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In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


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One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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I have to do a 2 page paper. I have to analyze 2 test manuals & discuss the results of…

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


I have to do a 2 page paper. I have to analyze 2 test manuals & discuss the results of the research, including the types of reliabilityprovided, the quality of the information, and any discernible problems. Double spaced in word. Here is the info. WHAT MAKES A GOOD TEST? A test is considered “good” if the following can be said about it: • The test measures what it claims to measure consistently or reliably. This means that if a person were to take the test again, the person would get a similar test score. • The test measures what it claims to measure. For example, a test of mental ability does in fact measure mental ability, and not some other characteristic. • The test is job-relevant. In other words, the test measures one or more characteristics that are important to the job. • By using the test, more effective decisions can be made about individuals. • The degree to which a test has these qualities is indicated by two technical properties: reliability and validity. Test Reliability Reliability refers to how dependable or consistent a test measures a characteristic. If a person takes the test again, will he or she get a similar test score, or a much different score? A test that yields similar scores for a person who repeats the test is said to measure a characteristic reliably. How do we account for an individual who does not get exactly the same test score every time he or she takes the test? Some possible reasons are the following: • Test taker’s temporary psychological or physical state. Test performance can be influenced by a person’s psychological or physical state at the time of testing. For example, differing levels of anxiety, fatigue, or motivation may affect the applicant’s test results. (unsystematic error) • Environmental factors. Differences in the testing environment, such as room temperature, lighting, noise, or even the test administrator, can influence an individual’s test performance. (systematic error) • Test form. Many tests have more than one version or form. Items differ on each form, but each form is supposed to measure the same thing. Different forms of a test are known as parallel forms or alternate forms. These forms are designed to have similar measurement characteristics, but they contain different items. Because the forms are not exactly the same, a test taker might do better on one form than on another. • Multiple raters. In certain tests, scoring is determined by a rater’s judgments of the test taker’s performance or responses. Differences in training, experience, and frame of reference among raters can produce different test scores for the test taker. These factors are sources of chance or random measurement error in the assessment process. If there were no random errors of measurement, the individual would get the same test score, the individual’s “true” score, each time. The degree to which test scores are unaffected by measurement errors is an indication of the reliability of the test. Reliable assessment tools produce dependable, repeatable, and consistent information about people. In order to meaningfully interpret test scores and make useful decisions, you need reliable tools. This brings us to the next principle of assessment. Interpretation of Reliability Information From Test Manuals and Reviews Test manuals and independent reviews of tests provide information on test reliability. The following discussion will help you interpret the reliability information about any test. The reliability of a test is indicated by the reliability coefficient. It is denoted by the letter “r,” and is expressed as a number ranging between 0 and 1.00, with r = 0 indicating no reliability, and r = 1.00 indicating perfect reliability. Do not expect to find a test with perfect reliability. Generally, you will see the reliability of a test as a decimal, for example, r = .80 or r = .93. The larger the reliability coefficient, the more repeatable or reliable the test scores. Table 1 serves as a general guideline for interpreting test reliability. However, do not select or reject a test solely based on the size of its reliability coefficient. To evaluate a test’s reliability, you should consider the type of test, the type of reliability estimate reported, and the context in which the test will be used. Table 1. General Guidelines for Interpreting Reliability Coefficients Reliability coefficient value Interpretation .90 and up excellent .80 – .89 good .70 – .79 adequate below .70 may have limited applicability Types of Reliability Estimates There are several types of reliability estimates, each influenced by different sources of measurement error. Test developers have the responsibility of reporting the reliability estimates that are relevant for a particular test. Before deciding to use a test, read the test manual and any independent reviews to determine if its reliability is acceptable. The acceptable level of reliability will differ depending on the type of test and the reliability estimate used. Test-retest reliability indicates the repeatability of test scores with the passage of time. This estimate also reflects the stability of the characteristic or construct being measured by the test. Some constructs are more stable than others. For example, an individual’s reading ability is more stable over a particular period of time than that individual’s anxiety level. Therefore, you would expect a higher test-retest reliability coefficient on a reading test than you would on a test that measures anxiety. For constructs that are expected to vary over time, an acceptable test-retest reliability coefficient may be lower than is suggested in Table 1. Alternate or parallel form reliability indicates how consistent test scores are likely to be if a person takes two or more forms of a test. A high parallel form reliability coefficient indicates that the different forms of the test are very similar which means that it makes virtually no difference which version of the test a person takes. On the other hand, a low parallel form reliability coefficient suggests that the different forms are probably not comparable; they may be measuring