
Need the following form completed. Please follow the directions. Also I uploaded 2 sources that I want used for question 2 and 3. Please answer question 1 and use a source from a website.

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Games in the Classroom

Recall that one of the major benefits of using technology in the classroom is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson. Just as each student grows and develops at different rates, research tells us that students also learn in different ways. Jane McGonagall is an expert at differentiation through the use of games, which is sometimes described as a form of gamification. As featured in her engaging TED Talk (2010), Gaming can make a better world;  she discusses gamification in classroom contexts.

Create your assignment using the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, review the Week Two Instructor Guidance page and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications using the “Ask Your Instructor” discussion forum.

Compose a formal written response that addresses the following;

Content Instructions

  • Gamification Influences (1 point): Evaluate the potential influences gamification can have on teaching and learning.
  • Gamification and Motivation (1 point): Evaluate the science behind learner motivation and its connection with gamification.
  • Differentiation Support (2 points): Analyze how gamifying supports differentiated ways to teach and learn.
  • Technologies (1 point): Discuss how specific technologies and gamification are being used to enhance teaching and learning and motivate learners.

Written Communication Instructions

  • Length Requirement (1 point): Five to seven pages including the title and references pages.
  • Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
  • Source Requirement (1 point): Utilize at least three sources in addition to TED (2010) video. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
  • APA Formatting (1 point): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment. Refer to the Ashford University Writing Center for assistance with APA style and formatting or your copy of the APA Style Manual.


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Write a 450 word paper in which you discuss workplace violence from a current event or news-related article. Include the following in your paper:

  • Provide an overview of the specific workplace violence incident in the article.
  • List examples or sources of distress that may have caused the workplace violence.
  • Outline any related, underlying factors or history involving the workplace in question and any involved persons in the workplace violence.
  • Discuss current and future practices in response to workplace violence, victimization, and deterrence.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines including at least one peer reviewed reference.

ORIGINAL WORK ONLY, plagiarized material will be reported!

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pls open this. Thnx

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 If x <2, simplify,    |x – 2| – 4|-6|

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For this journal, you have two tasks:

Task 1: Indicate which character or historical figure you will investigate for your Week Two assignment, Week Three assignment, and your Final Paper. The character must be the same for each assignment, and you may not alter your choice after the conclusion of Week Two.

Review this list of movies or this list of historical case studies that are approved for use for this assignment.  You must choose from the provided lists.

Task 2: This week’s discussion forum and readings may have triggered some personal thoughts and feelings regarding abnormal psychology. One of the most important aspects of developing competence in abnormal psychology is to be honestly and completely aware of your personal attitudes toward people who have mental health conditions.

This 250- to 500-word journal entry is an opportunity for you to honestly reflect on your thoughts regarding abnormal psychology. For instance, what insights on bias or prejudice does this topic raise? What potential perception issues or conflicts between belief systems and knowledge sets might arise? Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to reflect.

This journal does not require you to share personal information about your mental health or the mental health of people you know. Psychology instructors cannot ask students to divulge this kind of information for grading. For further information see Standard 7.04 in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtful entry

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Discussion Question:


In this discussion, please reflect on your comprehension of financial management and knowledge gained from the media concerning financial real world activities and events occurring in the US.

  • What actions and behaviors of leaders and managers in corporations could influence the market value and price of stocks?
  • In reflecting on the creation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to increase accountability through new mandatory standards, what are some possible explanations as to why unethical conduct occurs in financial management?
  • What are some activities corporations can do to decrease overall unethical practices and promote good business ethics in the organization?

Student 1 Response to Discussion Question:

Hey Professor and Class,
One of the biggest actions of leaders & managers is within the companies finance. Making poor decisions reflects on the future growth of the company. Choosing high interest loans can result in a decrease in revenue. It would be hard to stay ahead and increase revenue if the money made is being applied to a negative balance. Price of stock can go both ways. If the stock has constant falls and limited rise, that can send off a negative view for investors. 

A possible explanation as to why unethical conduct occurs would be the convenience. It’s not right but you have companies that will overwork employees with minimum pay. Their goal is to increase productivity and revenue but at others expense. I honestly can’t think of any other reasons. Maybe, the cost is too much for the company to handle and they are in over their heads. 

Some activities corporations can do is taking time to create a practical plan. I think for smaller businesses starting off but have a gigantic budget that includes impossible tasks is not logical. To operate big, you must be open to a bigger budget and include possible failures. Within corporations, setting work standards and ensuring they are followed. Respecting employees needs and providing a safe environment. Managerial positions should set standards that they also follow. 

