
This assignment requires you to take your extended design from Week 4 IP and add proper indexes, a function, and a stored procedure. Your changes will provide functionality used by the teachers for screens such as a grade book. Be sure any code is properly formatted and has appropriate comments.

Part 1: Function

Write a user-defined function (UDF) that calculates a student’s GPA for a given time frame. Inputs are StudentId int, ClassStartDateStart datetime, and ClassStartDateEnd datetime. The output should be the student’s GPA for all classes that were taken between ClassStartDateStart and ClassStartDateEnd. Also, supply the script to call this new function, passing it parameter values of your choice.

Part 2: Stored Procedure

Write the DDL script to make a stored procedure that returns data needed to display a grade book screen for a professor. The only input for the stored procedure is a ClassId. Outputs need to include student names and grades for all assignments as well as a calculated overall grade for the class for each student. Provide an example calling this new stored procedure, passing it parameter values of your choice. Include a screenshot of the output.

Part 3: Indexes

Provide a list of suggested indexes and the DDL script to create them. Include an explanation of the purpose of indexes and how you made your decision for the fields to include in your list of suggested indexes.

Copy and paste the work into your Key Assignment document and include screen shots of each step, describe what you did for each step and paste in the actual SQL text used to perform each step. Upload your document to the Submitted Tasks.

Please submit your assignment.

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Quantitative Analysis for Management  12th Edition

Discussion Question

Benefits of Simulation – 150 words

Discuss the many costs that businesses face today.  Is it always practical to test new ideas via a ‘real life’ study – with participants, facilities, etc?  If not, how can a simulation be utilized to test ideas while keeping costs manageable?  

If a simulation is used, what steps are needed in order to have a successful model?

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Rewrite an essay about

ADVANCED DESIGN STUDIO class Reflection . i already write the essay , but i want rewrite gain. attached is my original  essay and the professor edit  .

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Introduction: The Course Project reinforces the basic principles of accounting and application of the accounting information system.

Overview and Guidelines: The Course Project has 10 requirements for you to complete. The Course Project template has all of the information you will need to complete the project. 
The template also includes: Detailed Project Instructions (with requirements) A reference list of October transactions A Chart of Accounts reference sheet A Grading Rubric to help explain what is expected. Each worksheet has the Check Figures embedded as a comment. 
To complete the Course Project: Complete Requirements 1-10 on the worksheets. Type your work directly into the worksheets. Save your workbook as “CourseProject_ ACCT212_YourLastName”.

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For this assignment, prepare a memo in Word, which answers the questions in the Chapter 5 case, S & S Air’s Mortgage, on page 165 of the textbook. Use Excel to do any financial calculations. You will be graded on correct financial analysis, proper use of technology, and business-like presentation.

(Please see attachment)

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Instruction: Write in summary ideas that YOU CONSIDER SIGNIFICANT LEARNING from the discussions on the topic below. Please write clearly in complete sentence .


























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Test the deductive validity of the following arguments: If you find that the arguments are deductively valid, then discuss their corresponding valid pattern. If you find them to be deductively invalid, then discuss why they are deductively invalid. Supply a missing premise if and when you think that this is right (not in the moral sense) thing to do.

I. All whales are mammals. 

   All mammals have lungs.

  Therefore, all whales have lungs.

II.   If I owned all the gold in Fort Knox, then I would be wealthy.  

      I do own all the gold in Fort Knox.

     Therefore, I am wealthy.

III. If I owned all the gold in Fort Knox, then I would be wealthy.  

       I am wealthy.

     Therefore, I own all the gold in Fort Knox.

IV. I think. Therefore, I am. 

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what is a documentary?

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Deploying and & Using Windows Virtualization

You were hired as a consultant to analyze an existing Windows Server environment in a utilizing Windows Server 2003 and 2008. The local IT administrator has heard about virtualization and cloud technology and wants to know how his company’s network can be upgrade to use the latest technology while keeping costs to a minimum. You recommend Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V.

Research and design a solution for this company.

  • Use Visio (or similar software) to depict your design.
  • In 2–3 pages, complete the following:
    • How will the domain controller be upgraded based on best practice?
    • State how the use of Hyper-V virtualization will allow different systems to be deployed while keeping costs to a minimum.
    • Explain virtual host and guest sessions.
    • Explain minimum hardware requirements for implementing Windows Server 2012 virtualization.
    • 2–3 pages Word Document and Visio diagram

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* Instructor’s Requirement:

Read the article â€œDecoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System” and answer the question below.

The three pillars of Toyota Production System (TPS) are (1) Continuous improvement; (2) Employee empowerment (respect for people); and (3) Standardization / Standard work practices.

Based on the article, explain how these three practices are operationalized (i.e. put into practice) at Toyota?


Your response has to be comprehensive. One line responses for each will not suffice.

You should not be copying and pasting sentences from the article. Understand the concepts from the article and provide responses in your own words.

This assignment minimum 1 page; single spaced.

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