different things and therefore cannot be used interchangeably. Inter-rater reliability indicates how consistent test scores are likely to be if the test is scored by two or more raters. On some tests, raters evaluate responses to questions and determine the score. Differences in judgments among raters are likely to produce variations in test scores. A high inter-rater reliability coefficient indicates that the judgment process is stable and the resulting scores are reliable. Inter-rater reliability coefficients are typically lower than other types of reliability estimates. However, it is possible to obtain higher levels of inter-rater reliabilities if raters are appropriately trained. Internal consistency reliability indicates the extent to which items on a test measure the same thing. A high internal consistency reliability coefficient for a test indicates that the items on the test are very similar to each other in content (homogeneous). It is important to note that the length of a test can affect internal consistency reliability. For example, a very lengthy test can spuriously inflate the reliability coefficient because the equation is based on the number of questions. ( so, if a test with fewer questions with a high r would technically be better than a similar test with double the questions). Tests that measure multiple characteristics are usually divided into distinct components. Manuals for such tests typically report a separate internal consistency reliability coefficient for each component in addition to one for the whole test. (you’ll see this in the manuals you look at). Test manuals and reviews report several kinds of internal consistency reliability estimates. Each type of estimate is appropriate under certain circumstances. The test manual should explain why a particular estimate is reported. (ie, internal consistency or split half). Standard Error of Measurement Test manuals report a statistic called the standard error of measurement (SEM). It gives the margin of error that you should expect in an individual test score because of imperfect reliability of the test. The SEM represents the degree of confidence that a person’s “true” score lies within a particular range of scores. For example, an SEM of “2” indicates that a test taker’s “true” score probably lies within 2 points in either direction of the score he or she receives on the test. This means that if an individual receives a 91 on the test, there is a good chance that the person’s “true” score lies somewhere between 89 and 93. The SEM is a useful measure of the accuracy of individual test scores. The smaller the SEM, the more accurate the measurement is. This is because it leaves little room for error. When evaluating the reliability coefficients of a test, it is important to review the explanations provided in the manual for the following: • Types of reliability used. The manual should indicate why a certain type of reliability coefficient was reported. The manual should also discuss sources of random measurement error that are relevant for the test. • How reliability studies were conducted. The manual should indicate the conditions under which the data were obtained, such as the length of time that passed between administrations of a test in a test-retest reliability study. In general, reliabilities tend to drop as the time between test administrations increases. • The characteristics of the sample group. The manual should indicate the important characteristics of the group used in gathering reliability information, such as education level, occupation, etc. This will allow you to compare the characteristics of the people you want to test with the sample group. If they are sufficiently similar, then the reported reliability estimates will probably hold true for your population as well. Test Validity Validity is the most important issue in selecting a test. Validity refers to what characteristic the test measures and how well the test measures that characteristic. • Validity tells you if the characteristic being measured by a test is related to specific requirements. • Validity gives meaning to the test scores. Validity evidence indicates that there is linkage between test performance and job/behavior performance. It can tell you what you may conclude or predict about someone from his or her score on the test. If a test has been demonstrated to be a valid predictor of performance, you can conclude that persons scoring high on the test are more likely to perform well on the job/or what you’re predicting than persons who score low on the test, all else being equal. • Validity also describes the degree to which you can make specific conclusions or predictions about people based on their test scores. In other words, it indicates the usefulness of the test. It is important to understand the differences between reliability and validity. Validity will tell you how good a test is for a particular situation; reliability will tell you how trustworthy a score on that test will be. You cannot draw valid conclusions from a test score unless you are sure that the test is reliable. Even when a test is reliable, it may not be valid. You should be careful that any test you select is both reliable and valid for your situation. A test’s validity is established in reference to a specific purpose; the test may not be valid for different purposes. For example, the test you use to make valid predictions about someone’s technical proficiency on the job may not be valid for predicting his or her leadership skills or absenteeism rate. This leads to the next principle of assessment. Similarly, a test’s validity is established in reference to specific groups. These groups are called the reference groups. The test may not be valid for different groups. For example, a test designed to predict the performance of managers in situations requiring problem solving may not allow you to make valid or meaningful predictions about the performance of clerical employees. If, for example, the kind of problem-solving ability required for the two positions is different, or the reading level of the test is not suitable for clerical applicants, the test results may be valid for managers, but not for clerical employees. Test developers have the responsibility of describing the reference groups used to develop the test. The manual should describe the groups for whom the test is valid, and the interpretation of scores for individuals belonging to each of these groups. You must determine if the test can be used appropriately with