Perform one correlation between two independent variables, such as Age and Relationship with Coworkers.

For this assignment, you will calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least two sets of variables in the Happiness and Engagement Dataset.
Perform one correlation between two independent variables, such as Age and Relationship with Coworkers.
Perform the second correlation on an independent variable (such as Relationship with Direct Supervisor) and the dependent variable (such as Workplace Happiness Rating).
Calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least two sets of variables in your data set.
Write a 125- to 175-word summary of your interpretation of the correlation results. Remember that most people never see the actual output or data, and rely on the results statements by the researcher. Ensure that your summary is accurate. Copy and paste your Microsoft® Excel® output below the summaryImagine you are working as a language specialist in a professional setting (it could be in education, the workplace, as a social worker, etc.). In this role, you are assigned to create short presentation that will help your target audience understand how and why dyslexia occurs and provide them with some strategies that might improve reading abilities in individuals with dyslexia. Create a five-minute presentation that meets the previously mentioned goals. Be sure to identify at least two different theories from your reading that support your presentation. Discuss the theories as they relate to your intended audience and how they can help your intended audience to better serve individuals with dyslexia.

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What is the difference between a group "at risk" for poor  health and a group considered a "vulnerable" population?

What is the difference between a group “at risk” for poor  health and a group considered a “vulnerable” population?  Provide an example of an “at risk” or “vulnerable  population” group in the United States and one in another country  (or immigrants within the United States).

  1. Explain why members of these groups cannot advocate for    themselves or why advocating for these groups would be  beneficial.
  2. What would you advocate for?
  3. Identify    ethical issues that need to be addressed when working with these  individuals.
  4. Provide information about the selected “at    risk” group. How many individuals fall into this group and what    are some issues they face.
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Addictive substance or addictive behavior related to biological aspects of addiction.

Please follow the instruction.

Research Paper Instructions

This document is intended to help guide you to successful completion of the Research Paper for this course. You will complete a 15–20 page (not including title page, abstract page, and references) Research Paper on 1 addictive substance or addictive behavior related to biological aspects of addiction. Higher grades will be awarded to papers that demonstrate personal mastery of course content and congruence with the assignment description in this guide. A minimum of 15 sources published within the last 5 years must be included. Conformity to current APA style is required for this manuscript. Although you have some degree of choice of topic, the organization of the paper needs to follow the Research Paper Guide.

Once you have developed a proper introduction for your paper, there will be 3 primary sections/key points for you to address. Each section/point has subpoints that must also be addressed.

  1. Description of Substance/Behavior: In this section, describe the biological aspects of      the addictive substance or behavior. Your discussion must explain the      addictive properties and include the primary effects on the brain and other      organ systems in the body.
  2. Clinical Issues: Discuss      clinical considerations of the addictive substance or behavior. Include      the implications the biological aspects of substance/behavior have for the      counseling process. Describe medical treatments (existing or developing)      based on biological aspects of substance/behavior and future directions of      treatment. Include a brief discussion of ethical issues the biological      aspects of the substance/behavior have for counseling.
  3. Christian Worldview Implications:      The third main section of your paper must discuss biological aspects of the      addictive substance/behavior from a biblically informed Christian      worldview. Include areas of freedom and caution for Christian counselors      based on the biological aspects of the addictive substance/behavior.

Since this is a formal research paper, an introduction and conclusion are required.

Remember, this is a guide and not an outline for your paper. You will do well to effectively use proper current APA headings and subheadings to help organize and present your paper. The current APA publication manual has helped make the use of headings and subheadings much easier than in previous editions. The main sections above would make very suitable headings for your paper.

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Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems, and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission

Week 8: Your Future!

This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO). 

