
Read the following article and write a 100 word summary describing the 5 key areas of social determinants of health 

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Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis, and a supply chain analysis for your proposed new division and its business model.

Create a SWOT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table.

External forces and trends considerations:

  • Legal and regulatory
  • Global
  • Economic
  • Technological
  • Innovation
  • Social
  • Environmental
  • Competitive analysis

Internal forces and trends considerations:

  • Strategy
  • Structures
  • Processes and systems
  • Resources
  • Goals
  • Strategic capabilities
  • Culture
  • Technologies
  • Innovations
  • Intellectual property
  • Leadership

Write a synopsis of no more than 1,050 words in which you analyze relevant forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following:

  • Identify economic, legal, and regulatory forces and trends.
  • Critique how well the organization adapts to change.
  • Analyze and explain the supply chain of the new division of the existing business. Share your plans to develop and leverage core competencies and resources within the supply chain in an effort to make a positive impact on the business model and the various stakeholders.

Identify issues and/or opportunities:

  • Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis.
  • Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis.
  • Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Why are mirrors important for those who do or believe in Feng Shui? What are the roles of mirrors in most Feng Shui-related beliefs? Please provide a brief discussion, around 300 or more words. 

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The Assignment  is designed in four phases.

 – Phase I: Develop a theme for the organization
 – Phase II: Write job descriptions and establish a point factor
 evaluation system
 – Phase III: Market data and merit program
 – Phase IV: Benefits and the compensation budget

*Phase I: Develop a theme for the organization—ungraded, but required
draft (due Week 2)*

In this phase, you will establish a business.

 – What is the business (technical, professional, service, etc.)?
 Create your business, and give it a name.
 – Start developing a description of the organization (goals, strategy,
 culture, values, location, environment, and product or service).
 – Establish a staffing plan. Determine the positions needed. There is
 to be a minimum of 35 employees in the organization.
 – Think about the total compensation needs.
 – Develop an HR mission statement and objectives. This should
 express the company’s attitude toward hiring and retaining employees.

*Phase II: Write job descriptions and establish a point factor evaluation
system—ungraded, but required draft (begin in Week 3 and due in Week 4)*

In this phase, you will write job descriptions, create an organizational
chart, and rank the jobs.

 – Create a minimum of six benchmark job descriptions and six
 additional nonbenchmark job descriptions to serve as your internal jobs’
 hierarchy. (See the note below regarding software to assist with this
 – For each job description, you will want a standardized template.

Each job description should contain the following.

 – Scope of the position
 – Identify the job duties
 – Define the qualifications (education requirements, experience,
 skills, and other criteria).
 – Define the ADA requirements. Each job description should have ADA
 requirements defined per position. This should include the physical,
 mental, and environmental conditions per position.
 – Show placement of staff or departments in the organization chart.
 – Create a basic point method system. Identify what compensable
 factors will make up your evaluation criteria and their weights. Rank these
 jobs within the organization. Explain the methodology for your team project.

Note: The website of the national occupational information network or
O*NET <>
<>contains an excellent job description writer
as well as all current U.S. job descriptions that can be used for both
research in this phase as well as models for your submissions.

Note ,Each Phase 1 and 2 required in separate files 

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In short paragraphs, Use the Internet to identify one (1) manufacturing company that currently uses an Activity-Based Costing (ABC) system. Use the information discovered to show the benefits claimed by this company due to the use of ABC

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I need an argument essay with 1700 word.

The requirements are:

“as well as entertainment, videogames can now be used for exercise, education, and training for many types of jobs. People who blame violence and lack of real social contact on videogames are simply part of an older generation who do not use or understand them”

Using existing literature and data, critically evaluate this claim in relation to at least 2 of the following areas:

– physical/mental health

– Education/training

– society

– business

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You are the emergency manager in a city with a population of 250,000 in the northeastern United States. The fire chief has asked you to draft a brief research paper for the new fire service recruits explaining critical infrastructure. He wants you to focus specifically on the key assets that the fire service recruits may deal with during their fire service careers.

Prepare a research paper of 750–1,000 words for your presentation that focuses on those critical infrastructure sectors and key assets that are of direct concern to the fire service. Of the assets you highlighted, which 3 assets are fire service personnel most likely to encounter during the course of their career? Explain.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Prepare a research paper of 750–1,000 words that addresses the following:
    • Which of the 16 critical infrastructure and key resource (CIKR) sectors are of the most concern to the fire service?
    • For each of the sectors of most concern to the fire service, identify 3 associated assets, and describe each asset.
    • Out of all the assets identified, which 3 are fire service personnel most likely to encounter during the course of their career? Explain.

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Please if you have the book. Use citations from the book. 

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  1. Create a new project in Android Studio.
  2. When the Create New Project window appears, name your application as follows:  <YourLastName>Week4App
  3. In the Target Android Devices window, use the defaults (click Next)
  4. In the Add an activity to Mobile window, select Blank Activity (click Next)
  5. In the Customize the Activity window, use the defaults (click Finish)
  6. Complete all sections of the Android Developers Training site Adding the App Bar tutorial using your new project
  7. Edit the Gradle Scripts/build.grade (Module: app) file by changing the minSdkVersion to 21
  8. You will be prompted to do a Project sync; click the “Sync Now” link
  9. Open the Gradle Console (bottom right)
  10. After the sync completes (you’ll see ‘Build Successful’ in Gradle Console), select Build/Rebuild
  11. Select Run/Run ‘app‘ to test your application
  12. After you have completed the tutorials, find the main project folderapp subfolder
  13. Make a new folder and in the new folder and
    1. Name the folder for your last name and assignment
    2. Add the src folder from your project
    3. Add the buildoutputsapkapp-debug.apk file (this is your project executable file)
    4. Zip the folder
  14. Attach the zip file to this assignment’s link

My last name is KUNA

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Can you please write your thoughts/anaylis of the answers given below:

1.) QUESTION: Why were some of the biggest cities in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century no longer the biggest cities at the beginning of the 21st century?  Use your knowledge from conference discussions on migration to answer this question.

ANSWER: The answer is the shift from industrialization of America. During the 20th century we were building railroads, factories, cars, and all these manufacturing items. This allows for those cities to be booming economic towns like Michigan and their cars. After the industrialization period ended all the factory jobs ended which forced workers to shift to urban metro cities like NY and LA.

2.) QUESTION : There are now about 200 political states that send representatives to the United Nations. Maps of the world often divide the land masses into different political states demarcated by international borders. These borders are often disputed and tend to change over time. Is their location better explained by geography or by history? Why?

ANSWER: I would have to say it’s better explained through history. While natural physical borders could delineate what borders are, it doesn’t show the reach of a state. The mongol empire was one example of history where there rule stretched across Asia and Europe. How we do things and act accordingly is through precedent and history shows us how it has been. Now things can change and just because what was once might not be in fact now but it can provide a good base to work with. Every region has their disputes and at the respective place there would be an inclination towards geography or history to back their claim.

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