the particular type of people you want to test. This group of people is called your target population or target group. Your target group and the reference group do not have to match on all factors; they must be sufficiently similar so that the test will yield meaningful scores for your group. For example, a writing ability test developed for use with college seniors may be appropriate for measuring the writing ability of white-collar professionals or managers, even though these groups do not have identical characteristics. In determining the appropriateness of a test for your target groups, consider factors such as occupation, reading level, cultural differences, and language barriers. Recall that the Uniform Guidelines require assessment tools to have adequate supporting evidence for the conclusions you reach with them in the event adverse impact occurs. A valid personnel tool is one that measures an important characteristic of the job you are interested in. Use of valid tools will, on average, enable you to make better decisions. It is essential to only use tests that are valid for your intended use. Methods for Conducting Validation Studies • Criterion-related validation requires demonstration of a correlation or other statistical relationship between test performance and performance of what is being predicted. In other words, individuals who score high on the test tend to perform better than those who score low on the test. If the criterion is obtained at the same time the test is given, it is called concurrent validity; if the criterion is obtained at a later time, it is called predictive validity (ie., marriage satisfaction after 10 yrs.). • Content-related validation requires a demonstration that the content of the test represents important related behaviors. In other words, test items should be relevant to and measure directly important requirements for a given construct. (expert review) contrast face validity. • Construct-related validation requires a demonstration that the test measures the construct or characteristic it claims to measure, and that this characteristic is important to successful performance. (empirical review/consensus) The three methods of validity-criterion-related, content, and construct-should be used to provide validation support depending on the situation. These three general methods often overlap, and, depending on the situation, one or more may be appropriate. The content validation method may be used when you want to determine if there is a relationship between behaviors measured by a test and behaviors involved in the job. For example, a typing test would be high validation support for a secretarial position, assuming much typing is required each day. If, however, the job required only minimal typing, then the same test would have little content validity. Content validity does not apply to tests measuring learning ability or general problem-solving skills. Another method is construct validity. This method often pertains to tests that may measure abstract traits of a client. For example, construct validity may be used when a counselor wants to test the client’s aptitude. In this case, an aptitude is not an observable behavior, but a concept created to explain possible future behaviors. To demonstrate that the test possesses construct validation support, “. . . the counselor would need to show (1) that the test did indeed measure the desired trait and (2) that this trait corresponded to success on a given task. Professionally developed tests should come with reports on validity evidence, including detailed explanations of how validation studies were conducted. If you develop your own tests or procedures, you will need to conduct your own validation studies. As the test user, you have the ultimate responsibility for making sure that validity evidence exists for the conclusions you reach using the tests. This applies to all tests and procedures you use, whether they have been bought off-the-shelf, developed externally, or developed in-house. How to Interpret Validity Information from Test Manuals and Independent Reviews To determine if a particular test is valid for your intended use, consult the test manual and available independent reviews. The information below can help you interpret the validity evidence reported in these publications. • In evaluating validity information, it is important to determine whether the test can be used in the specific way you intended, and whether your target group is similar to the test reference group. Test manuals and reviews should describe o Available validation evidence supporting use of the test for specific purposes. The manual should include a thorough description of the procedures used in the validation studies and the results of those studies. o The possible valid uses of the test. The purposes for which the test can legitimately be used should be described, as well as the performance criteria that can validly be predicted. o The sample group(s) on which the test was developed. For example, was the test developed on a sample of high school graduates, managers, or people with graduate degrees? What was the racial, ethnic, age, and gender mix of the sample? o The group(s) for which the test may be used. • The criterion-related validity of a test is measured by the validity coefficient. It is reported as a number between 0 and 1.00 that indicates the magnitude of the relationship, “r,” between the test and a measure of performance (criterion). The larger the validity coefficient, the more confidence you can have in predictions made from the test scores. However, a single test can never fully predict outcome because of the many varied factors. Therefore, validity coefficients, unlike reliability coefficients, rarely exceed r = .40. Table 2. General Guidelines for Interpreting Validity Coefficients Validity coefficient value Interpretation above .35 very beneficial .21 – .35 likely to be useful .11 – .20 depends on circumstances below .11 unlikely to be useful • As a general rule, the higher the validity coefficient the more beneficial it is to use the test. Validity coefficients of r =.21 to r =.35 are typical for a single test. Validities for selection systems that use multiple tests will probably be higher because you are using different tools to measure/predict different aspects of performance, where a single test is more likely to measure or predict fewer aspects of total performance. Table 2 serves as a general guideline for interpreting test validity for a single test.


