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Ted Bundy – Born To Kill? (Documentary)
Duration: (44:35)

User: n99999999999 –
Added: 7/20/11


Please respond positvly to this post read and answer as if you are talking with this person. 200 words min with a jounral cite


Ted Bundy was a very derranged individual.  He committed to killing over 36 women to which he confessed after 11 years on death row.  According to a detective, he asked Bundy why he did what he did and Bundy replied, “I like it, I enjoy it.” 

The self control theory can relate to the acts that were committed by Bundy.  “Self control is a person’s ablity to alter his or her own mental and emotional states and behavioral responses” (Schmalleger, 137).  Ted Bundy was successful when it came to altering his emotional and mental states when it came to representing himself in court.  Bundy knew how to work the system and escape in order to continue to committ the crimes he wanted and loved to do. 

Behavior theory is a “psychological perspective, this theory posits that individual behavior that is rewarded will increase frequency while that which is punished will decrease.  The reward for Bundy was by gaining media attention and feeling like he controlled the world” (Schmalleger, 127).

The psychological theory is a “theory dervied from the behavioral sciences that fouses on the individual as a unit of analysis.  Psychological theories place the locus of crime causation within the personality of the individual offender” (Schmalleger, ,G-10).  Bundy fell under this theory by his grandparents pretending to be his parents and his mother pretending to be his sister.  When Bundy found out the truth he was devastated and knew he had been lied to all these years.

Schmallege, Frank.  (2012).  Criminology Today:  An Integrative Introduction.  (6th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall places a premium on meeting deadlines. The company understands the significance of timely paper submissions for nursing students. To uphold their commitment to punctuality, employs a well-organized workflow and efficient team coordination. This ensures that students receive their papers promptly, affording them ample time for review and making any necessary adjustments. Providing exceptional customer support is central to’s mission. The company recognizes that nursing students may have queries or require assistance at any time of the day. As such, offers 24/7 customer support to promptly address any concerns, clarify instructions, and offer updates on the paper’s progress. Their responsive support team ensures a seamless and positive experience for every student.


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