Noble Action Sacred Call or Desire history homework help

Explain whether or not you think Siddhārtha Gautama’s quest to find
enlightenment falls under the category of noble action, sacred call, or desire.
Discuss how his decision to leave his family would be received in today’s

Please respond to the following statement:

To determine if
was noble action, sacred call, or desire we must first understand the meaning of
each.  A sacred call refers to sanctity.  The state of being holy.  Worthy of
spiritual respect and devotion.  Noble actions is something you
would do to help others rather than one’s self.  Desire refers to a
strong wish to want something or a strong wish to want something to
occur.  It is my belief that
Gautama’s quest fall in the category of desire.  He
was know as the “enlightened one” which means someone who achieves their aim. 
He often studies and meditated.  When he did not obtain the answers he desired
he would work harder.  One night he sat under a tree and vowed not to leave
until the truth he was seeking came to him.  He had to overcome the threats of
Mara, a evil demon that was challenging his quest to become a
Buddha.  Through desire he
finally found the answers to questions of suffering he had been seeking for many
years.  Through sheer desire he became a


Gautama’s leaving his family would not be received well in today’s culture. 
It would be said that no Christian should ever leave their spouse or children
for any reason.  People may view him as evil because he left his family.  Some
may view his decision to leave as cruel.  Some may support the
opinion that God would never leave his own.  


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