One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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Need correct answers!! no guessing.. only one more attempt..

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.



Does anyone already have these answers???? I need correct answers no guessing.. due within a few hours. asking $10.00, please help!!!!


Question 1.1. In the excerpt from Plato’s Republic, Glaukon suggests that people are good (Points : 1)





       only because they are powerless to commit injustice and get away with it.

       because their conscience tells them to be.

       out of reverence for the law.

       because living justly is objectively the best sort of life.


Question 2.2. According to Glaukon, justice is based on (Points : 1)

       Mutually advantageous agreements among people.

       The laws of God.

       Natural goodwill among people.

       The will of the powerful.


Question 3.3. If Midgley is correct, moral scepticism (Points : 1)

       Leads to inaction.

       Leads to crude opinions.

       Leads to immorality.

       Rejects all criticism.


Question 4.4. Rachels claims that most actual cases of killing: (Points : 1)

       are morally worse than most actual cases of letting die.

       are morally the same most actual cases of letting die.

       are morally less bad than most actual cases of letting die.

       are morally required.


Question 5.5. Rachels argues that the conventional doctrine: (Points : 1)

       is self-evidently correct.

       is not what most people believe, but can be supported by strong arguments.

       leads to decisions concerning life and death made on morally irrelevant grounds.

       leads to patients being euthanized against their will.


Question 6.6. Glaukon seems to think that people are (Points : 1)

       Naturally benevolent

       Naturally pious

       Naturally just

       Naturally egocentric


Question 7.7. According to Rachels, the “conventional doctrine” maintains that: (Points : 1)

       active euthanasia is sometimes permissible, but passive euthanasia never is.

       passive euthanasia is sometimes permissible, but active euthanasia never is.

       both active and passive euthanasia are sometimes permissible.

       neither active nor passive euthanasia are ever permissible.


Question 8.8. Kass argues that there is an important difference between withdrawing treatment and active, direct mercy killing, and this difference lies in the (Points : 1)

       primary intention of the doctor.

       ultimate outcome of the actions.

       Constitution of the United States.

       sympathy that we feel for the patient’s suffering.


Question 9.9. Midgley thinks that although we can understand or appreciate other societies, (Points : 1)

       We should never judge the values of other societies.

       We must always respect the values of other societies.

       We have the right to judge other societies.

       We cannot understand them well enough to judge them.


