you are the Registered Nurse caring for Tom, you will need to process the information provided to: identify the issues 

you are the Registered Nurse caring for Tom, you will need to process the information provided to:

  • identify the issues 
  • establish goals (what do you want to happen)
  • select a course of action (what are you going to      do)

A good starting point is to ensure you research and understand the terms above which are in bold.
Module three will provide you with a range of resources to assist you with your case study.

  • 1- Please      write your paper in the first person.
  • 2- You      may use headings, images, tables and dot points to convey information.
  • 3- For the purpose of this assessment      task Tom lives in Tasmania.
  • 4- Please      read the rubric for this assessment before you start writing.
  • 5- use references in text and list (Harvard style) 8 references at least.

Just follow Tasmanian legislation.

  • In this case study you will meet Tom, a 55-year-old man who has advanced lung cancer and multiple metastases. To start you need to watch Tom’s story to provide background and context.
    Just follow Tasmanian legislations
    Tom’s Story
     Things you need to know…
    Tom was able to discuss his end of life decisions with Uncle Joe, however his condition continued to deteriorate, and he is now receiving end of life care (terminal phase).
    Following on from the end of the video, Tom’s daughter Carina arrived at the hospital. Carina is clearly angry (she is raising her voice and she is clenching her fists), she tells you that she has power of attorney for her father and she wants the morphine stopped and changed to ‘something better’. She explains she wants ‘everything done to save her father’ and that only she has the capacity to make decisions for her father.
    Jimmy confirms the power of attorney claim however states that his mother Cec is Tom’s enduring guardian and he thinks his father did “some  advanced care  planning with his GP, but he is not sure, but that would override the guardian thing anyway – wouldn’t it?“.
    While reviewing the progress notes, you also note an entry from Tom’s last admission, the page is tagged with a red dot and a medical registrar has written “Following discussion with team – NFR, not for CPR, not for ICU admission”. The entry is signed and dated. He current medication order is for Morphine 2.5mg – 5mg SC every 2 hours PRN. All other medications have been ceased.
    Carina’s arrival and comments are causing obvious distress to the rest of Tom’s family, who are aware of Tom’s wishes and are supportive of the palliative approach currently being undertaken, however they are concerned about Tom’s increasing agitation and pain. Tom is no longer eating but is taking small sips of fluid, Carina wants the nursing staff ‘make sure Dad drinks or get the doctors to put a drip in’.
    You are the Registered Nurse caring for Tom, you will need to process the information provided to:
    · identify the issues 
    · establish goals (what do you want to happen)
    · select a course of action (what are you going to do)
    A good starting point is to ensure you research and understand the terms above which are in bold.
    Module three will provide you with a range of resources to assist you with your case study.
    · Please write your paper in the first person.
    · You may use headings, images, tables and dot points to convey information.
    · For the purpose of this assessment task Tom lives in Tasmania.
    · Please read the rubric for this assessment before you start writing.
    Just follow Tasmanian legislations.
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)Jamie- In the movie numerous ethical dilemmas were present. For the purpose of this post I will focus on autonomy nonmaleficence and beneficence.

)Jamie- In the movie numerous ethical dilemmas were present. For the purpose of this post I will focus on autonomy nonmaleficence and beneficence.

