This assignment is another bit of foolishness that comes from the folks who wrote this course – so we’re going throw it back on them. The “believing game” is absurd. It asks us to abandon reason for the sake of…what? Here’s the simple truth – you can tell me all day long how great it might be to be a Nazi (I’ve just violated Godwin’s Law – google it), but it’s not a conversation I’m going to engage in, let alone ‘believe”. This is not to say there aren’t valid opposing positions to what we think, but the operative word here is ‘valid’. We use reason and research to support positions, not opinion. I know the rate of a falling body in a vacuum is 9.2 meters per second squared. There is no alternate position. The kind of thinking proposed here asks us to deny science. If it’s merely opinion about who makes better beer or pizza – well, you might try the other guy’s slice, but if you don’t like it, you don’t have to…and just don’t bother offering me a bite of anchovy…

So rather than entertaining, and writing about, this foolishness, write one – just one – good page about why simply ‘believing’ is a bad idea, and how we might go about thinking about things we don’t believe a bit more productively…if we can?

And don’t worry about the rubric or the directions, below – I got that covered – you just use your brains and write.

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