Question 10.10. Rachels claims that active euthanasia: (Points : 1)

       sometimes leads to more suffering than passive euthanasia.

       sometimes leads to the same amount of suffering as passive euthanasia.

       sometimes leads to less suffering than passive euthanasia.

       all of the above.


Question 11.11. According to Midgley, moral isolationism (Points : 1)

       Is a “perverse indulgence of the self-righteous.”

       Is based on skeptical diagnosis.

       Stems from concerns about hypocrisy.

       Justifies immorality.


Question 12.12. According to Rachels, many people accept the conventional doctrine because they believe: (Points : 1)

       killing is intrinsically worse than letting die.

       there is no intrinsic moral difference between killing and letting die.

       letting die is morally worse than killing.

       it is never permissible either to let someone die or to kill them.


Question 13.13. According to Rachels, active euthanasia involves: (Points : 1)

       the intentional termination of one’s life by another person, to relieve pain and suffering.

       ceasing to use “extraordinary means” to prolong someone’s life.

       intentionally causing a patient’s death, against the patient’s wishes.

       the refusal to treat a patient to avoid incurring unnecessary costs.


Question 14.14. Why is it hard for physicians to understand palliative care? (Points : 1)

       They do not care about their patients enough.

       They are well-educated in palliative care.

       They did not pay attention in medical school.

       They are focused on healing rather than helping die.


Question 15.15. Leon Kass argues that the primary responsibility of physicians is to: (Points : 1)

       respect the autonomy of the patient.

       make decisions on the basis of compassion and good intention.

       benefit sick by the activity of healing.

       preserve a patient’s life by every means possible. 


Question 16.16. According to Leon Kass, the drive to legalize euthanasia can be largely attributed to (Points : 1)

       the rise in a largely technical approach to healing.

       an increase in our sympathy.

       an increased respect for human dignity.

       the secularization of modern society.


Question 17.17. Glaukon thinks that deep in our hearts we all believe that (Points : 1)

       Injustice is more profitable than justice.

       We will have a clearer conscience if we always stick to the laws of justice.

       To be unjust is to be a fool.

       Both B and C.


Question 18.18. Rachels concludes that: (Points : 1)

       active euthanasia is always worse than passive euthanasia.

       passive euthanasia is always worse than active euthanasia.

       active euthanasia is always morally permissible.

       none of the above.


Question 19.19. Midgely concludes that (Points : 1)

       If we accept a value in another culture, we can still reject that value in our culture.

       If we accept a value in another culture, we must accept that value in our culture.

       If we reject a value in another culture, we must reject that value in our culture.

       B and C.


Question 20.20. If the Ring of Gyges really existed, (Points : 1)

       Just people would use it for justice.

       Just people would not use it at all.

       Unjust people would use it differently than just people.

       Everyone would use it the same.



One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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The future of IT?

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.



You are the new chief information officer for ACME Widgets. The president of the company recently asked you what you think the future of information technology will be. After a lengthy discussion, he further challenged you to write a position paper that will help direct the company’s allocation of resources based on your understanding of the future and potential paradigm shifts.


Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you:


1.Identify and describe a future information technology that you believe will create a paradigm shift.

2.Identify and describe the domain in which the shift will occur.

3.Explain the technology, how it works, and how it is different from what we have today.

4.Give at least five (5) reasons why the technology will create a shift.

5.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.


One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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Bibliography & outline : For Aks only

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


Bibliography & outline : For Aks only



One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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Unit: Our Times: Art, Technology, Challenge & the Art of the New!

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.



This is a case study to help you discover connections between the appreciation of art and the workplaces and other spaces that people inhabit.

Part 1

The chief executive officer (CEO) of a pharmaceuticals company wants to invest in new architecture and art for the company headquarters. You have been chosen to recommend artwork for the new location. Review the following information in preparation for your work on the project:

Part 2

The vice president (VP) of human resources has asked you to develop some initial information in a report.