First I will consider Annas request for medical emancipation and Kates wish to die. These situations highlight the ethical principal of autonomy. Patient autonomy is not clear cut when it concerns a minor. However autonomy takes priority when the child is developmentally able to comprehend the situation. In addition their wishes should always be considered with regard to their own care.
Next the issue of Anna being created through IVF for the sole purpose of being an appropriate match for her ill sister. It could be considered as both promoting good (beneficence) and causing harm (maleficence). Throughout Annas life she was subjected to pain and risks. On the other hand these procedures prolonged Kates life. As a mother I think beneficence takes priority; but after Kates situation became futile nonmaleficence to both girls is priority.
Third Kate expressed that she was prepared to die but Sara did not respect her autonomy. This also balances nonmaleficence and beneficence. Is prolonging life without regard to quality of life considered beneficence? In my opinion it is to the contrary; particularly when the individual has accepted that death is inevitable. This can be considered doing harm.
These dilemmas truly elicit moral conflicts and numerous emotions. With regard to the movie I agree with Terry that autonomy takes priority over other ethical principles. However watching a movie and discussing principles is much easier than dealing with these situations in real life. They can be viewed through various perspectives and moral frameworks by different individuals with varying conclusions. The overarching ethical principles described by the ANA (2015) as well as Clarks (2010) model aid in assessing these difficult situations.
2)Terri-The 3 ethical principles that I thought were evident in this movie were autonomy beneficence and fidelity.
Autonomy is defined in the lecture by Dr. Schneider as an agreement to respect anothers right to self determine a course of action and support independent decision making. I believe that the majority of this movie could have been avoided if Kate was involved in the decision making process. It was always Kates will and desire to just stop with treatments. She was ready to die. Kate is the patient; however nobody was asking what her wishes were.
Dr. Schneider described beneficence as the core principle of our patient advocacy. The one time that I noticed that anyone listened to Kate was when she stated that she wanted to go to the beach. To me this was an act of beneficence by allowing her to leave the hospital and take a day trip to the beach.
Fidelity is the last principle that I witnessed in this film. Fidelity is described as being loyal fair truthful and dedicated to our patients. The example that I liked best was when Kate noticed Dr. Chance speaking to her mother she called him over. She ask him if it was not good. Dr. Chance did not avoid the question he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked her in the eye and told her no its not good. He remained truthful to her.
In my opinion the principle that should take priority is autonomy. I understand that patient may not be able to legally make decisions on their own but they should always be included. The medical team should always find out what the patients wishes concerns and questions are. That is just good patient care.


smilesmile. .


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Describe the implications for healthcare organizations as a result of the disaster.

Describe the implications for healthcare organizations as a result of the disaster.

Let’s have a debate!!! Is nursing theory important to the nursing profession? If you believe that it is important, explain why it is useful. If you do not believe that it is useful, explain why nursing theory is not necessary to the profession? Be sure to provide an example that demonstrates your opinion and a scholarly reference (not using the required textbook or lesson) which supports your opinion.

The diversity movement suggests that there is strength in our differences and that our differences enhance each other. At the same time, the movement insists that our differences should not have economic, social, or political consequences. We are entitled to the same access to resources and opportunities regardless of our differences. The human suffering from Hurricane Katrina and the images of victims has stimulated the debate about differential access to resources.
Read the report Women in the Wake of the Storm: Examining the Post-Katrina Realities of the Women of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. On the basis of your reading, create a report, answering the following:
• Discuss the prominent dimensions of diversity revealed as a result of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
• Discuss factors that specifically influenced women’s vulnerability to Hurricane Katrina. While answering, consider the primary dimensions mentioned in the lectures as well as the secondary dimensions such as parental and marital status, income, educational level, military experience, geographic location, work background, and religious beliefs.
• Describe the implications for healthcare organizations as a result of the disaster.
• Discuss at least of two of the policy implications that are outlined in the report. If you were given the task to add another policy recommendation what would it be and why?

