.

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In the xy-plane, the graph of the function f(x) = x2 + bx + 4 does not intersect the x-axis. Which of the following must be true about b?

  • A. −8 ≤ b < −4

  • B. b = −4

  • C.−4 < b < 4

  • D.b = 4

  • E. 4 < b â‰¤ 8

I would need a comprehensive explanation on how you arrived at your answer so I’ll know how to it the next time around. Thanks!

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   Impacts of Victimization on Women

When a crime occurs, the effects are rarely temporary or isolated. Primary victims suffer immediate consequences, but they may also experience lingering physical and psychological issues related to the crime. They often participate in trials and court hearings, which can be lengthy ordeals that consume large amounts of victims’ time, energy, and resources. Victims also may have difficulty coping even after the entire process is over.

In addition to the primary victims, a crime may affect the victim’s friends, family members, and neighbors, who then become the secondary victims. A crime may have significant, long-lasting impacts on the community in which it occurs and can even make ripples on a national or international scale.

For this Assignment, you examine the case of Jaycee Dugard, who was kidnapped when she was 11 years old and held captive for 18 years before being rescued. You also consider short- and long-term impacts of the case on both primary and secondary victims.

Jaycee Dugard
In 1991, Jaycee Dugard, an 11-year-old girl, was kidnapped walking home from the school bus. Jaycee’s abductors, Phillip and Nancy Garrido, held the girl captive for 18 years. Jaycee was abused, both sexually and emotionally, by her captors and eventually bore two daughters by Phillip Garrido. She began to accept the life she was living and, even when opportunities presented themselves, she never tried to escape. In 2009, Phillip Garrido was investigated by law enforcement related to his parole from prison. During the investigation, Jaycee lied to law enforcement, not revealing her true identity or the fact that she had been kidnapped and abused for years. Upon further investigation, Jaycee revealed the truth and was rescued from her captors. In 2010, Phillip and Nancy Garrido were found guilty of the kidnapping and abuse of Jaycee. The State of California approved a $20 million dollar settlement for Jaycee, to compensate her for various lapses by the Corrections Department, which contributed to Dugard’s continued captivity, ongoing sexual assault, and physical abuse.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Explain potential short-term impacts of the abuse on Jaycee Dugard.
  • Explain potential long-term impacts of the abuse on Jaycee Dugard.
  • Identify any potential secondary victims, and explain potential short- and long-term impacts of the abuse on those victims.
  • Explain whether or not the compensation provided was appropriate for this crime and why.

Two to three pages with at least three references….

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.


  • Course Text: Investigating Difference: Human and Cultural Relations in Criminal Justice
    • Chapter 11, “Women’s Difference in the Criminal Justice System: Constructions of Victims, Offenders, and Workers”
  • Article: Boykins, A. D., Alvanzo, A. A. H., Carson, S., Forte, J., Leisey, M., & Plichta, S. B. (2010). Minority women victims of recent sexual violence: Disparities in incident history. Journal of Women’s Health, 19, 453–461. 
    • Article: Dickman, M. (2009). Should crime pay? A critical assessment of the Mandatory Victims Restitution Act of 1996. California Law Review, 97, 1687–1718.
    • Article: Wyckoff, R., & Simpson, S. (2008). The effects of self-protective behaviors on injury for African American women in domestic violence situations. Crime, Law & Social Change, 49(4), 271–288. 

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