Access to maternal child health programs and services (crisis pregnancy center, support groups, prenatal care, maternity leave, etc.).

Access to maternal child health programs and services (crisis pregnancy center, support groups, prenatal care, maternity leave, etc.).

Project description
This is a group project about communities and the different aspects of the community. The community selected is San Diego, California.

The portions of the project that I need to come out with are the following

? Interaction of community members (e.g., friendliness, openness, bullying, prejudices, etc.).
? Vulnerable populations:
o Why are they vulnerable?
o How does this impact health?
? Power groups (church council, student council, administration, PTA, and gangs):
o How do they hold power?
o Positive or negative influence on community?
? Harassment policies/discrimination policies.
? Relationship with broader community:
o Police
o Fire/EMS (response time)
o Other (food drives, blood drives, missions, etc.)

? Relationships and behavior among community members.
? Educational offerings/programs (e.g., growth and development, STD/AIDS education, contraception, abstinence, etc.).
? Access to birth control.
? Birth rates, abortions, and miscarriages (if applicable).
? Access to maternal child health programs and services (crisis pregnancy center, support groups, prenatal care, maternity leave, etc.).

? Delinquency/violence issues.
? Crime issues/indicators.
? Poverty issues/indicators.
? CPS or APS abuse referrals: Compare with previous years.
? Drug abuse rates, alcohol use, and abuse: Compare with previous years.
? Stressors.
? Stress management resources (e.g., hotlines, support groups, etc.).
? Prevalent mental health issues/concerns:
o How does the community deal with mental health issues
o Mental health professionals within community and usage
? Disaster planning:
o Past disasters
o Drills (what, how often)
o Planning committee (members, roles)
o Policies
o Crisis intervention plan


smilesmile. .


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