Compile your detailed assignment white papers that you have been working on in Weeks 1 to 4.

Compile your detailed assignment white papers that you have been working on in Weeks 1 to 4.


Paper details
Compile your detailed assignment white papers that you have been working on in Weeks 1 to 4.

In addition to the work you completed in the last four weeks, your assignment should also:

Include an introduction and a conclusion.
Implement the recommendations from the instructor.
Describe the role of nursing informatics.
Explain how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help or hinder your leadership.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.


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Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding pain management in patients with a history of substance abuse.


Ethics and Undertreatment of Pain

in Patients with a History of Drug Abuse



Ethics and Undertreatment of Pain in Patients with a History of Drug Abuse

Brooke Faria da Cunha

Deadline fo r Submission: February 28, 2017

MSNNI50I To Obtain CNE Contact Hours 1. For those wishing to obtain CNE contact hours,

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2. Evaluations must be completed online by February 28, 2017. Upon completion of the evaluation, a certificate for 1.3 contact hour(s) may be printed.

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Objectives The purpose of this continuing nursing education article is to increase nurses’ and other health care professionals’ awareness of the ethics surrounding the treatment of patients in pain who have a history of drug abuse. After studying the information pre­ sented in this article, you will be able to: 1. Define tolerance, physical dependence,

addiction, and pseudoaddiction. 2. Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding

pain management in patients with a history of substance abuse.

3. Explain autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice in health care.

Note: The author, editor, editorial board, and education director reported no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this continuing nursing education article.

This educational activity is jointly provided by Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. and AMSN.

Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider number CEP 5387. Licensees in the state of CA must retain this certificate for four years after the CNE activ­ ity is completed.

Patients with substance abuse history make up 14% of inpatient admissions to acute care units, where it has been reported a great deal of patient pain is unrelieved (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2009). Definitions o f substance abuse terms including tolerance, dependence, addiction, and pseudoaddiction are essen­ tial to a nurse’s understanding of pain medication administration in patients with substance abuse history. Pain management is one o f the nurse’s main responsibilities, and using the principles o f autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice can guide the nurse to making appropriate pain management decisions for and with these patients. Nursing implications and resources for more information are dis­ cussed.

Imagine being in an unfamiliar room, constantly barraged by unfamiliar people and invasive instruments, very sick, and in excruciating pain, with no end to that pain in sight. This is the plight of thousands of patients with drug abuse history admitted to acute care units right now. According to the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (2010) – a division of SAMHSA – in 2010, 2 1.5% of adults ages 18-25 reported using illicit drugs in the last month, and 6.6% of adults ages 26 and older reported the same. Recent statistics also show that pain management is still grossly inadequate in U.S. hospitals. The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Hospital Survey (2012) reported that from 2010-2011, only 70% of patients stated their pain was controlled during their hospital stay. From these statistics, it can be concluded that 30% of patients reported having uncontrolled pain; many of them are drug abusers, a label that consistently leads to espe­

cially poor pain management. SAMHSA also reported that 14% of all inpatient admissions consist of patients with drug abuse history and that 20% of all Medicaid costs and $ l out of every $4 Medicare spends on inpatient care is associated with substance abuse (SAMHSA, 2009). Managing patients’ pain is the complex responsibility of many team members on an acute care unit; however, nurses are on the front line. Unfortunately, many nurses begin and practice for years without ade­ quate training in pain management and almost no training in pain management for patients with a history of drug abuse.This lack of education and expe­ rience is costly to millions of patients. In order to remedy all this unrelieved suf­ fering, nurses need to understand the meaning of drug abuse, its implications for pain control, and the moral respon­ sibilities they have to treat pain in all individuals, including those with drug abuse history.

Definitions The American College of

Emergency Physicians, the American Pain Society, the Emergency Nurses Association, and the American Society fo r Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN) have come together to pro­ vide clear, working definitions for drug- abuse related terms including tolerance, physical dependence, and addiction (ASPMN, 2010).A better understanding of these terms is crucial to providing adequate pain management because patients can experience one or all of theses states during hospital admission, they are easily confused with one another, and they require different care. In addition, an understanding of these terms can define and explain behaviors in patients with substance abuse his­ tory that may lead to undertreatment of pain.


