Use the CSU Online Library and look up the article “Baby Boomers Seek New Ways to Escape Career Claustrophobia” through the ABI/INFORM Complete database (from June 24, 2003). Use this article to help write a two-page memo outlining your recommendations for developing managers who are stuck in their jobs or feel underutilized. Use Microsoft Word to create your memo. You can use a memo template or create your own memo. Be sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format

Here is the article: http://search.proquest.com.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/abicomplete/docview/398842808/8D2345618B7E42A5PQ/2?accountid=33337

If that does not work, here is the database: http://libguides.columbiasouthern.edu/

Make sure to search in the ABI/INFORM database.

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