In this assignment, you will prewrite on a given topic.

  • Select one of the topics listed below.
  • Create a graphic organizer based on your chosen topic.

First, pick one of the topics below and take a stance take a stance; you cannot just write an exploratory argument on the topic. Instead, you will brainstorm for ideas to support your stance

Option 1: Is it wise to unplug for a summer? A current topic being explored by some parents is to make children “unplug” for a summer, meaning eliminating the use of technology such as computers, iPods/iPads, televisions, etc., for the summer months. Is this a good idea given the over-dependence on technology? Alternatively, is it a poor decision given the many benefits of technology? 

Option 2: Do people depend on texting too much? Has it changed people for better or worse?

Option 3: Should recycling be mandatory?

Option 4: Should there be higher taxes on soft drinks and junk food to encourage healthier eating?

Option 5: Is Facebook a positive or negative influence on society?

Next, organize your ideas into one main topic with three sub-topics, each with supporting details. Create your own graphic organizer or use the one below to arrange your thoughts.

Main Topic 
Sub-topic #1 
Supporting detail #1 Supporting detail #2 Supporting detail #3
Sub-topic #2
Supporting detail #1 Supporting detail #2 Supporting detail #3
Sub-topic #3
Supporting detail #1 Supporting detail #2 Supporting detail #3

You may download and use this graphic organizer or create your own.

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