Your reflective essay includes: You have demonstrated an understanding of and alignment of practice with the ANMC Competency Standards for Registered Nurses (2005).

Your reflective essay includes: You have demonstrated an understanding of and alignment of practice with the ANMC Competency Standards for Registered Nurses (2005).

to identify the risks and provide standard nursing care for patient who had post bone marrow transplant after my clinical placementPaper details:Reflective essay
-word count : 750-1000 words
-due date :
-Standard essay format
allowed copied text or referencing is just 10% or less onlySubmission checklist:
Your reflective essay must be:
-Word processed
-Presented on A4 sized paper
-Formatted with a 2.5-3.0cm margin on both sides of all pages
-Written in 12-point font unjustified text and printed single sided
-1.5 or double line spaced
-Identified utilising a footer with your name student number and page number
-Appropriately referenced utilising Australian College of Nursing referencing guidelinesComplete a reflective essay utilising Gibbs cycle of reflection (1988) and your most significant learning goal as a basis.
Your reflective essay includes: You have demonstrated an understanding of and alignment of practice with the ANMC Competency Standards for Registered Nurses (2005).
A description of what occurred
A description of what you thought and felt
An evaluation of what was good and bad about the experience
An analysis of what was learned
A conclusion describing what could have been done differently
An action plan describing what would be done in future if the same situation arose.


smilesmile. .


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