

Individual Project – Image Analysis

· Good image position:

AP Forearm

· Repeat image position (Reasons for repeat):

AP forearm

· Identify all radiographic anatomy on any radiograph presented

We can see carpal bones, styloid process, ulna head, ulna, radius, radial tubercle, radial neck, radial head, trochlea, olecranon process, and humerus

· Describe the position of part, position of patient and position of the image receptor, CR location, CR angle, SID, breathing instructions and structures seen for the projection presented.

· AP Forearm position (forearm is supinated, and its dorsal surface is kept in contact with the cassette with extension at the elbow joint, 14×17 image receptor, Central Range mid forearm, no angle, 40 SID, no breathing instructions, no angle, and the collimation is distal to the wrist joint until to the proximal elbow joint

· Define and relate technique terminology to study. In addition, state technical factors and why they were used.

Good image technique kVp 60 & mAs 1.6

· Describe the criteria that makes this image an acceptable image or a repeat image to include the corrections needed if not optimal or the optimal qualities that make it acceptable.

Each student will select two radiographic image that they have produced- one that needs improvement and one that they believe is a quality radiographic image. The student will write a short paper justifying their beliefs. The student will justify the two images to the class during seminar days. See image analysis for the criteria on presentation.

BAD Image


Good image


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