Communication Skills

Communication Self-Assessment


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

For this discussion, post your PowerPoint presentation and one-page handout for your fellow learners to review. In addition to sharing these items, provide your own analysis of strengths and weaknesses you see in yourself when it comes to communicating across various stakeholder groups. Provide 2-3 additional recommendations on how you might address the weaknesses in future professional development endeavors.

Communication Skills


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

The final step of the multidisciplinary approach focuses on the ability to communicate with diverse sets of stakeholders about a problem, course of action, and recommendations. Use the Capella University Library to find two articles that address best practices for communicating information to both individuals and groups, then:

  • Summary the key points of each article.
  • Summarize the differences between the articles, including focus and conclusions.
  • Describe how you might apply at least two key points from these articles to the communication of your course of action in the case you are addressing in your project.
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