Answer the following questions keeping the project overview details in mind:

  • What are 3 initial works, on the market, that you might suggest that the international company consider for acquisition or loan, and how much should the company budget for these works?
    • Look specifically at paintings, sculpture, and photography.
    • Use information from auction houses such as Auction House 1, Auction House 2, or others, along with other sources of art, sculpture, and photography for sale or lease.
  • What security considerations would you have to take into account?
  • What are the business advantages of an art collection? How does “art appreciation” extend to the business and professional world?

For each of the 3 pieces, create a brief informational card that might also go into a brochure, explaining the following, in a condensed form:

  • The subject of the work
  • The biography of the artist
  • The techniques and media used
  • Some key interpretive, historical, or descriptive information about the piece

Be sure to address the following questions:

  • How do the characteristics and style fit the organization and environment?
  • Why might employees be interested in them?

Prepare your response as a report to the VP, using Word. Include photos of the recommended pieces of art. Be sure to include citations and references as needed, although it is not necessary to format this as an APA document.


Christie’s. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.christies.com/

Sotheby’s. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions.html

Grading Rubric


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week 1 ece 205 dq1

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


Theoretical Knowledge and Professional Practice


To prepare for this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 3 from your textbook, in addition to the Week One Instructor Guidance. Chapter 3 in Early child development: From theory to practice provides an overview of the main theories relevant to child development. Remember that the topic of child development can be applied to multiple disciplines – from play therapists, to educators, to social workers. Theorists such as Freud, Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson, have been studying child development for decades. These notable figures have contributed significantly to the study of child development. Understanding the basic theoretical tenants will deepen your professional knowledge of how young children develop and how that relates to your work with children. By completing this discussion, you will be meeting Weekly Learning Outcome 3.

Initial Post –Reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook to support your explanations and evaluations for the prompts that follow:

  1. Describe how understanding theories of child development can assist you in your chosen profession. Use specific examples and evidence from the textbook and additional research.
  2. Explain the theories that most closely align with your personal philosophy or approach to child development. Use specific examples to illustrate your perspective.
  3. In a graphic organizer of your choice, describe the major differences and similarities of each of the leading child development theories discussed in the textbook. Attach your organizer to your initial discussion post. You can use an MS Word table, a graphic organizer from Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers, a mind map (e.g., using Bubble.Us or Coggle), or any other creative software choice that suits your needs for illustrating the comparison.


One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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What is constitutional democracy, and how does it function in the united states?

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


What is constitutional democracy, and how does it function in the united states?


One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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a car starts at rest. it then accelerates at a rate of 1.3 m/s [East] for 8.2 seconds. If itcontinues…

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


a car starts at rest. it then accelerates at a rate of 1.3 m/s [East] for 8.2 seconds. If itcontinues as this new velocity for 12 more seconds, what will the displacment of the new car be during the uniform mortion portion of the trip. 


One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending classes and working part-time jobs to participating in extracurricular activities. The demands of modern education can be overwhelming, leaving students in search of effective solutions to manage their academic workload efficiently. One such solution is the use of Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website employ a cadre of experienced and knowledgeable writers who are well-versed in various academic subjects and writing styles. Nursingpapertutors.com professionals bring a wealth of expertise to the table, enabling them to produce well-researched and well-structured papers that meet the academic standards and expectations of students. Their familiarity with diverse subjects ensures that students can receive assistance across a wide spectrum of disciplines, from mathematics to literature, and from nursing to engineering.


Hello I have uploaded a picture of my assignment ( I can’t type it because of the format) Thank you for any kind of help. http://imgur.com/RGW7d


One of the significant challenges students face is time management. The demands of coursework, assignments, and exams can create immense pressure, leading to stress and a potential drop in academic performance. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing website can be a valuable resource for students seeking to balance their responsibilities effectively. By outsourcing some of their academic tasks, students can free up time to focus on studying, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, or even addressing personal obligations. This improved time management can alleviate the stress associated with academic overload. The ultimate goal of education is to enhance one’s knowledge and skills. Nursingpapertutors.com academic writing websites can play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing students with well-crafted papers that serve as models for their own work. These papers can offer valuable insights into effective research, organization, and writing, thereby empowering students to improve their academic performance over time.

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