Medical Indications: The Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
1. What is the patient’s medical problem? Is the problem acute? Chronic? Critical? Reversible? Emergent? Terminal?
2. What are the goals of treatment?
3. In what circumstances are medical treatments not indicated?
4. What are the probabilities of success of various treatment options?
5. In sum, how can this patient be benefited by medical and nursing care, and how can harm be avoided?
Patient Preferences: The Principle of Respect for Autonomy
1. Has the patient been informed of benefits and risks, understood this information, and given consent?
2. Is the patient mentally capable and legally competent, and is there evidence of incapacity?
3. If mentally capable, what preferences about treatment is the patient stating?
4. If incapacitated, has the patient expressed prior preferences?
5. Who is the appropriate surrogate to make decisions for the incapacitated patient?
6. Is the patient unwilling or unable to cooperate with medical treatment? If so, why?
Quality of Life: The Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence and Respect for Autonomy
1. What are the prospects, with or without treatment, for a return to normal life, and what physical, mental, and social deficits might the patient experience even if treatment succeeds?
2. On what grounds can anyone judge that some quality of life would be undesirable for a patient who cannot make or express such a judgment?
3. Are there biases that might prejudice the provider’s evaluation of the patient’s quality of life?
4. What ethical issues arise concerning improving or enhancing a patient’s quality of life?
5. Do quality-of-life assessments raise any questions regarding changes in treatment plans, such as forgoing life-sustaining treatment?
6. What are plans and rationale to forgo life-sustaining treatment?
7. What is the legal and ethical status of suicide?
Contextual Features: The Principles of Justice and Fairness
1. Are there professional, interprofessional, or business interests that might create conflicts of interest in the clinical treatment of patients?
2. Are there parties other than clinicians and patients, such as family members, who have an interest in clinical decisions?
3. What are the limits imposed on patient confidentiality by the legitimate interests of third parties?
4. Are there financial factors that create conflicts of interest in clinical decisions?
5. Are there problems of allocation of scarce health resources that might affect clinical decisions?
6. Are there religious issues that might influence clinical decisions?
7. What are the legal issues that might affect clinical decisions?
8. Are there considerations of clinical research and education that might affect clinical decisions?
9. Are there issues of public health and safety that affect clinical decisions?
10. Are there conflicts of interest within institutions and organizations (e.g., hospitals) that may affect clinical decisions and patient welfare?


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Identify which social media tool is best suited for each of the following audiences: Your social media tools are TEXT MESSAGING, MOBILE RESEARCH, BLOGGING, MICROBLOGGING, ONLINE VIDEO, POSDASTS, SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, VIRTUAL WORLDS, WIDGETS, SYNDICATION, ECARDS OR BUTTONS & BADGES.

Identify which social media tool is best suited for each of the following audiences: Your social media tools are TEXT MESSAGING, MOBILE RESEARCH, BLOGGING, MICROBLOGGING, ONLINE VIDEO, POSDASTS, SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, VIRTUAL WORLDS, WIDGETS, SYNDICATION, ECARDS OR BUTTONS & BADGES.

Identify which social media tool is best suited for each of the following audiences: Your social media tools are TEXT MESSAGING, MOBILE RESEARCH, BLOGGING, MICROBLOGGING, ONLINE VIDEO, POSDASTS, SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, VIRTUAL WORLDS, WIDGETS, SYNDICATION, ECARDS OR BUTTONS & BADGES. Your following audiences are: adolescent males ages 14-16; women ages 18-21, and women ages 35-38. Explain why? Using this tool, create an example illustrating how you would use this tool to communicate a health message to the selected demographic.


smilesmile. .


The post Identify which social media tool is best suited for each of the following audiences: Your social media tools are TEXT MESSAGING, MOBILE RESEARCH, BLOGGING, MICROBLOGGING, ONLINE VIDEO, POSDASTS, SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, VIRTUAL WORLDS, WIDGETS, SYNDICATION, ECARDS OR BUTTONS & BADGES. appeared first on nursing term paper.

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effects of medications, laboratory tests and results, signs and symptoms

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .
post most have 4 or more sentences .
you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings
Upon arrival to the ICU, Mrs. J. and her family need education on the flu, congestive heart failure and associated complications of not following treatment plans, side effects of medications, laboratory tests and results, signs and symptoms present objectively, and reasons for hospital admission. The majority of the time patients are terrified of the hospital environment which can delay proper healing and recovery times, especially if this is the first exacerbation of her heart failure or other diagnoses. Medication therapy (antihypertensives, anticoagulants, Lasix, morphine), the medical doctor, should consider.