866-877-2676 Volume 24 – Number I

Tolerance is “ a state of adaption in which exposure to a drug induces changes that result in a diminution of one or more of the drug’s effects over time” (Dunn & Neuman, 2012, p. 2). Tolerance is a physiologically expected response that is different from addic­ tion; however, those who are addicted have physical tolerance, which is why they need more medication to achieve the same relief from pain as non-drug users (Dunn & Neuman, 2012).

Physical dependence is another “ state of adaption that often includes tolerance and is manifested by a drug- class specific withdrawal syndrome that can be produced by abrupt cessation, rapid dose reduction, decreasing blood level of the drug, and/or administration of an antagonist” (ASPMN, 2010, p. 2). Physical dependence is also a normal physiologic response to chronic use of a potentially harmful substance, such as opioids. Withdrawal syndromes can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vom­ iting, chills, diarrhea, and changes in vital signs (Dunn & Neuman, 2012). One can imagine how much worse a painful dis­ ease process or surgical recovery would be when exacerbated by with­ drawal symptoms.

Dependence is not to be confused with addiction, which is “ a primary, chronic, neurobiological disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmen­ tal factors influencing its development and manifestations” (ASPMN, 2010, p. 2.) It is characterized by the four Cs; Compulsive use, Continued use despite harm, lack of Control over substance, and Craving (Dunn & Neuman, 2012).

Finally, addiction is not to be con­ fused with pseudoaddiction, or behaviors associated with addiction, but which occur because of inadequate pain man­ agement (Dunn & Neuman, 2012). Patients with unrelieved pain will resort to behaviors such as “ clock-watching” and will even resort to deception to get relief. These patients are frequently labeled “ drug seekers” because their excruciating pain is all they can think about (Krupnick, 2009). Pseudoaddictive behavior is recognizable by cessation of these behaviors and an increase in func­ tion when adequate analgesia is achieved.

When nurses encounter drug­ seeking behaviors in patients who have used illicit drugs in the past, it is easy to confuse which patients are tolerant, dependent, or pseudoaddicted with those who are addicted.This confusion can lead to the undertreatment of pain (ASPMN, 2010). Patients with addictive disease may even have uncontrolled pain, exacerbated by the fact that they are both tolerant to and dependant on medications. Uncontrolled pain has a myriad of negative health consequences that affect quality of life, ranging from anxiety to depression and chronic stress to suicide (Bernhofer, 2012). O ther physical responses include increased heart rate, systemic vascular resistance, circulating catecholamines, decreased mobility, loss of strength, dis­ turbed sleep, and immune system impairment (Finney, 2010). Post­ operative patients with uncontrolled pain are more likely to experience myocardial ischemia, stroke, bleeding, and delays in healing. From the hospi­ tal’s perspective, unrelieved pain can lead to increased length of stay, fre­ quent re-admissions, and increased emergency room utilization instead of primary care providers (Finney, 2010). In some cases, unrelieved pain can lead to a vicious cycle of anxiety and dis­ comfort, leading to a greater need for pain medication, which can lead to neu­ rological changes and cause addiction or make addiction worse (Dunn & Neuman, 2012).

Ethical Considerations Unrelieved pain is a form of suffer­

ing, and according to The International Council of Nurses (ICN) Code of Ethics for Nurses, one of the four responsibilities of the nurse is to relieve suffering (ICN, 2012). In other words, nurses are ethi­ cally responsible for treating pain; how­ ever, this process is complicated in those with substance abuse history. Nurses undertreat pain in patients with substance abuse history for many rea­ sons. Many times, patients who struggle with substance abuse are aggressive, noncompliant, may have committed crimes, frequently discharge themselves against medical advice, and are unlikely to praise the nurse or be grateful for

services rendered (McCreaddie et al., 2010). These circumstances can threaten the self-worth of the nurse and increase a propensity toward stereotypes and sensitivities toward these patients. Many nurses have reported ethical erosion after caring for such patients over a long period of time. Other reasons nurses frequently undertreat pain in patients with drug abuse history include a lack of educa­ tion and experience working with these patients, fear of exacerbating or creating an addiction, fear of respira­ tory depression, and difficulty assessing whether the patient really needs the medication (Blondal & Halldorsdottir, 2009).

