explaining its importance in the field of psychology

2  PAGES   Well-Written       DUE 6/25/2018       TOPIC – Bullying
For this assignment you will apply the first step of the scientific method by identifying a topic, (BULLYING), and explaining its importance in the field of psychology. Choose a topic of interest to you in psychology that is relevant to your current or future career, and search the databases in the Ashford University Library for a published peer-reviewed literature review on the topic. Evaluate the literature review and describe whether or not it provides multiple perspectives and or results on the topic, or if the author is including only those studies that prove his or her original hypothesis. Using the literature review as a reference, compare the characteristics of the different research methods that have been used to study this topic. Summarize what is known about the topic based on the evidence presented in the literature review.study the literatrue surrounding a topic in social psychology, Form a thesis statement , then argue both for and against that thesis statement. then provide a short conclusion that summarizes the essay and takes a stance in support of your thesis. include one reference to the textbook, social pyschology, 10th edition and four peer review journal articles. Need to be 9 pages .12ft, 1 page margins

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