CO5 Develops a plan for continued personal and professional development through enrollment in graduate education, continuing education programs, professional reading, participation in professional organizations, and service to the community. (PO 5)


Now that you are very close to completing this major accomplishment in your nursing career, what are your plans for your future? Please share your plans to keep up to date in your chosen specialty and nursing in general. What professional and nursing organizations do you plan to actively participate? Have you considered continuing your education to pursue a graduate degree? (After getting this BSN degree, I will continue serving and providing great quality care to patients. Applied what I have learned from my BSN degree. In 2-3 years, proceed with my MSN, specialized in Family Nurse Practitioner). Just an idea what I plan for my future nursing career.


2.) Week 8: Closing the Loop

This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO). 

CO6 Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems, and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO 7)


Complete the Week 8 AACN Essentials Self-Assessment (I attached this & week 2 Essential Self-Assessments).

Compare your scores from Week 2 to Week 8.

Describe how far have you come and how much further do you wish to go in improving your competencies during the next two years of practice.

Next, review the Course Outcomes as listed in the Syllabus. Select one of the course outcomes and share with your classmates how you feel you have achieved the outcome and how you will utilize the essentials and course outcomes in your practice setting.


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Nursing Care Plan with Geriatric Depression Scale

Nursing Care Plan with Geriatric Depression Scale

Question descriptionWrite a paper for an elderly client between the ages of 75 to 100 experiencing reactive depression due to placement in a long-term care facility by their family members.

  • Describe your client’s biographical and psychosocial data as an introduction to your paper, along with any current medical diagnosis (for example: hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity or failure to thrive, diabetes, macular degeneration, heart failure history, osteoarthritis, urinary incontinence, etc.).
  • Review the clients care plan. List one nursing diagnosis, one client goal, and two interventions found in the clients care plan. Locate two scholarly references to support what you found in the care plan and include them in your paper.
  • Include the use of the Geriatric Depression Scale in your data gathering.
  • See your assigned reading to obtain this scale.
  • Give your client a score after tallying all the indicators on the scale for your client.
  • Rate your client from “normal” to “severely depressed.”
  • State your references in APA format at the end of the paper.
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How human services professionals seek change in a variety of settings



  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

Over the past several weeks, you have been asked to analyze the role of a human services professional and apply your understanding of how human services professionals seek change in a variety of settings. In your initial post for this discussion, consider what you have learned, and answer the following questions:

  • Where do you feel you have grown the most? What are the implications of this growth in your work?
  • Provide an example of how your viewpoint has changed. What does this mean for your future work as a helping professional?
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 A history of Medicare cost containment policies

Week 3 – Research Topic and Outline

Assignment Instructions

Research Topic and Outline

The final project for this course is a Research Paper. The first two assignments will help you find the tools needed to prepare and gradually build your final research paper. The research paper for this course will be argumentative. The argumentative research paper requires you to take a position on an issue and support the position with persuasive facts and statements. 
First, select a Research Paper TOPIC that can be assessed using health care economics principles. 

Please choose from the following topics the issue you are going to discuss. 

          A history of Medicare cost containment policies
          Not-for-profit versus for profit
          State children health insurance programs
          Medicare prospective payment program
          Medicare and Medicate dual eligibility
          Health maintenance organizations
          Long-term health care insurance
          The managed care backlash
          Impact of obesity on healthcare costs
          Impact of diabetes on healthcare costs
          Impact of smoking on healthcare costs
          Nursing shortages
          Cost of Pharmaceuticals

 Second, provide your research paper with the following OUTLINE (Your final paper assignment should include a detail explanation of this outline):
a. Introduction -Your introduction should give a brief overview of the topic you are going to discuss. The last sentence of your introduction section should be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should start with – The purpose of this paper is to…..

b. Body of paper – The body of your paper should organize how you plan to address each required section of the paper. Each supporting item is then broken down into smaller supporting items.

