
Go to Police One’s Website and review the “Illustrated timeline: Policing in the U.S.” infographic, located at http://www.policeone.com/misc-law-enforcement-topics/articles/4506020-Illustrated-timeline-Policing-in-the-US/.  Be prepared to discuss.

From the e-Activity, determine the manner in which major conflicts and police brutality contributed to the reform era of policing. Justify your response with one (1) example from the timeline.

  • Identify two (2) fundamental problems and issues associated with the political era of policing. Next, determine the manner in which these problems and issues led policing from the political era into the community era. Provide a rationale for your response. 

    Many Central and Eastern European countries have experienced totalitarian governments where the national police forces were often used to intimidate and rule citizens. This gave many police forces a bad reputation and the police were seen as part of the problem, rather than as the protectors of individual freedoms of expression, religion, or association.

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