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  1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?
  2. Qualitative research is generally used for more broad questions, where quantitative research measures precise relationships between certain factors.  If you look at the root of the words, it’s quantity vs quality.  Examining the quantity of something will give you much more specific results, while examining the quality of something will have many more factors.  

  3. Given the topic you have chosen to study and assuming you were going to use a qualitative approach, which of the five designs (case, ethnography, phenomenological, grounded theory or content analysis) would be best suited to answer your research questions? Explain your decision.

My topic I have chosen to study is the low young adult retention within a church.  If I were to use a qualitative approach, a case study would be best suited to answer my research questions.  I could then focus my efforts on studying the individual pastors of the church, which may determine the cause of the problem.

  1. Review the approaches discussed in your text for collecting quantitative data and determine which (sampling, observation, or interview) might be best suited for your study. Explain your decision.

Interview would be best suited for my study.  Since they will allow me to capture feelings, motives, and behaviors, it will likely point to the cause of the issues I am researching.  Since the issue I am exploring is related to the decision people make to discontinue participation, it is important to gather feedback on what may have caused these decisions.

  1. When conducting interviews why is it critical to develop specific interview questions?

When conducting interviews, it is critical to develop specific interview questions because in order for you data to mean anything, you have to be able to notice patterns in order to draw conclusions.  If you asked different questions in each interview, you would not be able to compare the data.  

  1. Is it useful to include scaled questions (e.g., Likert scale such as 1 to 5) as part of your structured interview questions? Why or why not?

It is useful to include scaled questions as part of the structured interview questions, because it allows you to establish specific quantitative data.  It is difficult and sometimes impossible to categorize different responses to word based questions, into coherent groups.

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research is generally used for more broad questions, where quantitative research measures precise relationships between certain factors.  If you look at the root of the words, it’s quantity vs quality.  Examining the quantity of something will give you much more specific results, while examining the quality of something will have many more factors. 
1.Given the topic you have chosen to study and assuming you were going to use a qualitative approach, which of the five designs (case, ethnography, phenomenological, grounded theory or content analysis) would be best suited to answer your research questions? Explain your decision.

My topic I have chosen to study is the low young adult retention within a church.  If I were to use a qualitative approach, a case study would be best suited to answer my research questions.  I could then focus my efforts on studying the individual pastors of the church, which may determine the cause of the problem.
1.Review the approaches discussed in your text for collecting quantitative data and determine which (sampling, observation, or interview) might be best suited for your study. Explain your decision.

Interview would be best suited for my study.  Since they will allow me to capture feelings, motives, and behaviors, it will likely point to the cause of the issues I am researching.  Since the issue I am exploring is related to the decision people make to discontinue participation, it is important to gather feedback on what may have caused these decisions.
1.When conducting interviews why is it critical to develop specific interview questions?

When conducting interviews, it is critical to develop specific interview questions because in order for you data to mean anything, you have to be able to notice patterns in order to draw conclusions.  If you asked different questions in each interview, you would not be able to compare the data. 
1.Is it useful to include scaled questions (e.g., Likert scale such as 1 to 5) as part of your structured interview questions? Why or why not?

It is useful to include scaled questions as part of the structured interview questions, because it allows you to establish specific quantitative data.  It is difficult and sometimes impossible to categorize different responses to word based questions, into coherent groups.


  1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?
  2. The purpose of qualitative research is to gain an understanding of and insight into the setting of a problem. Quantitative research generalizes results of a data set a to answer a question or solve a problem.
  3. Given the topic you have chosen to study and assuming you were going to use a qualitative approach, which of the five designs (case, ethnography, phenomenological, grounded theory or content analysis) would be best suited to answer your research questions? Explain your decision.

A case study focuses on a particular program or event and the findings may not be generalizable. I think my questions, which look at a particular program within a small team, are best answered using the cast study approach.

  1. Review the approaches discussed in your text for collecting quantitative data and determine which(sampling, observation, or interview) might be best suited for your study .Explain your decision.

I think my quantitative data is going to be gathered by a combination of sampling and interviews. Sampling could be useful in understanding internal completion rates of projects and interviews could be useful in understanding satisfaction of external clients.

