
The internet has open new possibilities in expressing ourselves and learning new things. While the internet and social media are great tools to use, they provide ways for individuals to take advantage of people. The growing technology of cell phones allows people to not only connect to each other but to their online profiles as well. They share photos, videos, personal information, and etc. (Smith-Mason, 2011). If Facebook has told us anything, people are filmed and talked about all the time but it does not make it right.

The three scenarios in this week’s resources show that social media is an open market where no one is safe. Although ones permission should be asked before taking photos or a video of someone, it is not against the law but can cause personal harm such as in all the scenarios (Audal, Lu & Roman, 2008). Scenario 1 was about cyber bullying and could have led to suicide (Laureate Education, 2011); which also happens in cases of sexting. Jesse Logan was harassed and embarrassed by her photos being posted; resulting in her suicide (Barkacs & Barkacs, 2010). In Scenario 2 a woman’s photograph was distributed without her permission and in the end it is safe to say she felt violated (Laureate Education, 2011).

Scenario 3 could have resulted in the loss of a job or criminal charges; the viewers could have been witnessing a lover’s quarrel for all they knew (Laureate Education, 2011). All of these scenarios are taken in a public place. Does anyone really have a right to privacy in a public place? Yes and no. They may feel they have a right to privacy in a public place but in this day and age, nothing is private. The right to speak or make comments anonymously is protected under the First Amendment (Martin, Caramanica, & Fargo, 2011). The exception to this is when the defamation of someone’s character is made or reputation is harmed (Martin, Caramanica, & Fargo, 2011). In cases such as this lawsuits can be filed for damages.

Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least one reference…..

·  Ask a probing question.

·  Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.

·  Offer and support an opinion.

·  Validate an idea with your own experience.

·  Make a suggestion.

·  Expand on your colleague’s posting.

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