Research paper

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of academic writing website. academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


nalytical Response 1


Research paper


High School








2. Read your text’s excerpt from Thomas Morton’s New English Canaan. Read the excerpt from Giovanni da Verrazzano. 

3. Provide a BRIEF summary of both written works and then analyze the works using properly documented quotations from the text to support your argument. Note: for summary, you should begin with a general statement; then, follow with a sentence or two devoted to each separate work. Remember that the summary is to be limited to five sentences total in order to allow concentration on the analysis.

4. Your goal is to critique some aspect(s) of the works, not to tell what they are about (the brief summary does that for you) nor to explain why you do or do not like it. The reader is not concerned with your personal interests, only with the valid claims you can make about the writing itself. To begin brainstorming for the analysis, think about how these two writings are similar. Think about how they are different. Are their intentions/purposes the same/different? Are they written in the same style? These are the kinds of things that you should consider for analysis; you do not have to answer any or all of these questions. The point here is to show you the difference between writing a paper in which you express a personal opinion (I liked Morton’s writing better because it was funnier) and writing a paper that considers how the writing was crafted (Morton’s goal was to ______; therefore, his style was _________ when compared to Verrazzano.—the blanks are deliberate, as I do not want to influence you to think about either writer in a particular manner).

5. Write this response in the THIRD person. Do not use you, I, me, us, we, etc.
6. Subject-verb contractions, such as “he’s” and “they’re,” should also be avoided, rather using “he is,” or “he has,” and “they are.” This also eliminates other possible grammatical errors, such as “their” for “they’re.” 
7. When discussing a work of literature, use the present tense; for example, “In ‘A & P,’ Sammy uses the opportunity created by Lengel’s treatment of the girls as a means to escape his boring life and future, and he quits.”
Also, do the same when referring to the author. For example, “Shakespeare often manipulates syntax to maintain the iambic pentameter meter.” See “Using Tense . . . ” information below.

8. Use quotations sparingly–only where necessary to support a particular point. Refer to the Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing information under Instructor Notes for information on working a quote into a sentence or paragraph. Be sure to use parenthetical references properly (consult one of the recommended online sites or refer to a grammar book or MLA Handbook, usually found in reference material in all libraries). Include a Works Cited Page that lists all sources–in this case, the two writings you are discussing. Each will be listed separately accordingly to the format for one selection from a collection or anthology (this note applies any time you cite a work from your textbook). There is no excuse for incorrect MLA format, as examples are given here on Bb, websites are recommended for your perusal, and samples are readily found in grammar textbooks or MLA Handbooks. Mistakes are expected; lack of effort toward being as correct as possible is not.






One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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