Difficult clinical situations like pain management in patients with substance abuse history calls for a review of basic ethical principles nurses must adopt when they accept a position in the nursing field. Deliberate use of these unemotional, transparent ethical princi­ ples – autonomy, beneficence, non­ maleficence, and justice – can guide nurses as they navigate the treatment of these complex patients (Bernhofer, 2012).

Autonomy, as defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA, 2015) Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, is the right to self-determination. This includes the patient’s right to know all of the pain medications (including their effects and side effects) that are available to them, and how often they can receive these medications, as well as the patient’s right to determine how and when their pain should be treated or not treated. The principle of autonomy is violated when the nurse withholds any of this information from the patient or if he or she makes pain control decisions for the patient without his or her input. When the principle of autonomy is adhered to, patients, including those with substance abuse history, experi­ ence better pain management and report more satisfaction with their care (Bernhofer, 2012). This is evidenced by the increased use of Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA). In PCA therapy, patients are able to administer a prede-


Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses

Table I. Using Ethical Principles to Guide Pain Management Decisions

Principle Question

Autonomy Are the patient’s preferences in pain treatment given the highest priority?

Beneficence Does the patient benefit from my pain treatment deci­ sions?

Maleficence W hat can 1 do to decrease harm?

Justice Did 1 do my best to protect the most vulnerable patient, treating his o r her pain in the best possible way with respect and w ithout discrimination?

Source: Adapted from Bernhofer, 2012.

Table 2. Guidelines for Safe, Effective Pain Management

1) Define pain syndrome.

2) Distinguish type o f abuser. Do they have a history of abuse, are they receiving methadone maintenance, o r are they using drugs actively?

3) Apply appropriate pharmacologic principles of opioid use. Use appropriate opioid with adequate dosing and dosing intervals, consider the dose of the substance the patient was using, use the appropriate route of administration.

4) Provide non-opioid therapies when appropriate.

5) Recognize specific drug of abuse o r misuse behaviors.

6) Avoid excessive negotiations. Which specific drug will be administered, the dose, o r route o f administration?

7) Arrange fo r early consultations. Psychiatry, addiction medicine, and pain management could all be appropriate consults.

Source: Adapted from Krupnick, 2009.

termined dose of pain medication to themselves when they feel they need it. This kind of therapy has been very suc­ cessful in better treating pain in post­ operative and cancer patients with severe pain (Dev, Del Fabbro, & Bruera, 2011). N ot treating a patient’s pain suf­ ficiently also violates the principle of autonomy because patients in pain can be so consumed with their suffering that they are unable to accurately make other medical decisions related to their care. When patients’ pain is under con­ trol, they can relax and make their deci­ sions independently (Finney, 2010).

Beneficence is the strict obligation of the nurse to secure the patient’s well-being by preventing harm and bringing about good (National

Institutes of Health [NIH], 1979). Pain control is an inextricable part of pro­ viding good care for a patient with sub­ stance abuse history, especially when the task is hard. When nurses do not make pain management a priority, do not provide enough pain medication for these patients, or do not advocate for enough medication, they are guilty of neglecting the principle of beneficence, as well as not preventing harm (Finney, 2010). The principle is upheld when appropriate measures have been taken to ensure adequate pain control in a timely fashion for every patient, includ­ ing those with substance abuse history (Bernhofer, 2012).

