After studying the course materials located onModule 4: Lecture Materials & Resourcespage, answer the following:Description and bioethical analysis of:Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis PGDSurrogate motherhood“Snowflake babies”Artificial inseminationWhat is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?Describe the 3 Primary ovulation symptoms.Describe the 7 Secondary ovulation symptoms.Describe various protocols and methods available today.Describe some ways in which NFP is healthier than contraception.Bioethical evaluation of NFP as a means and as an end.Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #: 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 52.Submission Instructions:The homework is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.If references are used, please cite properly according to the current APA style.