IV furosemide (Lasix) is a medication that causes diuresis when pulmonary edema is present or when urine output is minimal due to renal involvement. Lasix is often used when an individual has heart failure, which can cause pulmonary edema (United States National Library of Medicine, 2013). IV furosemide (Lasix) has been used more often by doctors to create a symptomatic relief of heart failure, a condition that Mrs. J. is experiencing at the moment. As a result, doctors are justified in administering IV furosemide (Lasix) at optimal dosages to Mrs. J., if and only if they can be able to determine her responsiveness with the drug.
Vasotec is a medication called an ACE inhibitor used for heart failure and hypertension by lowering resistance and relaxing the blood vessels (United States National Library of Medicine, 2013). Mrs. J. `s actual data shows that her BP is 90/58, has been low. These indicate that using Vasotec on her will complicate the situation and has to monitor the patient closely.
Lopressor is a beta blocker (directly affects receptors in the heart) used to control hypertension and heart rate. Doctors have used metoprolol (Lopressor) in several instances in the reduction of heart rate and cardiac output. They can administer this drug to Mrs. J to reduce her heart rate as she feels like her heart very fast, indicating high heart rate.
Morphine is used in individuals with heart failure to control breathing when individuals feel short of breath. Morphine also helps the heart not work so hard to supply blood to the muscles for breathing (Pathways, 2012). Mrs. J. states she is short of breath and therefore morphine would be appropriate for her.
Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition.
Hypertension is often referred to as abnormally high blood pressure and serves as a condition that predisposes one especially the old age people to heart failure condition. If a person’s blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg and above consistently, then he or she has a high blood pressure. Medical intervention to correct the situation may involve but not limited to, administration of anti-hypersensitive medications (Halfon, 2012).
Sleep apnea is a state of a temporary sensation of breathing especially during sleeping because of a narrowed or closed airway. Overweight adults mostly suffer from this condition. It may result in hypertension that causes heart failure. Nursing intervention through proper positioning on chair or bed can help in correcting this condition (Halfon, 2012).
Being overweight more often than not increases the risk of developing heart failure, judging from Mrs. J. having 95.5 kg. It is necessary to discourage poor eating habits to evade this condition. Therefore, maintaining an ideal body weight requires one to undertake regular body exercise and have a healthy balanced diet.
Smoking increases the chances of heart failure by damaging lining of the arteries by making them narrow. Above all, the nicotine in cigarettes stimulates one’s body to produce a significant amount of adrenaline that results to faster heartbeats, which may cause high blood pressure. The only way to prevent heart failure is to stop smoking.

Taking into consideration the fact that most mature adults take at least six prescription medications, discuss four nursing interventions that can help prevent problems caused by multiple drug interactions in older patients. Provide rationale for each of the interventions you recommend. The following four are from Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, (2012):

1.Assessing for medication adherence issues that can arise after discharge to home to prevent re-hospitalization. Recommending devices or tools to assist the patient in better adherence to medications. Such as pill sorters (organizers) with day and even hour breakdowns.
2.Patient/caregiver education. The patient and family will be provided (by the RN) with the appropriate education on medication uses, side effects, benefits, risks, and possible medication interactions when medications are taken together and how to report side effects that arise. Patients that are given proper education on symptoms to report and how to properly take medications have a less likelihood of complications and hospitalizations due to compliance.
3.Avoid the prescribing cascade that can occur when new medications are taken and a new symptom arises. For example, if a new symptom arises, the RN will first assess the symptom and current medication prior to adding new medications. This can help the patient from needing to take more medications than are necessary.
4.Teaching the patient how to keep accurate lists of all medications taken (reason,frequency, etc.) and keep a list of medical Doctors in their wallets/purse for contact purposes in case they are hospitalized or incapacitated. In the event the individual becomes incapacitated, medical staff can be aware of medications in the individual’s system.

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Discuss the pros and cons of the epistemological shift in an essay.

Assignment Details Recall that epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. In the study of epistemology, philosophers are concerned with the epistemological shift. This is the idea that one has shifted, or changed, the way he or she takes in knowledge.  For example, you read many of your books on screens and e-readers today. This is a change from the past. In fact, there have been university libraries that have opened without any physical books (e-books only). Thanks to the Internet and smartphones, people do not have to memorize information the way they did in decades past. Reflect upon this issue and then respond to the following questions:
· Are philosophers correct to be concerned with this shift?
· Discuss the pros and cons of the epistemological shift in an essay.
Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support your position presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list them in APA format on your Reference page. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include a Title and Reference page, should be double-spaced, and include a running head and page numbers.

