Learn about an organism that is endangered and find out if there is any way that this organism can be saved.

Learn about an organism that is endangered and find out if there is any way that this organism can be saved.

Biology- Endangered Species Project
Throughout the year we have discussed many relationships between organisms and the roles they play in the biosphere. Unfortunately, many of the organisms that we have learned about are in jeopardy of going extinct and have been placed on the Endangered Species List.
In this assignment, you will be responsible for learning about an organism that is endangered and finding out if there is any way that this organism can be saved. You will relate your research to the concepts learned in class and include the information & Pictures for the information below.

Please put all information in a Report folder with Prongs. USE Tabs to separate each numbered section. (7 total)
The following criteria need to be addressed:
Name of the organism
Both common & scientific (Genus & Species)
Picture of Organism

Characteristics of the organism
Geographic location
Physical characteristics
Solitary or social animal
Space the organism requires
Seasonal or not
How many born?

Population details
What is the current population size?
What ecosystem is the organism found in? Habitat?
What is the niche of the organism in the community?
Address the birthrate, death rate, immigration rate, and emigration rate

Why is the organism endangered?


smilesmile. .


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