Nonmaleficence is defined as to do no harm (Purtillo & Doherty, 2011). By

modern professional standards in med­ icine, deliberate inaction is considered an action; therefore, to withdraw or withhold treatment of pain for an indi­ vidual equates to doing them harm. Some might even consider this torture (Keane, 2010). Others argue that when nurses stereotype and discriminate against a patient with substance abuse history, they are dehumanizing the patient and championing prejudice (Finney, 2010). Interestingly, many times nurses cite the principle of nonmalefi­ cence when trying to justify inadequate pain management in patients, stating they do not want to cause respiratory depression; however, there are precau­ tions that can be put in place (for example, a continuous oxygen satura­ tion monitor), and the benefits of avoid­ ing inadequate pain management far outweigh the risks of treating pain ade­ quately (Bernhofer, 2012).

Justice is the principle that dictates all patients should be treated fairly, or that equals be treated equally (NIH, 1979). When patients with drug abuse history have pain and are treated differ­ ently from other patients because of a stigma or stereotype, the principle of justice is violated. In some cases, this can be labeled discrimination and can be punished by legal means (Finney, 2010). For example, a nurse would most likely not judge the behavior of a patient needing increasing amounts of medication to treat hypertension, yet he or she may label a patient seeking increasing amounts of pain medication to treat pain as a drug seeker (Bernhofer, 2012). Nurses have no choice but to treat all patients as equals, to trust what each patient has to say about the severity of his or her pain, and to treat and advocate for the treat­ ment of that pain with all of their resources.

Nursing Implications One author (Bernhofer, 2012) sug­

gests nurses use these principles by asking themselves:“ I) Are the patient’s preferences in pain treatment (auton­ omy) given the highest priority? 2) Does the patient benefit (experience good) from my pain treatment deci­ sions? 3) What can I do to decrease


866-877-2676 Volume 24 – Number I

Table 3. Resources for More Information

National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA MED Program

National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

American Academy of Pain Medicine

American Pain Society

American Society of Addiction Medicine

International Association of Pain and Chemical Dependency

Source: Adapted from Krupnick, 2009.

harm (maleficence)? 4) Did I do my best to protect the most vulnerable patient, treating his or her pain in the best pos­ sible way, with respect and without dis­ crimination (justice)?” (p. 11) (see Table I (.Asking themselves these questions can help nurses identify their own biases and provide pain treatment effectively and equally to all patients while avoiding a substantial amount of suffering (Bernhofer, 2012).

Other nursing considerations for the best care of patients in pain who have a history of substance abuse include developing a patient-centered approach by involving the patient in the plan for pain management, appropri­ ately assessing the patient’s pain man­ agement needs in conjunction with input from the family, assessing support systems, providing education to the patient in his or her preferred learning style, and maintaining open communica­ tion without bias.

Another author, Susan Krupnick (2009), provides more guidelines for safe, effective management of pain in patients with substance abuse history: “ I) Define the pain syndrome, 2) Distinguish among the patient who has a remote history of drug abuse, the patient receiving methadone mainte­ nance, and the patient who is using drugs actively, 3) Apply the appropriate pharmacologic principles of opioid use (use appropriate opioid with adequate doses and dosing intervals; consider daily the dose of opioid [or other sub­ stance the patient has been consum­ ing]; use the appropriate route of administration), 4) Provide non-opioid therapies when appropriate, 5) Recognize specific drug abuse or mis­ use behaviors, 6) Avoid excessive nego­ tiations over specific drugs/doses/ routes of administration, 7) Arrange for early consultation with psychiatry, addiction medicine, and pain manage­ ment if specialists are available” (p. 383) (see Table 2).

Krupnick (2009), also lists several resources for more assistance in caring for patients with pain and substance abuse history, including:

• The National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDAMED Program

• The National Institute on Drug Abuse

• The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

• Organizational websites such as ♦ The American Academy of

Pain Medicine (

♦ The American Pain Society (

♦ The American Society of Addiction Medicine (

♦ The International Association of Pain and Chemical Dependency (

By utilizing these resources, nurses can eliminate any barriers to the best care of patients with drug abuse history stemming from a lack of education in this area (see Table 3).