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What determines the supply of doctors and nurses? How do we know when we have too many or too few?

What determines the supply of doctors and nurses? How do we know when we have too many or too few?

Refer to chapters 10 and 16 in Kovner & Knickman (answer each question with a minimum of 100 words) Citation is needed for each question.

The current U.S. medical care field has an acute care focus. Could current structures of the field sustain a focus on chronic and preventive care? If so, how? If not, what aspects of the field would need to change in order to accommodate this changed focus?

What determines the supply of doctors and nurses? How do we know when we have too many or too few? With the global shortage of doctors, especially in less developed countries, is relying on international medical graduates an ethical solution to U.S. primary care shortages?

Refer to chapter 11in Milstead (answer each question with a minimum of 100 words)

Discuss strategies and indicators for comparing countries with different healthcare systems. Address differences in economics, political systems, and healthcare professions.

Discuss three reasons for conducting a comparative study of health problems. What indicators are useful in comparing two different healthcare systems?




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What are three roles within public health that fulfill any of the essential services of public health? In what specific ways are the individuals working in those roles fulfilling the essential services?

What are three roles within public health that fulfill any of the essential services of public health? In what specific ways are the individuals working in those roles fulfilling the essential services?


• Course Text: Shi, L.,& Johnson J..A., (Eds) (2014). Novick & Morrow’s Public Health Administration. Principles for Populaton-Based Management. (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Chapter 1, “Overview of Public Health Administration”
As this country faces a critical need for healthcare reform, it is more important than ever that public health professionals keep in mind the essential services that public health must provide. Chapter 1 examines this taxomony of services. It also describes the public health infrastructure—that is, the basic support for the delivery of public health activities—and explains why governmental agencies are moving in the direction of assurance and away from delivery of personal services.
Excerpt from Chapter 2, “Historical Developments in Public Health in the 21st century” (pages 24–28)
This section of Chapter 2 discusses the scope of public health practice in the early 21st century. It reviews key concepts of socioeconomic and other factors of health and the importance of population-based prevention strategies in addressing today’s public health needs.
Chapter 12, “Leadership for Public Health”

This chapter discusses several leadership theories and applications in public health, including systems thinking. Although you will have a course later in the program focusing on leadership, it is important to distinguish at this point the differences between management and leadership, and also to gain an appreciation of the public health system from a leader’s perspective. This chapter will help you better understand these topics.
• Article: Shroeder, S. A. (2007). We can do better—improving the health of the American people. New England Journal of Medicine,
357(12), 1221–1228. Retrieved from

Noting that the United States ranks poorly compared to other countries that spend less on healthcare, this article discusses pathways to improving this country’s health (defined as lower mortality and a higher level of functioning). To that end, the author argues, this country must take definite steps to addressing the health needs of poor Americans. (The full-text version of this article is available online.)

Optional Resources
• Health Affairs: The Policy Journal of the Health Sphere
Health Affairs, the most frequently cited journal of original, peer-reviewed research and commentary on health policy, maintains this Web site, which includes online articles and blogs that supplement its journal articles on health affairs.

Week 1 questions
Essential Services in Action in Public Health
As Dr. Lloyd Novick noted in this week’s media program, public health can be usefully described in terms of its the 10 essential services of public health. You can better understand the scope of policy and management efforts in public health by identifying specific roles associated with these essential services.

Prepare for this Discussion by reviewing the list of Essential Public Health Services in Table 1.1 (pages 4–5) and identify three roles within public health that meet any these essentials. These roles should be examples of actual jobs you know about (or find through a search) either in your community or at the state or federal level.

Post by Day 4 a response to these questions: (Reminder: Your initial response must be made in a single posting.)

• What are three roles within public health that fulfill any of the essential services of public health? In what specific ways are the individuals working in those roles fulfilling the essential services?

• Identify an essential service, or at least some aspect of it, that public health might find challenging to fulfill adequately and explain why you think this is so.

