In the business world, a team is usually formed to accomplish a task / project.  As one would imagine, the task /project must have considerable importance to dedicate the resources of a team’s collective wages and time. The first step in the formation of the team must be a clear objective. Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, developed an approach to identifying the talent necessary for an organization to be successful and setting goals.  Accordingly, the principles outlined by Jim Collins are applicable, but on a smaller scale, when applied to a team structure.

An important dimension of team effectiveness can be dependent on the manner in which task / project meetings are conducted. The concept of developing a meeting action item registry has merit and has been proven to be highly effective.

Please review the links attached and describe how you would conduct a task inventory to select the right (most effective) people to accomplish the task and the action registry you might consider for your team.

A good task / project might be a software implementation.


Dr.  Bulzoni

Meeting Action Item Planning Worksheet

Example formats for keeping track of action items that need to be accomplished during a project.

Jim Collins: Good to Great in 10 Steps

 Good to Great Diagnostic Tool – Jim Collins

(Very interesting link)

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