  1. When conducting interviews why is it critical to develop specific interview questions?

It’s essential to develop specific interview questions during interviews to structure the flow of dialog. Without specific questions that reflect the intention of the interview, the scope of the interview could be unclear and, in the end, unmet.

  1. Is it useful to include scaled questions (e.g., Likert scale such as 1 to 5) as part of your structured interview questions? Why or why not?

Not necessarily. Interviews are supposed to provide the research with information into their problem. They are typically unstructured and open-ended. Likert questions could prevent the expansion of dialog thus narrowing the conversation too much.

  1. Should open-ended questions be included? Why or why not?

They can be. If the intent is to get a better understanding into a problem, like the interview data collection procedure, open ended questions are probably best. Likert scale questions prevent the natural flow of dialog.

  1. What are useful data sources for conducting historical research?

Some primary data sources of historical research could be religious literature, cave paintings, ancient artefacts, inscriptions, etc.

Some secondary data sources of historical research could be any of the interpretations, translations or correlations of data written on behalf of the primary sources.

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

The purpose of qualitative research is to gain an understanding of and insight into the setting of a problem. Quantitative research generalizes results of a data set a to answer a question or solve a problem.
1.Given the topic you have chosen to study and assuming you were going to use a qualitative approach, which of the five designs (case, ethnography, phenomenological, grounded theory or content analysis) would be best suited to answer your research questions? Explain your decision.

A case study focuses on a particular program or event and the findings may not be generalizable. I think my questions, which look at a particular program within a small team, are best answered using the cast study approach.
1.Review the approaches discussed in your text for collecting quantitative data and determine which(sampling, observation, or interview) might be best suited for your study .Explain your decision.

I think my quantitative data is going to be gathered by a combination of sampling and interviews. Sampling could be useful in understanding internal completion rates of projects and interviews could be useful in understanding satisfaction of external clients.
1.When conducting interviews why is it critical to develop specific interview questions?

It’s essential to develop specific interview questions during interviews to structure the flow of dialog. Without specific questions that reflect the intention of the interview, the scope of the interview could be unclear and, in the end, unmet.
1.Is it useful to include scaled questions (e.g., Likert scale such as 1 to 5) as part of your structured interview questions? Why or why not?

Not necessarily. Interviews are supposed to provide the research with information into their problem. They are typically unstructured and open-ended. Likert questions could prevent the expansion of dialog thus narrowing the conversation too much.
1.Should open-ended questions be included? Why or why not?

They can be. If the intent is to get a better understanding into a problem, like the interview data collection procedure, open ended questions are probably best. Likert scale questions prevent the natural flow of dialog.
1.What are useful data sources for conducting historical research?

Some primary data sources of historical research could be religious literature, cave paintings, ancient artefacts, inscriptions, etc.

Some secondary data sources of historical research could be any of the interpretations, translations or correlations of data written on behalf of the primary sources.


Quantitative and qualitative research differs in that the former focuses on quantities while the latter focuses on qualities.  Specifically, quantitative research centers on known variables, numeric data and statistical analysis based on objectivity through established guidelines where validation is the main purpose.  Conversely, qualitative research concentrates on subjectivity through unknown variables, personal narratives, complexities in behaviors and phenomenon. 

My topic of study “the impact of mergers on employee morale and performance” may be best studied in either a case study or phenomenological study.  In case studies, a particular program is studied in depth for a period of time. In mergers it is clear that things change from the moment of merger announcement, through transition and after completion of the new combined entity.  Collecting data through observations and interviews of employees and leaders could help to answer the sub-question of “To what extent has the leadership team and communication impacted employee performance and morale?” specifically over time.  Phenomenological studies make an effort to understand human perspectives in a situation.  Interviews under this design would help to understand how employees feel about different factors that may be leading to decreased morale and performance.