Week 2
Local Health Departments
Who is involved in practicing public health at the local level? What are their responsibilities? Most communities have a government-run local health department with specific duties that are mandated. To be effective, these departments must work in partnership with other organizations.

Prepare for the Discussion by reviewing descriptions of what a local public health departments should do. Then select one county in your state and create a list of five central community partners or stakeholders that are (or should be) components of that county’s public health system. Make sure to include nongovernmental entities.

Post by Day 4 a response to the following: (Reminder: Your initial response must be made in a single posting.)

• Provide an operational definition for what a local health department is supposed to do.

• Briefly identify five community partners or stakeholders that you think are central (or should be) components of your selected county’s public health system. These must include nongovernmental entities.

Week 3
Organizational Models at State and Local Levels
Your Learning Resources this week describe various organizational models for public health. These models vary considerably within the country. The health departments in New York state, for example, are free standing, reporting directly to the governor, whereas the health departments in North Carolina and Maryland are part of a “superagency.” Some local health departments are an extension of the statehealth department, while others are autonomous from it, though influenced by the state. Still others are semiautonomous. Any of these departments might be responsible to the city or county government or a combination of them. There are benefits and disadvantages to each of these state and local models.

Prepare for this assignment by reviewing the various organizational models, as described in your chapter, at the state and local levels. Consider these models in light of the principles of systems thinking.

Post by Day 4 a response to these questions: (Reminder: Your initial response must be made in a single posting.)

• Describe succinctly how the organizational models at either the state or local level differ in terms of their structure and operation.
• Which organizational model would you most prefer to work in? Support your choice by discussing strengths and weaknesses that are inherent in these organizational models.

• Identify one way in which systems thinking helps illuminate the strengths and/or weaknesses of your selected organizational model.


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analyze the population impacted by the health issue

Population: In this section of your report, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue.  A. Summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for your report. [IHP-330-02]  B. Describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]  C. Describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01]  D. Explain how the identified social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities you identified, and explain your reasoning. [IHP-33001]


II. Health Issue: In this section of your final project, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic.  A. Describe the risk factors associated with the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. [IHP-330-02]  B. Describe the mode of transmission of the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. [IHP-330-02]  C. Determine the incidence and prevalence of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-330-03]  D. Determine the mortality rate of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-33003]  E. Interpret the odds ratio to determine the strength of association between the potential sources of exposure and the disease. [IHP-330-03]  F. Using your research and analysis, draw connections between the population and public health issue. Consider where you identified common elements, what you learned about the public health issue by studying the population, and what you learned about the population by studying the public health issue. [IHP-330-03]


III. Levels of Prevention: In this section, you will describe the prevention strategies used by the epidemiologists in the research study. You will identify a strategy for each level of prevention and differentiate between the strategies.  A. Describe a primary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]  B. Describe a secondary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]


C. Describe a tertiary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]  D. Explain how the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies differ in how they address the key factors impacting the health issue in the research study. [IHP-330-04]


IV. Conclusion: Now that you have analyzed the research study, you will develop a research question to further investigate the specific health issue and population, select an appropriate research design, and explain the importance of the research to the field of public health.  A. Using your analysis of the research study, develop a research question to further investigate the specific public health issue and impacted population. [IHP-330-05]  B. Determine whether an observational or experimental research design would be more appropriate to investigate your research question. Be sure to justify your determination. [IHP-330-05]  C. Explain the importance of further research for improving the quality of health in the specific population. What is the potential benefit? [IHP330-05]

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The reason is am at the clinical site now and they want me to come up with a topic of whatever issue that is going on at the hospital med surg unit.

The reason is am at the clinical site now and they want me to come up with a topic of whatever issue that is going on at the hospital med surg unit.

1) Written materials
A. Problem/Background include a literature review and PICOT
B. Potential solutions include a literature review
C. Proposal Here is what I am going to do
D. Executive Summary of what done and outcomes (including sustainability).
2) Binder (to be submitted at end of semester and graded)
A. Cover page
B. Table of contents
C. Written materials (include reference list)
D. Materials generated
E. Power point presentation




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