Conclusion Pain is a subjective experience,

which makes it hard to treat and sub­ ject to bias and emotion (Bernhofer, 2012). Patients with a history of drug abuse experiencing pain make treat­ ment even harder. These patients need to be viewed as people, not problems (McCreaddie et al., 2010). Nurses have an ethical responsibility to use every means possible to relieve pain. By gain­ ing a deeper understanding of sub­ stance abuse terminology and behav­ iors such as tolerance, dependence, addiction, and pseudoaddiction; by

enlisting ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence, nonmalefi­ cence, and justice for pain management decisions; and by utilizing the many resources out there to help them deal with pain management in substance abusers, nurses can fulfill their duty and stop the nightmare of unrelieved pain in a significant number of patients in acute-care settings.

References American Nurses Association (ANA). (2015).

Code o f ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Retrieved from http:// ories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsfor Nurses

American Society for Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN). (2010). Optimizing the treatment o f pain in patients with acute presentations. Retrieved from http://www.american 10_ Optimizing%20PositionPaper.pdf

Bernhofer, E. (2012). Ethics: Ethics and pain management in hospitalized patients. Online Journal o f Issues in Nursing, 17(1), I I .

Blondal, K„ & Halldorsdottir, S. (2009). The challenge of caring fo r patients in pain: From the nurse’s perspective. Journal o f Clinical Nursing, 18(20), 2897-2906.

Center fo r Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2010). Results from the 2010 national survey on drug use and health: Summary o f national findings. Retrieved from 2k 10NSDUH/2I< I OResults.pdf

Dev, R., Del Fabbro, E., & Bruera, E. (201 I). Patient-controlled analgesia in patients with advanced cancer: Should patients be in control? Journal o f Pain and Symptom Management, 42(2), 296-300.

continued on page 16


Volume 24 – Number 1 • January/February 2015

East Holly Avenue, Box 56, Pitman, NJ 08071-0056 • 866-877-AMSN (2676) •

Pain in Patients with a History of Drug Abuse continued from page 7

Dunn, D., & Neuman, J. (2012). How substance abuse impacts pain management in acute care. Nursing, 42(8), 66-68.

Finney, L. (2010). Nursing care fo r the patient w ith co-existing pain and substance misuse: Meeting the patient’s needs. MEDSURG Nursing, 19(1), 25-53.

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS). (2012). CAHPS hos­ p ita l survey: HCAHPS tables. Retrieved from

International Council o f Nurses (ICN). (2012). The ICN code o f ethics fo r nurses. Retrieved from

Keane, M. (2010).The opioid emperor has no clothes. The Am erican Journal o f Bioethics, 10(11), 25-27. Krupnick, S. (2009). Navigating clinical care at the intersection o f pain and addiction. MEDSURG Nursing,

/ 8(6), 381-384. McCreaddie, M., Lyons, l.,Watt, D., Ewing, E„ Croft, J., Smith, M., & Tocher, j. (2010). Routines and rituals:

A grounded theory of the pain management of drug users in acute care settings. Journal o f Clinical Nursing, 19( 19-20), 2730-2740.

National Institutes of Health (NIH). (1979). The Belm ont Report: Ethical principles and guidelines fo r the protection o f hum an subjects o f research. Retrieved from supplements/nih9/bioethics/guide/teacher/Mod5_Belmont.pdf

Purtillo, R.B., & Doherty, R.F. (2011). Ethical dimensions in the health professions (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2009). Treatment Episode D ata Set (TEDS) highlights – 2 0 0 7 national admissions to substance abuse trea tm ent services. Retrieved from

Brooke Faria da Cunha, BSN, RN, is a Registered Nurse, Medical Telemetry Unit, Stormont-Vail Healthcare, and a Medical-Surgical Adjunct Clinical Instructor, Baker University School of Nursing,Topeka, KS. She is currently pursuing her MSN to become a Family Nurse Practitioner.

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How does this theoretical concepts guides my ideas about the problem etiology population intervention and outcomes?

How does this theoretical concepts guides my ideas about the problem etiology population intervention and outcomes?