          An overview of the issue
          Why is this issue a concern from a health care economics perspective?
          Who are the major parties involved in this issue?
          Which market forces have an impact on this issue?
          How is demand illustrated in this issue?
          How is supply illustrated in this issue?
          How has the affordable care act impacted this issue?
          How are health disparities demonstrated in this issue?
          How has this issue been improved in other global markets?
          What is your recommendation for making improvements based on economic principles.  

c. Conclusion – The conclusion of your paper should summarize your thesis statement and the supporting items discussed in your paper. In this outline, please indicate what you expect the finding to be.

d. References – Provide list of five (5) bibliographic references (using APA format).  Your final research paper will require seven (7) bibliographic references. (You may use your textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 6 academic outside references including 3 peer-reviewed journal articles


Assignment Instructions:

Please review the Weekly Assignment Grading IRubric prior to submission (Click on View IRubric     in the main Assignment List page).

Assignments are due in the Assignment portion of the classroom by Sunday, 11:55 p.m. EST each week. Make sure you read and understand the directions and requirements for each Assignment. Please ensure you cite your references in APA format with a minimum of 3 references (You may use your textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 2 academic outside references).  Assignment will be graded based on the following areas: Foundation and synthesis of knowledge, application of knowledge critical thinking, writing skills, and organization of ideas and format.  Refer to Library Online Resource Center for any research assistance.  Refer to the Student Handbook for policies relevant to academic honesty and other procedures and policies related to this course. Assignments submitted late without advance notice will receive a 5% per day late penalty and will not be accepted for grading five (5) days past the due date.   

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Analyze an organization’s information management practices helps streamline the conversion of raw data into information that can be used to create knowledge.

Analyze an organization’s information management practices helps streamline the conversion of raw data into information that can be used to create knowledge.

Information Management in Nursing Practice
The applications of an information management system are only as functional as the humans

and computing processes working with the system. In her study in the Journal of Nursing

Management, Phillips (2005) refers to good information management as “the use of all

information, through organized systems of all forms, whether based on human endeavors,

paper methods or information technology” (p. 525). Ultimately, all of an organization’s

information use should be in support of its mission. In order for information to be as usable as

Phillips suggests, it must progress through the data-information-knowledge continuum.

Analyzing an organization’s information management practices helps streamline the

conversion of raw data into information that can be used to create knowledge.

•Referring to the Phillips statement above, consider how your current or previous work

setting could benefit from an information management analysis.

•Locate the mission statement for your health care organization.



HOSPITAL. I AM A NURSE.) Consider how current information management practices

support the organization’s mission statement. If there is a lack of evidence of support, what

changes could be made to strengthen these practices


smilesmile. .


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Leadership assignment 2

Leadership assignment 2

Question descriptionIn this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Select an issue from the following list: nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, nurse staffing ratios, unit closures and restructuring, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction, and magnet designation.
  2. Compare and contrast how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach your selected issue. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
  3. Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style.
  4. Identify a possible funding source that addresses your issue. Consider looking at federal, state, and local organizations. For example: There are many grants available through the CDC, HRSA, etc.
  5. Use at least two references other than your text and those provided in the course.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin

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When faced initially with a disaster situation in a health care setting, what do you think your first five steps need to be?

Your hospital has been placed on alert for receiving patients from a local explosion at a large factory. Reports from the scene are spotty in terms of numbers killed or injured, and you do not know how many patients you may be getting. News reports are calling for casualties in the 100s, but local fire responders are sending in conflicting reports. You need to know what your ED will be receiving, so you can determine whether to close surgery to elective cases and to go on ED bypass for regular patients. Rumors are swirling inside the hospital and the chain of command about how severe the incident is and what it will do to your ability to function. What thoughts do you have about how to learn what you need to know in order to structure the hospital’s preparations and continue regular functioning at the same time? What resources can you tap in order to learn more accurately about the situation at the scene and what you can expect to come to your ED? How would you manage this situation to cause the minimum disruption to regular hospital functioning?
When faced initially with a disaster situation in a health care setting, what do you think your first five steps need to be? Why?
What are the major positives that you see in the PPACA legislation? What are the major negatives that you see in the PPACA legislation? Provide rationale for your answer.What are your thoughts about the emerging accountable care organizations? In what ways do you think they will affect the current health care delivery system? How do you think the practice patterns of primary care physicians will change under the new models of health care? What are the biggest problems that this could bring to primary care practices?

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