The proponents of government-subsidized managed care in the U.S

1. The proponents of government-subsidized managed care in the U.S. want a plan that would be a single-payer universal health system managed by the federal government. Under such a system all Americans, young, old, poor, wealthy, working, or not working, would be covered under one plan; no Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Native American Health Service, private insurance, or HMOs would be included in the system. This one plan would pay for whatever healthcare a person needs. Many Americans oppose such a plan.

What do you think are the pros and cons of such a plan? Would you want to be covered under such a plan? Do you think you would be better or worse off with such a plan? Why?

Does this Government in health care work? Is it needed? Should we change it and get rid of them?

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40
2. Assignment 1:

Some experts say that competition helps keep medical costs down, yet others disagree.

Do you think that competition In the healthcare business keeps prices down, pushes prices up, or has no effect on prices? Justify your response with examples.

Discuss the positive or negative impacts of competition in healthcare on the patient.

Should health care services compete or work together for the good of the industry or the good of the business?

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40

In the 1990s, it was considered, at best, unprofessional and, at worst, unethical for doctors or hospitals to promote themselves in advertising or marketing. Currently hospitals include marketing departments. Discuss three pros and cons of this new policy. Consider what would happen to a hospital if it did not advertise or market in any way. At what point would hospital advertising become unethical? Have you ever noted a hospital advertisement that you felt went “over the line?” What was it about that advertisement that you felt was wrong? Would advertising cause different effects in different parts of the country? Are there different ethical considerations for advertising in different parts of the country? Justify your viewpoint using examples. How should health care conduct itself? Good doctors are needed and an asset to any facility…how do you sell that?

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40
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