Nursing Theories and Middle-Range Theories

1.Describe how Roys adaptation nursing model applies to your project.

You may begin by explaining that the project to be developed of providing pelvic ultrasound with the purpose of early detection of possible ovarian cancer is directly related to Roys adaptation model. The model explains nursing practice education and research and the project seeks to educate patients in regards to ovarian cancer and change practice by including this service with annual gynecological examination.
2.How does this theoretical concepts guides my ideas about the problem etiology population intervention and outcomes?
Population is women between 30-45 years of age.
3. How does the Roys adaptation model apply to the project and provide one example.


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Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients.

This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience.
Part I: Interview
Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview.
Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients.
Your spiritual needs assessment survey must include a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview. During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses.
The transcript should include the questions asked and the answers provided. Be sure to record the responses during the interview by taking detailed notes. Omit specific names and other personal information through which the interviewee can be determined.
Part II: Analysis
Write a 500-750 word analysis of your interview experience. Be sure to exclude specific names and other personal information from the interview. Instead, provide demographics such as sex, age, ethnicity, and religion. Include the following in your response:

  1. What went well?
  2. Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
  3. How can this tool assist you in providing appropriate interventions to meet the needs of your patient?
  4. Did you discover that illness and stress amplified the spiritual concern and needs of your interviewee? Explain your answer with examples.

Submit both the transcript of the interview and the analysis of your results. This should be submitted as one document. The interview transcript does not figure into the word count.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This benchmark assignment assesses the following competencies:
CONHCP Program Competencies for the RN-BSN:
5.2: Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.

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What is the course of the disease and what can prevent, delay, or cure the disorder?

What is the course of the disease and what can prevent, delay, or cure the disorder?

What is the disorder that you selected and what part of the nervous system is effected? (Peripheral, Central, Cranial nerves (which ones?), somatic or autonomic). Does it affect specific areas or types of cells in the nervous system? If it is the brain that is effected, identify the part.

2. What is the cause of the disorder if it is known? Does it affect certain ages, ethnic groups, or who is most susceptible to developing the disorder?

3. What is the course of the disease and what can prevent, delay, or cure the disorder?

4. Are neurotransmitters involved in the disorder, if so which ones? Is it a sensory or motor disorder?

5.Describe pain and pain perception.

6. Explain the concept of referred pain. Provide 2 examples.

7. How does the body thermoregulate? What occurs when these systems fail?

8. Compare and contrast sensorineural hearing disorders, conductive hearing disorders, and mixed hearing loss.


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Conceptualization and Diversity-Focused Assessment from Chapter 13

ase Conceptualization
Briefly describe the influences of cultural competent assessments as discussed in the unit readings. Imagine you are the counselor conducting an intake interview with Diane or Erika. Using the Principles of Collaborative Conceptualization and Diversity-Focused Assessment from Chapter 13 of your course text as guidance, prepare a hypothetical dialogue presenting five interview items as the intake counselor and five responses from the selected client.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the posts of at least two other learners. Your responses should be substantive and contribute to the conversation by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting literature relevant to the topic. Please review the Faculty Expectations for any other requirements for peer responses.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Describe the influences of cultural competence assessments.
· Prepare a hypothetical dialogue representing an interview of a client by an intake counselo

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Nursing: The effect of poverty on obesity within the African American Community

Nursing: The effect of poverty on obesity within the African American Community

The effect of poverty on obesity within the African American Community The Incidence of obesity and overweight among African Americans is the highest in America. Obesity is in an ever-rising trend because Americans eat more but engage in minimal physical activities. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 43% of all children and 73% of adults in the United States of America or obese or overweight. Among African American adults, more than two third are obese or overweight. Carrying heavyweight increases the risk of one developing high blood pressure and type II diabetes, the diseases that have drastic effects on African Americans. In African American communities, the cultural view of normal body size has played a key role in increasing obesity among them. Many African-American women view big body sizes as attractive and so they engage in unhealthy lifestyles that may increase the risk of diseases. It is an accepted fact among African Americans that overweight and curvy women appeal to African American men than underweight or normal women. As such, there is distortion of body image as slender women seek for ways of gaining weight in order to be accepted.


