How the community nurse, using an empowerment approach, could promote health literacy

How the community nurse, using an empowerment approach, could promote health literacy

Community nursing assignment Aim of task: This assignment has been designed to assist you to explore community health principles and approaches and understand how these can be applied in nursing practice within a community setting Essay topic Discuss how the community nurse, using an empowerment approach, could promote health literacy in relation to the health goal identified for the chosen client group. Task Choose one of the given scenarios (see below). Each scenario provides a context, nursing role, client group and health goal. Write a 2,000 word essay which discusses how the community nurse, using an empowerment approach, could promote health literacy in relation to the health goal for the chosen client group. Ensure that you base your analysis and discussion on community health principles and approaches; including primary health care model (rather than the medical model); a group, community or population focus (rather than an individual or disease focus) and health promotion strategies. Ensure that you use scholarly literature relevant to the essay task and the scenario you have chosen and support the points you make in your essay. Scenarios You are working as a registered nurse in an outreach service for homeless men in a large city. Goal: You want to promote health literacy and decision-making in relation to drug and/or alcohol use. You are working as a registered nurse in a community centre that serves a large migrant population. Goal:


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