A mix of data collection approaches might be optimal for this research.  Sampling when chosen correctly can accurately represent the population.  Sample employees and leaders alike could contribute valuable data to the research.  Similarly, observations of employee body language during meetings and other interactions can paint a vivid picture of feelings during a merger or other similar business situations.  Interviews can direct specific questions to obtain useful information to arrive at logical conclusions from the research.  Specific interview questions (including scaled questions) help to identify trends in participants’ answers and to draw conclusions more easily from trends identified.  Vague questions make it difficult to gain representative perspective of the population.  Open-ended questions afford participants the chance to cover any answers that may not have been flushed out in the structured questions.  There may be some valuable information that a participant can share by opening the door for candid comments and possible suggestions.


1. Qualitative research is the gathering of information that focuses on describing a phenomenon in a deep comprehensive manner. This is generally done in interviews, open-ended questions, or focus groups. Interviews can vary from being highly structured and guided by open-ended questions, or be less structured and take the form of a conversational interview. Qualitative research can require many resources and much time. The quantitative research is the gathering of information that focuses on describing a phenomenon across a larger number of participants; this approach surveys a large number of individuals and applies statistical techniques to recognize overall patterns in the relations of processes.

2. I will be utilizing the case study approach to answer my research question. The case study approach is defined as the research of particular individual, program or event studied in depth; with findings that may not be generalizable. This approach best describes my evaluation of the Sherwin-Williams amanagment training program, my research specifically centering on this organization. This approach requires that the researcher collect extensive data on the individual(s),  program(s), or event(s) on which the investigation is focused, which is the exact data I will be collecting for my research project The case study approach also requires data analysis and a research report, both key elements in me conducting my research problem project.

3. To collect quantitative data the sampling method will suit my research proposal best. The sampling data collection method is described as being nonrandom in selection of data sources and is purposeful. I will selectively sort through various research studies to help assess my research proposal and am conducting my research purposefully to solve my research problem.

4. When conducting interviews developing specific interview questions because surveys are descriptive research method. Asking specific interview questions ensures the relevancy and accuracy of your research.

5. It is useful to include scaled question in your interview to helps give an interview structure and researcher the ability to quantify candidate interview performance.  

6. Open-ended question should be included in interviews because they encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject’s own knowledge and/or feelings. Open-ended questions also tend to be more objective and less leading than closed-ended questions


1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research deals with the way something happens or things that exist in the natural world that are often hard to both quantify and identify variables. Some qualitative research focuses on behaviors, characteristics and human situations (Leedy, Ormrod & Sullivan, 2013, p. 96). Quantitative research typically deals with things that can be captured numerically, measure or tested etc. Each type of research has its own characteristics and considerations when collecting data and how it may be communicated. Quantitative research has known variables whose relationships are well established whereas qualitative research may have unknown variables whose relationships are not well defined (Leedy, Ormrod & Sullivan, 2013, p. 96). 

2. Given the topic you have chosen to study and assuming you were going to use a qualitative approach, which of the five designs would be best suited to answer your research questions? Explain your decision.

I do not think my research topic lends itself to a qualitative approach however, it might be beneficial to take a mixed approach. If I were to choose a qualitative approach for my research topic I would utilize a grounded theory study. I would obtain the data that naturally occurs within my organization as a byproduct of the training curriculum then categorize the data and identify relationships that could potentially improve program efficiency within the curriculum. I think the qualitative approach may benefit my research by addressing the human factors portion of the research problem.  Typically, human factors are difficult to quantify, so this type of approach might be helpful.

3. Review the approaches discussed in your text for collecting quantitative data and determine which might be best suited for your study? Explain your decision.

I think the majority of my research regarding my research topic is quantitative in nature. I think the observation study most appropriately fits the type of data I will analyze. Within the organization I work for, we employ a training syllabus which is designed to train a student within a prescribed amount of time. In this case, an observation study would center on the student and each training event and the variables that impact a student’s ability to complete within a certain amount of time would be evaluated as part of the observation study. Sampling might also be beneficial in order to determine connections between variables based on the data. The sample would include students within the training curriculum.