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Research Paper/Term Project


Research Paper/Term Project

You will prepare and submit a research paper on a topic of your choice and approved by your instructor. This project is an opportunity for you to personalize the concepts you are learning in this course. The topics must be in the field of HRM or some application (e.g., an application of course concepts to your work situation; a research paper, using a survey/questionnaire to investigate a concept of interest and value; a detailed review of the literature about a concept from the course). You may consider other options; however, be sure to discuss your ideas with us.You must follow the format below for your term project report:

  1. Title: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper
  2. Abstract: The abstract is an “executive overview” of your paper. It should be a 50-to-l00 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project without reading the paper in its entirety.
  3. Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper, with the page number. The list should include:
    • Tables and Figures if you included more than two;
    • Appendices, if included;
    • Bibliography or reference section listing sources used.
  4. Introduction: In this section, state the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences.  Convince your reader that the study will have a practical value and meaning for you and the study will be based upon the concepts studied in the course.
  5. Background and Significance: This section provides further justification of the need for your study. If your project examines a topic drawn from your work, you should include a description of your work environment, your position in the organization and how your position fits into the organization, both vertically and horizontally. Explain the applicable concepts from the course. If your project is focused on a particular organization, explain how these concepts apply to that organization. What is the organization doing well? Would it benefit by adopting some of the concepts you have been studying?
  6. Discussion, Implications and Recommendations: In this section, you should provide a thorough discussion of your findings and the implications of your study. Be sure to include only the pertinent implications.  You should also present your recommended action plan. This plan will vary based on the type of project you selected. For example, it may be a personal action plan for you follow in your present position or in a position which would enable you to put the plan into action. If your project is a literature review, then your recommendations may be focused on what issues need further research. Be sure that the recommendations are realistic in terms of the appropriate HR concepts and, if applicable, the organization you have studied.
  7. References: You cannot use your texts as your primary source of information. You must draw on other sources such as HR and business journals, information from an organization, and interviews with individuals who work in an HR position. Be sure that you support the information presented with appropriate references. It is important that all references and quotes correctly are cited correctly. All sources, including web sites must be referenced in the Bibliography or References list. You must follow an accepted authority for style and form (e.g., APA style).
  8. Appendices: Include a separate sheet and title for each appendix.

Keep in mind that all accepted rules of English composition apply. As a guideline, you will probably need about 15 pages to present your research adequately.
Be sure that you cite all references and quotes correctly; all sources used must be referenced in the Bibliography or References section.

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Describe the role of nurse leaders in today's health care environment

The American Nurse

Question descriptionThe purpose of this assignment is

  1. To identify the attitudes and behaviors that indicate responsibility and accountability as nurse leaders, and
  2. Describe the role of nurse leaders in today’s health care environment.

Print “The American Nurse Reflection Study Guide” provided below (click on link) and watch the American Nurse documentary. The documentary provides a snapshot into the lives of five nurses. Use the reflection study guide to reflect and document your reflections as you watch the film.


Write a two page report with the answer to the following questions:

What aspects of the movie you found to be most useful for your nursing practice?

What nursing leadership roles did you see portrayed in the movie?

What attitudes and behaviors did the nurses in the film displayed that indicated responsibility and accountability?

What would you like to have seen in the movie that was not included?

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Differentiate the various places health care is delivered.

Need a paper on urgent care clinic

Question descriptionWrite a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the above centers and addresses the following:

  • Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system.
    • Differentiate the various places health care is delivered.
  • Analyze what impact cultural demographics have on the health care market.
    • Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on cultural demographics.
    • Analyze the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to various cultures.
    • Analyze the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing within different cultural demographics.
  • Differentiate what effect different generations have on the health care market.
  • Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on generational demographics.
    • Differentiate the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to various generations.
    • Differentiate the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing within different generations.
  • Analyze the impact of media and social networking on consumer choices.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

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