Discussion reply

Avoid postings that are limited to ‘I agree’ or ‘great idea’, etc. If you agree (or disagree) with a posting, then say why you agree(or disagree) by supporting your statement with topics from the readings or by bringing in a related example or experience Address the questions as much as possiblereply to the student the question that are answered are the same has the powerpoint below 2 reference pleaseUsing the PowerPoint Guidelines located in the Modules under the ACON Student Resources tab go to PowerPoint Resources and create a visual-only presentation of a total of five slides that includes the title slide and reference slide addressing the following areas:Title slideNo introduction or purpose statement slide is required for this activityDefine standardized nursing terminologies in informaticsBenefits of using standardized nursing terminologies in the advanced nursing role to improve outcomesProvide an example of a chosen standardized terminology used in informatics to document or improve outcomesReference slideInitial post due by Thursday and one reply by SundaySee instructions following the grid

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