Describe common health policies supporting the greater public safety in health and healthcare. Project description Assignment Details

Describe common health policies supporting the greater public safety in health and healthcare.
Project description
Assignment Details

Review the 9 Assignments for this course. Explain your proposed approach for conducting research necessary to develop quality deliverables, and explain how the information gleaned will support your career development in health care management:

1) Unit 1 Discussion Board
Assignment Details
Review the Terminal Course Objectives (Health/Public Policy):
– Classify the current blood borne pathogens and their impact on health and health behavior
– Describe common health policies supporting the greater public safety in health and healthcare
– Interpret variances in populations and the impact of various health issues
– Summarize how public policies support community and national health
– Describe the impact and value of healthcare policies
How will accomplishing these objectives support your success in management? What risks or challenges might a health care manager encounter if he or she has not mastered these objectives? Explain

2) Unit 1 Individual Project
Assignment Details
Public health and the maintenance of the same is integral to any developed nation. To that end, in the United States, federal, state, and local agencies must work to establish guidelines, rules, and requirements that provide baselines to protect the health of the public at large. Using information from the textbook, the library, and/or the Internet, answer the following questions in a presentation of 23 pages, and provide properly cited sources to support your answers:
– How is public health defined?
– Why should the government be charged with the management of public health?
– On the federal level, how does the Center for Disease Control (CDC) monitor and manage public health?
– How do departments of health on the state and the local level contribute to the maintenance and management of public health?
– Are public health agencies on the federal, state and local level successful in ensuring that public health is maintained?




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