SHRM (April, 2014) Creating an Ethical Workplace Retrieved from
Strain, M (2016) Retrieved from

Stuedent Number 2 Response to Discussion Question:

Hello Class and Professor, 

What actions and behaviors of leaders and managers in corporations could influence the market value and price of stocks?

Stocks prices are influenced by many factors such as interest rates, inflation and political environment.  Influence based on the actions and behaviors of leaders and managers are those of corporate earnings, changes in management, news about competitors and whether they are taking business away from the company, new products and services and lawsuits.  As stated in an article on Max’s Investment World “Bottom line: try to avoid changing your investment behavior based on general factors affecting stocks as a whole and concentrate on the specific companies you own in your portfolio. Follow fundamental news about whether they are coming out with new products and services, innovating, keeping costs down, winning against competitors, finding talented employees, etc.”.

 In reflecting on the creation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to increase accountability through new mandatory standards, what are some possible explanations as to why unethical conduct occurs in financial management? 

 Ethical issues in the financial services industry affect everyone, because even if you do not work in the field, you are a consumer of the services.  Some possible explanations as to why unethical conduct occurs in financial management are self-interest, which sometimes morphs into greed and selfishness, which is unchecked self-interest at the expense of someone else. This greed becomes a kind of accumulation fever.  Some people suffer from stunted moral development, the failure to be taught, the failure to look beyond one’s own perspective, and the lack of proper mentoring, some people equate moral behavior with legal behavior, disregarding the fact that even though an action may not be illegal, it still may not be moral.  Also, professional duty can conflict with company demands; for example, a faulty reward system can induce unethical behavior and individual responsibility can wither under the demands of the client

 What are some activities corporations can do to decrease overall unethical practices and promote good business ethics in the organization? 

Some activities corporations can do to decrease overall unethical practices and promote good business ethics in the organizations are to create a code of conduct; a written code of conduct provides employees and managers with an overview of the type of conduct and behaviors the company expects. It outlines what behaviors are unacceptable and what measures are taken if an employee violates the code of conduct.  They can lead by example.  Employees look to business owners and managers for direction on how they should conduct themselves. As a business owner, make ethics-based decisions and monitor the individuals you put into leadership roles at your company for the same values. Reinforce consequences; business owners must hold their employees accountable when they act unethically.  Start by informing new employees of the rules during their orientation sessions. If an employee acts unethically, refer to the code of conduct and take the necessary measures to warn or terminate.  Show Employees Appreciation; loyal employees feel that a company values the hard work they put into accomplishing tasks on a daily basis. A loyal employee is less likely to act unethically. Show appreciation to the employees for work well done on a regular basis to encourage loyalty. Welcome an Ethics Speaker; schedule an ethics trainer to visit your work site to discuss ethical behavior and explain why it is important in organizations, regardless of the size or industry. Ethics trainers use role-playing, motivational speaking, videos and handouts to illustrate the importance of ethics in the workplace. Create checks and balances; Rather than putting related responsibilities in the hands of one employee, create a system of checks and balances to minimize the opportunities for unethical behavior and Hire for values; when business owners hire employees, many seek to bring on individuals who have the education and experience that prove they are skilled workers, capable of handling the tasks at hand. Employers who want to prevent unethical behavior also look at candidates’ values to ensure they mesh with the company’s culture.


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Designing a medical supply drop box

You have be hired as a consultant on a design challenge. Your job is to create and analyze the best design for a medical supply drop box. Each person in the group will design, build and test their own design and then the group will come together as a team to create a single technical report and poster to analyze the data and come up with the best final design. Remember, this medical supply drop box is just a rapid prototype of a much larger scale design that will be used to safely deliver medical supplies into hostile territory from a plane.


·  The drop box must not be more than 6 inches in height, width or depth.

·  You may use any materials you wish.

·  You cannot buy a kit, you must design from scratch.

·  You must be able to easily place a raw egg into the drop box and it must not be cracked, broken or compromised in any way when you drop it from a height of 7 feet.

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Term Paper: Write a 5-7 page paper on your personal family history, relating it to the

American history. If you have no sources for a personal family history, you may

write a 5-7 page paper on any topic in American history. If you choose the second

option, you must cite at least four scholarly sources (Chicago or Turabian style), by

which I mean scholarly articles or scholarly books. Encyclopedias don’t count.

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