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My assignment is for English 1010 class about Organic Food Industry. seven resources are required, and I will provide them for the topic.
  • 15+ pages; Thirteen pages of writing and two pages of bibliographic citations.
  • Adhere to appropriate Literature Review guidelines.
  • Citations should follow a standard citation format.
  • MLA page and citation guidelines

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i’m gonna have to make a presentation as to how the problems i’m about to ask are gonna get solved as neatly and clearly as possible.

i solved these but

first off i dont if i’m right about the answers.

second off , since english is not my forte, it’s pretty overwhelming just thinking about me delivering a presentation.

somehow my proffeser thinks i’m good among those students he has but actually im the other way around in reality. i ‘ll have my profeser check the presentation before i really do

but i  don’t wanna let him down by not solving these properly and neatly.

so i suggest 10 bucks per 1 question. some are pretty hard but some are pretty easy.

i’ll look forward to your lovely answers

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Tchaikovsky and Women in Art” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

  • Select one (1) composition by Tchaikovsky that you enjoy. Describe the music and subject matter of that work, and explain why you enjoy it. Explain the key reasons why you believe that compositions by Tchaikovsky continue to be popular with contemporary orchestras and audiences. Passionate nationalism, like Tchaikovsky’s for Russia, could be a feature of Romantic art and music and in the arts of the late 1800s. Give primary examples of music today (besides national anthems) that is characterized by nationalism.
  • Select two (2) paintings depicting females by both a male artist and female artist named within the Explore section. Compare and contrast these two (2) depictions of women, and comment on any general tendencies that you detect among artists of that era in this respect. Compare this situation in the late 1800s to the way females are depicted in our own modern times, using at least one (1) specific modern example.



Artists’ Depictions of Women

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See attachment

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Memorable Speech

I want to have some fun with this next assignment. Now that we’ve broken the ice with introductions, we can let down our guard just a bit and ease into conversational, extemporaneous delivery.

No matter where your life takes you, at some point you’ll engage in conversation with a stranger, a business partner, or a customer about a previous job, an unusual experience or even your family. It will be your opportunity to “wow” them with a good story.

For this assignment, let’s pretend that you’re in that situation, and you want to WOW us with a good story! This speech is simply a well told memoir from your life. It should be interesting, it can be entertaining – but ultimately, I want it to be a story that you’re familiar with and enjoy telling. Treat us as if we were friends at a round-table discussion, and you want to tell us something that you know we’ll enjoy.

NOTE: Please note that this speech will be used in part for Week 3 peer review assignment, so you will be asked to post your speech to this discussion forum, and you will be asked to return to this discussion forum in week three to select two of your classmates’ speeches to peer review.


  1. Your speech should be 3-5 mins in length.
  2. Your speech should have a beginning, middle and an end. Introduce us to your situation, elaborate within the body, and conclude your tale
  3. Show enthusiasm and have fun with this assignment! Choose a story about an event that you have told before, one that was TRULY memorable.
  4. Be prepared. You may certainly write out your speech, but rehearse it so that you’re not reading your speech. Your eyes will indicate whether you’re talking to us or reading to us.

(this speech is to be presented on a webcam to the instructor by the tutor, who can represent, my husband..this is for his public speaking class that is online) If you do decide to tutor this assignment, I would like for you to continue to work with me through the remaining of this course for six weeks)

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How did the Protestant Reformation in England occur? What was the cause for the reformation? What events led to this change, and what impact did these changes have on England?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length. Also must use as a reference from Levack, B., Muir, E., & Veldman, M. (2011). The west: Encounters & transformations, vol. 1 (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Longman.

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Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

Some people believe that the right of privacy should be extended to the workplace. Others feel that, on the contrary, that such an extension would constitute an unwarranted incursion into the management’s right to manage.

1.  Please comment on this debate, using examples from the text discussion of electronic monitoring, romance in the workplace, employee drug testing, and employee honesty testing.

2.  Are there particular circumstances under which it is, or is not, appropriate for employers to monitor employee behavior? Discuss two (2).

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I need a forensic science research paper, all its requirements are attached separately on the attached documents. It’s up to you to choose the topic, fill out and complete the following documents

– choosing a topic

– write final draft here research paper

for references and more info on what has to be written check out all the other documents that include the rubric, model research paper, timeline, etc.

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